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  5. Ethiopian birr

Ethiopian birr Information

ISO 4217ETB (230)

Ethiopian birr Exchange rate (28 March 2022)

Here are the current exchange rate of Ethiopian birr with other current major currency.

€ 1= ETB 57.78015ETB 1 = € 0.017307
$US$US 1= ETB 51.515826ETB 1 = $US 0.019412
£UK£UK 1= ETB 68.999463ETB 1 = £UK 0.014493
C$C$ 1= ETB 40.335183ETB 1 = C$ 0.024792
$AU$AU 1= ETB 37.179171ETB 1 = $AU 0.026897
¥JP¥JP 1= ETB 0.445697ETB 1 = ¥JP 2.243677

Ethiopian birr Country

List of countries with Ethiopian birr as its official currency.

Ethiopian birr Page

Direct link
Ethiopian birr Data (2018)
  • Country : 1
  • Area : 1,127,127 km²
  • Population : 94,138,000
  • Population Density : 83.5 /km²