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  5. Pound sterling

Pound sterling Information

ISO 4217GBP (826)
Pound sterling Currency sign£UK

Pound sterling Exchange rate (28 March 2022)

Here are the current exchange rate of Pound sterling with other current major currency.

€ 1= £UK 0.8374£UK 1 = € 1.194172
$US$US 1= £UK 0.746612£UK 1 = $US 1.339384
C$C$ 1= £UK 0.584572£UK 1 = C$ 1.710653
$AU$AU 1= £UK 0.538833£UK 1 = $AU 1.855863
¥JP¥JP 1= £UK 0.006459£UK 1 = ¥JP 154.822728
CHFCHF 1= £UK 0.805347£UK 1 = CHF 1.241701

Pound sterling Country

List of countries with Pound sterling as its official currency.

Pound sterling Dependencies

Pound sterling Page

Direct link
Pound sterling Data (2018)
  • Country : 2
  • Dependencies : 1
  • Area : 14,443,880 km²
  • Population : 66,466,003
  • Population Density : 4.6 /km²
  • Length of coastline : 31,095 km²