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  11. Hunter's Hill

Hunter's Hill

Hunter's Hill Localisation : Country Australia, State New South Wales.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ryde, Canada Bay and Willoughby.


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Update data

Hunter's Hill Administration

Hunter's Hill Post code2110
Hunter's Hill MayorSusan Hoopmann

Hunter's Hill Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Hunter's Hill? Here are all the details of Hunter's Hill available below.

Hunter's Hill Postal address22 Alexandra Street
Hunters Hill NSW 2110
Hunter's Hill Phone number02 9879 9400
International: +61 2 9879 9400
Hunter's Hill Fax number02 9809 7338
International: +61 2 9809 7338
Hunter's Hill Email address[email protected]
Hunter's Hill Websitewww.huntershill.nsw.gov.au
Hunter's Hill Birth certificate, Hunter's Hill Death certificate

Hunter's Hill Demography

Information on the people and the population of Hunter's Hill.

Hunter's Hill Population14,467 inhabitants
Hunter's Hill Population Density2,411.2 /km² (6,244.9 /sq mi)

Hunter's Hill Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Hunter's Hill.

Hunter's Hill Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -33.8167, Longitude: 151.133
33° 49′ 0″ South, 151° 7′ 59″ East
Hunter's Hill Area600 hectares
6.00 km² (2.32 sq mi)
Hunter's Hill Altitude7 m (23 ft)
Hunter's Hill ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Hunter's Hill Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Hunter's Hill and the biggest cities of Australia.

Brisbane 730 kmGold Coast 682 kmMoreton Bay 749 km
Canberra 248 kmSunshine Coast 819 kmBlacktown 21 km closest
Logan 713 kmCasey 707 kmSutherland 25 km
Greater Geelong 778 kmWollongong 71 kmLake Macquarie 99 km

Hunter's Hill Map

Locate simply the city of Hunter's Hill through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Hunter's Hill Nearby cities and villages

Ryde 3.1 kmCanada Bay 4 kmWilloughby 6.2 km
North Sydney 6.5 kmKu-ring-gai 7.2 kmStrathfield 7.3 km
Ashfield 7.4 kmLeichhardt 7.6 kmLane Cove 7.6 km
Burwood 8 kmSydney 8.3 kmMarrickville 9.4 km

Hunter's Hill Zone

Time zone of Hunter's Hill.

Hunter's Hill Local time
Hunter's Hill Time zoneUTC +10:00 (Australia/Sydney)
Summer time UTC +10:00
Winter time UTC +11:00

Hunter's Hill Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Hunter's Hill.

Hunter's Hill Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Hunter's Hill.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
6 January19:52 - 03:01 - 10:1019:23 - 10:3818:48 - 11:14 18:09 - 11:52
7 January19:53 - 03:01 - 10:1019:24 - 10:3818:49 - 11:14 18:11 - 11:52
8 January19:53 - 03:02 - 10:1019:25 - 10:3818:50 - 11:13 18:12 - 11:52
9 January19:54 - 03:02 - 10:1019:26 - 10:3818:51 - 11:13 18:13 - 11:51
10 January19:55 - 03:02 - 10:1019:27 - 10:3818:52 - 11:13 18:14 - 11:51
11 January19:56 - 03:03 - 10:1019:28 - 10:3818:53 - 11:13 18:15 - 11:51
12 January19:57 - 03:03 - 10:0919:29 - 10:3818:54 - 11:13 18:16 - 11:50

Hunter's Hill Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Hunter's Hill classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Linley HouseLinley House

Offering free Wi-Fi, free continental breakfast and free on-site parking, Linley House is located across from Lane Cove River where guests can enjoy fishing, kayaking and scenic walks... view more
$AU 100
Hotel Quest North RydeQuest North Ryde

Quest North Ryde is in a natural bushland setting, next to Lane Cove National Park. It offers an outdoor heated swimming pool, hot tub and fitness centre. North Ryde Quest has a range of studio, 1 and 2-bedroom serviced apartments... view more
$AU 127
Hotel Metro Inn RydeMetro Inn Ryde

Featuring an outdoor swimming pool, a restaurant and a barbecue area, Metro Inn Ryde is 30 minutes’ drive from Sydney’s city centre. Free parking is available on site... view more
$AU 109
Hotel Palace Hotel Mortlake SydneyPalace Hotel Mortlake Sydney
Offering an on-site restaurant and bar, Palace Hotel Mortlake Sydney is a 10-minute drive from Sydney Olympic Park. Guests here enjoy free parking. Accommodation includes a flat-screen TV, a small refrigerator and a shared bathroom with a toilet... view more
$AU 85
Hotel Courtyard by Marriott Sydney-North RydeCourtyard by Marriott Sydney-North Ryde

Courtyard By Marriott At North Ryde offers spacious rooms with views of Lane Cove National Park and the Talavera Business Park. Guests have access to business facilities and a 24-hour fully equipped fitness centre... view more
$AU 124
More Hotels »

Hunter's Hill Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Hunter's Hill and its surroundings.

Linley Point 2.2 kmTarban Creek Bridge 2.6 kmHuntleys Point 2.9 km
Gladesville Bridge 3.2 kmFive Dock Point 3.3 kmNewcombe Point 3.4 km
Wrights Point 3.5 kmArtarmon 4.6 kmClarkes Point 4.8 km
Pulpit Point 4.9 kmCockatoo Island 4.9 kmSpectacle Island 4.9 km
Onions Point 4.9 kmChatswood 5 kmEastwood 5 km
Gordon 5 kmSnapper Island 5.1 kmBirkenhead Point 5.2 km
Greenwich Point 5.3 kmLindfield 5.3 kmWhite Horse Point 5.4 km
Sommerville Point 5.5 kmRodd Island 5.6 kmRobinsons Point 5.7 km
Rodd Point 5.7 kmSaint Leonards 5.8 kmManns Point 5.8 km
Roseville 5.9 kmKillara 6 kmLong Nose Point 6.1 km

Hunter's Hill Page

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DB-City.comHunter's Hill 4.7/5 (2010-12-17 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page