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Country | Argentina |
Province | San Luis |
Department | La Capital |
Juana Koslay Administration
Juana Koslay Code | SLU023 |
Juana Koslay Post code | 5701 |
Juana Koslay Mayor | Alberto Andres VALLONE |
Juana Koslay Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Juana Koslay? Here are all the details of Juana Koslay available below.
Juana Koslay Postal address | Ruta 20 Km. 11 5701 EL CHORRILLO Argentina |
Juana Koslay Phone number | 2664490251 International: +54 2664490251 |
Juana Koslay Email address | [email protected] |
Juana Koslay Website | |
Other information | Municipalidades en Argentina : Juana Koslay |
Juana Koslay Birth certificate, Juana Koslay Death certificate |
Juana Koslay Demography
Information on the people and the population of Juana Koslay.
Juana Koslay Population | 12,467 inhabitants |
Juana Koslay Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Juana Koslay.
Juana Koslay Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -33.2863, Longitude: -66.2517 33° 17′ 11″ South, 66° 15′ 6″ West |
Juana Koslay Altitude | 809 m (2,654 ft) |
Juana Koslay Climate | Semi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSk) |
Juana Koslay Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Juana Koslay and the biggest cities of Argentina.
Buenos Aires 742 km | La Matanza 727 km | Córdoba 285 km closest |
Rosario 522 km | La Plata 786 km | Mar del Plata 945 km |
Lomas de Zamora 743 km | Quilmes 754 km | Almirante Brown 745 km |
San Miguel de Tucumán 727 km | Merlo 711 km | Salta 949 km |
Juana Koslay Map
Locate simply the city of Juana Koslay through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Juana Koslay Nearby cities and villages
Las Chacras 4.4 km | El Volcán 7.8 km | Potrero de Los Funes 7.9 km |
San Luis 8.1 km | La Punta 16 km | Estancia Grande 16.4 km |
Juana Koslay Zone
Time zone of Juana Koslay.
Juana Koslay Local time | |
Juana Koslay Time zone | UTC -4:00 (America/Argentina/San_Luis) Summer time UTC -3:00 Winter time UTC -3:00 |
Juana Koslay Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Juana Koslay.
Juana Koslay Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Juana Koslay.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
7 January | 10:24 - 17:31 - 00:38 | 09:56 - 01:06 | 09:21 - 01:41 | 08:43 - 02:19 |
8 January | 10:25 - 17:31 - 00:38 | 09:57 - 01:06 | 09:22 - 01:41 | 08:44 - 02:18 |
9 January | 10:26 - 17:32 - 00:38 | 09:57 - 01:06 | 09:23 - 01:41 | 08:45 - 02:18 |
10 January | 10:27 - 17:32 - 00:38 | 09:58 - 01:06 | 09:24 - 01:41 | 08:47 - 02:18 |
11 January | 10:27 - 17:33 - 00:38 | 09:59 - 01:06 | 09:25 - 01:40 | 08:48 - 02:17 |
12 January | 10:28 - 17:33 - 00:38 | 10:00 - 01:06 | 09:26 - 01:40 | 08:49 - 02:17 |
13 January | 10:29 - 17:33 - 00:37 | 10:01 - 01:05 | 09:27 - 01:40 | 08:50 - 02:17 |
Juana Koslay Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Juana Koslay classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
La Posada Koslayna Potrero de los Funes Comfortable rooms with garden views are offered in a quiet area 5 km off Potrero de los Funes. Regional dishes are available at the restaurant and guests can make use of a library of movies and books... view more | from $US 54 | |
Hotel Potrero De Los Funes Potrero de los Funes Featuring a pool, a sauna and a spa, Hotel Potrero De Los Funes offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and plasma TVs in Potrero de los Funes. A restaurant and common BBQ facilities are featured. It is located by the lake, 3 km from the city centre... view more | from $US 83 | |
Complejo Las Lilas Potrero de los Funes Featuring a garden and an outdoor swimming pool, Complejo Las Lilas offers self-catering accommodation with free Wi-Fi and BBQ facilities in Potrero de los Funes. The A14 International Car Race Circuit is 300 metres away... view more | from $US 66 | |
Cabañas Brisa del Lago Potrero de los Funes An outdoor swimming pool and practical bungalow accommodation can be enjoyed in Potrero de los Funes, right in front of the lake and right next to Potrero de los Funes racing track. Wi-Fi is free... view more | ||
Cabañas Aitue Potrero de los Funes Offering an outdoor swimming pool, Cabañas Aitue is located in a quiet area of Potrero de los Funes, 1.5 km from the commercial circuit. Bungalows have lake views. Free Wi-Fi access is available... view more | from $US 102 | |
More Hotels » |
Juana Koslay Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Juana Koslay and its surroundings.
Monumento San Martín 2.5 km | Cerro de la Aguada 7 km | El Retiro 9.6 km |
Pozo del Molle 10.6 km | Estancia Puquios 10.6 km | Chacra El Sol de Mayo 10.6 km |
El Talar 10.8 km | Estancia Grande 11 km | Estancia Santa Marcelina 11.2 km |
Santa Elena 13.3 km | Cerro Valle de Piedra 13.4 km | Estancia San José 15.3 km |
Alto Redondo 15.6 km | El Porvenir 15.7 km | Cerro Alto 16.6 km |
Cerro Lince 16.6 km | Estancia La Estrella 17.2 km | Boca de Tigre 17.4 km |
Estancia Talita 17.5 km | Estancia La Cortadera 17.8 km | Alto Grande 18.2 km |
Estancia Santa Dionisia 18.2 km | Chacritas Viejas 18.2 km | La Toma 18.7 km |
Pozo Escondido 18.8 km | Alto Blanco 19 km | Los Mimbres 19.4 km |
Cerro Retama 20.2 km | Cerro Lince Chico 20.5 km | El Quebracho 20.6 km |
Juana Koslay Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Juana Koslay /5 (2018-04-06 01:00:00) |