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  11. Luís Correia

Luís Correia

Luís Correia Localisation : Country Brazil, State Piauí.
Available Information : Postal address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Parnaíba and Ilha Grande.


Find all the information of Luís Correia or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Luís Correia Administration

Luís Correia Code (IBGE)2205706
Luís Correia Post code64220

Luís Correia Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Luís Correia? Here are all the details of Luís Correia available below.

Luís Correia Postal addressAv. Sen. Joaquim Pires, 261 - Centro
64220-000 - Luís Correia - PI
Luís Correia Phone numberNot available
Luís Correia Email addressNot available
Luís Correia Websitewww.luiscorreia.pi.gov.br
Other informationCidade Brasil : Luís Correia
Luís Correia Birth certificate, Luís Correia Death certificate

Luís Correia Demography

Information on the people and the population of Luís Correia.

Luís Correia Population30,311 inhabitants
Luís Correia Population Density28.3 /km² (73.3 /sq mi)

Luís Correia Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Luís Correia.

Luís Correia Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -2.89636, Longitude: -41.6591
2° 53′ 47″ South, 41° 39′ 33″ West
Luís Correia Area107,092 hectares
1,070.92 km² (413.48 sq mi)
Luís Correia Altitude13 m (43 ft)
Luís Correia ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

Luís Correia Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Luís Correia and the biggest cities of Brazil.

São Paulo 2361 kmRio de Janeiro 2233 kmBrasilia 1590 km
Salvador, Bahia 1174 kmFortaleza 358 km closestBelo Horizonte 1900 km
Manaus 2042 kmCuritiba 2637 kmRecife 945 km
Goiânia 1745 kmBelém 778 kmPorto Alegre 3184 km

Luís Correia Map

Locate simply the city of Luís Correia through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Luís Correia Nearby cities and villages

Parnaíba 13.1 kmIlha Grande 17.3 km

Luís Correia Zone

Time zone of Luís Correia.

Luís Correia Local time
Luís Correia Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Fortaleza)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Luís Correia Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Luís Correia.

Luís Correia Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Luís Correia.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
16 March09:51 - 15:55 - 21:5809:30 - 22:1909:06 - 22:43 08:42 - 23:07
17 March09:51 - 15:54 - 21:5809:30 - 22:1909:06 - 22:43 08:42 - 23:07
18 March09:51 - 15:54 - 21:5809:30 - 22:1809:06 - 22:42 08:42 - 23:06
19 March09:50 - 15:54 - 21:5709:30 - 22:1809:06 - 22:42 08:42 - 23:06
20 March09:50 - 15:53 - 21:5709:29 - 22:1709:05 - 22:42 08:41 - 23:06
21 March09:50 - 15:53 - 21:5609:29 - 22:1709:05 - 22:41 08:41 - 23:05
22 March09:50 - 15:53 - 21:5609:29 - 22:1709:05 - 22:41 08:41 - 23:05

Luís Correia Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Luís Correia classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel AmarraçãoHotel Amarração

Luiz Correia
Just 50 metres from Praia do Atalaia Beach, this hotel features modern interiors and a regional restaurant, plus a large swimming pool. Rooms offer free Wi-Fi and free parking... view more
R$ 228
Hotel Hotel AmaroHotel Amaro

Luiz Correia
Centrally located in Luis Correia, Amaro is 2 km from Atalaia Beach and offers a daily buffet breakfast. The 24-hour reception arranges tour information and room service. Parking is free... view more
R$ 149
Hotel Rio Poty Hotel PraiaRio Poty Hotel Praia

Luiz Correia
Situated in an ecological nature reserve, Rio Poty offers practical rooms overlooking a large outdoor pool and terrace. Situated in downtown Luiz Correia, it features free Wi-Fi and complimentary parking... view more
R$ 270
Hotel Atalaia PousadaAtalaia Pousada
Luiz Correia
Located in front of Atalaia Beach, Atalaia Pousada features a terrace, 24-hour front desk and air-conditioned rooms. The city centre of Luiz Correia is a 5-minute drive away. The classic-style rooms feature a minibar and flat-screen TV... view more
R$ 100
Hotel Oca na Praia PousadaOca na Praia Pousada
Luiz Correia
Sitting in Macapá´s beachfront and boasting a restaurant with regional cuisine, Oca na Praia Pousada offers rustic-styled as well as homely atmosphere... view more
R$ 120
More Hotels »

Luís Correia Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Luís Correia and its surroundings.

Farol Amarração 2.2 kmSalina Bela Mina 2.3 kmPonta Atalaia 2.7 km
Ponta Atalhia 2.7 kmParnaíba 8.2 kmPonta Itaqui 12.1 km
Ponta da Pedra do Sal 13 kmIlha Grande 19.1 kmIlha Grande de Santa Izabel 19.1 km
Ilha Grande de Santa Isabel 19.1 kmIlha dos Poções 21.5 kmIlha das Batatas 22.4 km
Ilha da Trindade 23.3 kmIlha do Meio 23.8 kmIlha do Guará 23.9 km
Ilha do Guirindó 24.5 kmBaía das Canárias 24.7 kmIlha do Goiabal 25.5 km
Farol das Canárias 26.7 kmIlha de Manguinho 28.7 km

Luís Correia Page

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