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Pereira Localisation : Country Colombia, Department Risaralda.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Dosquebradas, Santa Rosa de Cabal and Ulloa.


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Pereira Administration

Pereira Code66001
Pereira Post code660003
Pereira MayorCarlos Maya

Pereira Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Pereira? Here are all the details of Pereira available below.

Pereira Postal addressCra. 7 No. 18-55
Pereira Phone number6324 8001
International: +57 6324 8001
Pereira Fax number6333 9855
International: +57 6333 9855
Pereira Email address[email protected]
Pereira Websitewww.pereira.gov.co
Other informationMunicipios de Colombia : Pereira
Pereira Birth certificate, Pereira Death certificate

Pereira Demography

Information on the people and the population of Pereira.

Pereira Population428,397 inhabitants
Pereira Population Density610.3 /km² (1,580.5 /sq mi)

Pereira Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Pereira.

Pereira Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 4.81321, Longitude: -75.6946
4° 48′ 48″ North, 75° 41′ 41″ West
Pereira Area70,200 hectares
702.00 km² (271.04 sq mi)
Pereira Altitude1,411 m (4,629 ft)
Pereira ClimateTropical rainforest climate (Köppen climate classification: Af)

Pereira Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Pereira and the biggest cities of Colombia.

Bogotá 180 kmMedellín 157 kmCali 180 km
Barranquilla 695 kmCartagena 622 kmCúcuta 493 km
Ibagué 68 km closestBucaramanga 383 kmPasto 439 km
Soledad 687 kmSanta Marta 733 kmSoacha 166 km

Pereira Map

Locate simply the city of Pereira through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Pereira Nearby cities and villages

Dosquebradas 3.9 kmSanta Rosa de Cabal 10.5 kmUlloa 13.3 km
Marsella 14.2 kmFilandia 15.8 kmAlcalá 18.3 km

Pereira Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Pereira has international agreements with its different pairings.

Pereira Zone

Time zone of Pereira.

Pereira Local time
Pereira Time zoneUTC -5:00 (America/Bogota)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Pereira Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Pereira.

Pereira Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Pereira.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
13 January12:15 - 18:11 - 00:0711:53 - 00:2911:27 - 00:55 11:01 - 01:21
14 January12:15 - 18:11 - 00:0811:53 - 00:3011:27 - 00:56 11:02 - 01:21
15 January12:16 - 18:12 - 00:0811:53 - 00:3011:28 - 00:56 11:02 - 01:22
16 January12:16 - 18:12 - 00:0911:54 - 00:3111:28 - 00:56 11:02 - 01:22
17 January12:16 - 18:13 - 00:0911:54 - 00:3111:28 - 00:57 11:03 - 01:22
18 January12:16 - 18:13 - 00:0911:54 - 00:3111:29 - 00:57 11:03 - 01:23
19 January12:17 - 18:13 - 00:1011:55 - 00:3211:29 - 00:57 11:03 - 01:23

Pereira Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Pereira classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel El Gran Hotel de PereiraEl Gran Hotel de Pereira

With a history dating back for over 80 years, this imposing hotel offers spacious rooms with cable TV and Wi-Fi. It is situated in the city centre of Pereira. It features a restaurant and a bar... view more
Hotel Hotel Boutique San SimonHotel Boutique San Simon
Chic, contemporary design and rooms with free Wi-Fi can be enjoyed in Pereira. San Simon is right in front of El Bolivar Desnudo sculpture and only a 30-minute drive from Santa Rosa hot springs. Private parking is free... view more
Hotel Hotel SoratamaHotel Soratama

Conveniently located in the centre of Pereira city, right in front of Bolivar Square, this hotel features a restaurant and a terrace. Free Wi-Fi is available. The rooms and suites in Hotel Soratama have a private bathroom, minibar, and cable TV... view more
Hotel Hotel La CatalinaHotel La Catalina

Only 100 metres from Bolivar Square, Hotel La Catalina offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and plasma TV in downtown Pereira. Breakfast is provided. Megabus central station is 250 metres away... view more
Hotel Hotel Benidorm PereiraHotel Benidorm Pereira

A sauna room, gym facilities and terraced red-tiled balconies with umbrellas and charming views of Pereira can be enjoyed just 2 blocks from Bolivar Square. The lobby features an impressive chandelier. Wi-Fi is free... view more
More Hotels »

Pereira Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Pereira and its surroundings.

Matecana 5.4 kmAlto del Chuzo 6.1 kmEstación Nacederos 6.2 km
Cima del Rayo 6.4 kmAlto El Nudo 6.4 kmEstación Gutiérrez 6.7 km
Estación Guierrez 6.7 kmAlto de Companario 7.9 kmAlto de La Cruz 7.9 km
Estación Belmonte 8 kmCuchilla Chaquiro 8.8 kmCerro Malacara 10.9 km
Paloma Cima de la 11.3 kmEstación Guayabito 11.8 kmEstación Sucre 13.4 km
Cuchilla San José 14.9 kmMarmato 15.7 kmPierna de María 17.1 km
Alto Morro Azul 18.2 kmCuchilla del Chuscal 18.8 kmCerro Canalete 19.2 km
Pauji 19.4 kmAlto El Pajuí 19.4 kmAlto Cerrito 20.1 km
Alto California 20.1 kmEstación Belalcázar 20.7 kmCuchilla Corozal 21.5 km
Cuchilla Monterrey 21.7 kmAlto de La Cruz 22.9 kmEstación La Virginia 23.1 km

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