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Перник Administration
Перник Code | PER32 |
Перник Post code | 2300 |
Перник Mayor | Rosica Yanakieva |
Перник Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Перник? Here are all the details of Перник available below.
Перник Postal address | ul.Sv. Ivan Rilski 1 Pernik България |
Перник Phone number | 076/60 29 33 International: +359 76 60 29 33 |
Перник Email address | Not available |
Перник Website | Not available |
Перник Birth certificate, Перник Death certificate |
Перник Demography
Information on the people and the population of Перник.
Перник Population | 98,980 inhabitants |
Перник Population Density | 207.3 /km² (537.0 /sq mi) |
Перник Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Перник.
Перник Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 42.6, Longitude: 23.033 42° 36′ 0″ North, 23° 1′ 59″ East |
Перник Area | 47,740 hectares 477.40 km² (184.33 sq mi) |
Перник Altitude | 706 m (2,316 ft) |
Перник Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Перник Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Перник and the biggest cities of Bulgaria.
Перник Map
Locate simply the city of Перник through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Перник Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Перник has international agreements with its different pairings.
Перник Zone
Time zone of Перник.
Перник Local time | |
Перник Time zone | UTC +2:00 (Europe/Sofia) Summer time UTC +3:00 Winter time UTC +2:00 |
Перник Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Перник.
Перник Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Перник.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
31 December | 06:57 - 11:31 - 16:04 | 06:25 - 16:36 | 05:50 - 17:11 | 05:16 - 17:45 |
1 January | 06:57 - 11:31 - 16:05 | 06:25 - 16:37 | 05:50 - 17:12 | 05:16 - 17:46 |
2 January | 06:57 - 11:31 - 16:06 | 06:26 - 16:37 | 05:50 - 17:13 | 05:16 - 17:47 |
3 January | 06:57 - 11:32 - 16:07 | 06:26 - 16:38 | 05:50 - 17:14 | 05:16 - 17:48 |
4 January | 06:57 - 11:32 - 16:07 | 06:26 - 16:39 | 05:50 - 17:15 | 05:16 - 17:49 |
5 January | 06:57 - 11:33 - 16:08 | 06:26 - 16:40 | 05:50 - 17:15 | 05:16 - 17:50 |
6 January | 06:57 - 11:33 - 16:09 | 06:26 - 16:41 | 05:50 - 17:16 | 05:16 - 17:50 |
Перник Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Перник classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Struma Hotel Pernik The Struma Hotel is located in the centre of the city of Pernik, 20 km west of Sofia. It features en-suite rooms with cable TV, a restaurant with a terrace and a beauty parlour... view more | from € 30 | |
Hotel Elit Pernik Pernik’s Hotel Elit offers rooms with free Wi-Fi, air conditioning, an LCD TV, and a private bathroom with a shower and hairdryer. Private parking is also available on site free of charge... view more | from € 25 | |
Discret Hotel Vladaya At Vladaya’s southern end, in the foothills of the Vitosha, Mountain Discret Hotel offers a restaurant, free WiFi and rooms with a balcony. Breakfast, pizza, fresh fish and Bulgarian dishes are served at the restaurant... view more | from € 15 | |
The Bird House Villa Bosnek Located at the foot of Mount Vitosha in Bosnek, the Bird House Villa is 35 km from Sofia and just 1 km from the Duhlata Cave. It features a balcony, a terrace, and free WiFi... view more | from € 155 | |
Kralsko Selo Complex Stefanovo Located in Stefanovo Village, Kralsko Selo Complex offers air-conditioned rooms with free WiFi. Free private parking is possible on site. Each room features a flat-screen TV with cable channels and a bathroom with a shower or a hot tub... view more | from € 25 | |
More Hotels » |
Перник Transport
Trolleybus |
Sofia Airport 32.3 km | Skopje "Alexander the Great" Airport 136.3 km | Niš Constantine the Great Airport 126.3 km |
Перник Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Перник and its surroundings.
Pernishka Kotlovina 2.3 km | Gara Kutsiyan 2.8 km | Dimitrovo Razpredeliltelna 2.8 km |
Vetrushka 3.9 km | Golo Bŭrdo 6.2 km | Planina Golo Berdo 6.2 km |
Golo Brdo 6.2 km | Lyulin 8.5 km | Liulin 8.5 km |
Buchinski Prokhod 11.1 km | Dupevitsa 12.3 km | Ushi Preslap 12.4 km |
Grakhovo 13.3 km | Graovo 13.3 km | Krapez 13.3 km |
Krapets 13.3 km | Krapec 13.3 km | Prokhod Vladayski 13.5 km |
Vladayski Prolom 13.5 km | Cherna Gora 15 km | Tumba 15.1 km |
Kitka 15.1 km | Pchelintsi 15.5 km | Ptschelinzi 15.5 km |
Tichak 16.5 km | Breznishka Kotlovina 18.4 km | Vitosha 18.6 km |
Witoscha 18.6 km | Rudina 20.5 km | Sirishtnishka Rudina 20.5 km |
Nuclear power plant
Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant 140.9 km |
Перник Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Перник /5 (2012-04-24 01:00:00) |