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  11. São Caetano

São Caetano

São Caetano Localisation : Country Brazil, State Pernambuco.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Tacaimbó, Altinho and Caruaru.


Find all the information of São Caetano or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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São Caetano Administration

São Caetano Code (IBGE)2613107
São Caetano Post code55130

São Caetano Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of São Caetano? Here are all the details of São Caetano available below.

São Caetano Postal addressPça. Josué Gomes, S/N
55130-000 - São Caitano - PE
São Caetano Phone number(81) 3736-1149
International: +55 81 3736-1149
São Caetano Fax number(81) 3736-1149
International: +55 81 3736-1149
São Caetano Email address[email protected]
São Caetano Websitewww.saocaetano.pe.gov.br
Other informationCidade Brasil : São Caetano
São Caetano Birth certificate, São Caetano Death certificate

São Caetano Demography

Information on the people and the population of São Caetano.

São Caetano Population37,245 inhabitants
São Caetano Population Density97.4 /km² (252.2 /sq mi)

São Caetano Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of São Caetano.

São Caetano Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -8.33, Longitude: -36.1459
8° 19′ 48″ South, 36° 8′ 45″ West
São Caetano Area38,246 hectares
382.46 km² (147.67 sq mi)
São Caetano Altitude588 m (1,929 ft)
São Caetano ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: As)

São Caetano Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between São Caetano and the biggest cities of Brazil.

São Paulo 2030 kmRio de Janeiro 1789 kmBrasilia 1527 km
Salvador, Bahia 578 kmFortaleza 578 kmBelo Horizonte 1531 km
Manaus 2707 kmCuritiba 2358 kmRecife 143 km closest
Goiânia 1700 kmBelém 1569 kmPorto Alegre 2882 km

São Caetano Map

Locate simply the city of São Caetano through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

São Caetano Nearby cities and villages

Tacaimbó 15.9 kmAltinho 19.6 kmCaruaru 19.7 km
Cachoeirinha 19.9 km

São Caetano Zone

Time zone of São Caetano.

São Caetano Local time
São Caetano Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Recife)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

São Caetano Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of São Caetano.

São Caetano Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to São Caetano.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
20 March09:28 - 15:31 - 21:3509:07 - 21:5608:43 - 22:20 08:19 - 22:44
21 March09:28 - 15:31 - 21:3409:07 - 21:5508:43 - 22:19 08:19 - 22:44
22 March09:28 - 15:31 - 21:3409:07 - 21:5508:43 - 22:19 08:19 - 22:43
23 March09:28 - 15:31 - 21:3309:07 - 21:5408:43 - 22:18 08:19 - 22:43
24 March09:28 - 15:30 - 21:3309:07 - 21:5408:43 - 22:18 08:18 - 22:42
25 March09:28 - 15:30 - 21:3209:07 - 21:5308:43 - 22:17 08:18 - 22:42
26 March09:28 - 15:30 - 21:3209:07 - 21:5208:43 - 22:17 08:18 - 22:41

São Caetano Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in São Caetano classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel VictóriaHotel Victória
Located 2 km from Caruaru Bus Terminal, Hotel Victória offers practical accommodation with free Wi-Fi and a 24-hour reception. Guests can enjoy drinks at the bar and make use the luggage storage... view more
R$ 60
Hotel Citi Hotel ResidenceCiti Hotel Residence

This modern hotel offers stylish accommodation 3 km from central Caruaru. Facilities include an outdoor pool and a modern gym, while Wi-Fi and parking and both provided free of charge... view more
R$ 130
Hotel Hotel Village Premium CaruaruHotel Village Premium Caruaru

Within 5 km of Caruaru’s Commercial Centre and Alto de Moura Crafts distric, Hotel Village Caruaru offers spacious accommodation with air conditioning and free Wi-Fi. There is a pool, gym and restaurant on site... view more
R$ 135
Hotel BR Palace HotelBR Palace Hotel

This practical hotel is just 500 metres from Caruaru bus station and the BR-104 road. It offers both free Wi-Fi and complimentary parking and a handy room service option... view more
R$ 79
Hotel Caruaru Park HotelCaruaru Park Hotel

Featuring a pool, playground and a game-room with table tennis and billiards, this hotel is 2 km from Caruaru centre. It offers free Wi-Fi and a daily buffet breakfast at the restaurant... view more
R$ 120
More Hotels »

São Caetano Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in São Caetano and its surroundings.

Serra do Catimbó 8.9 kmSerra do Milho 11.8 kmSerra das Cruanhas 12.1 km
Morro das Cabanas 15.4 kmSerra Grande 17.1 kmSerra da Queimada 17.1 km
Serra Mandacuru 23.8 kmSerra Mandacaru 23.8 kmSerra Tacaité 25 km
Serra do Alazão 25.7 kmSerra das Flores 25.9 kmSerra do Cafundó 26.2 km
Serra da Maniçoba 26.7 kmCaruara 27.6 kmBelo Jardim 28.1 km
Pontal de Candeias 28.8 km

São Caetano Page

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