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  13. Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Localisation : Country France, Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Department Isère.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Corbelin, Granieu and Brégnier-Cordon.


Find all the information of Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Administration

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Code (INSEE)38022
Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Post code38630
Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin MayorMr. Daniel MICHOUD

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin? Here are all the details of Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin available below.

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Postal address11 Rue de l'Hôtel de Ville
Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Phone number04 74 33 61 87
International: +33 4 74 33 61 87
Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Fax number04 74 33 79 41
International: +33 4 74 33 79 41
Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Email address[email protected]
Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Websitewww.lesavenieres.fr
Other informationLes Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin
Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Birth certificate, Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Death certificate

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Demography

Information on the people and the population of Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin.

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Population7,804 inhabitants
Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Population Density188.0 /km² (486.9 /sq mi)

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin.

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.6358, Longitude: 5.56333
45° 38′ 9″ North, 5° 33′ 48″ East
Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Area4,151 hectares
41.51 km² (16.03 sq mi)
Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin AltitudeMinimum 200 m, Maximum 322 m, Average 261 m
Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin and the biggest cities of France.

Paris 428 kmMarseilles 261 kmLyon 58 km closest
Toulouse 397 kmNice 255 kmNantes 574 km
Montpellier 262 kmStrasbourg 367 kmBordeaux 491 km
Lille 586 kmRennes 615 kmRheims 420 km

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Map

Locate simply the city of Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Nearby cities and villages

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Zone

Time zone of Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin.

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Local time
Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Paris)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin.

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
16 March06:47 - 12:46 - 18:4406:18 - 19:1405:43 - 19:48 05:08 - 20:24
17 March06:45 - 12:46 - 18:4606:16 - 19:1505:41 - 19:50 05:06 - 20:25
18 March06:43 - 12:45 - 18:4706:14 - 19:1705:39 - 19:51 05:04 - 20:27
19 March06:41 - 12:45 - 18:4806:12 - 19:1805:37 - 19:53 05:02 - 20:28
20 March06:40 - 12:45 - 18:5006:10 - 19:1905:35 - 19:54 05:00 - 20:30
21 March06:38 - 12:44 - 18:5106:08 - 19:2105:33 - 19:55 04:57 - 20:31
22 March06:36 - 12:44 - 18:5206:06 - 19:2205:31 - 19:57 04:55 - 20:33

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Gîte La PortellaGîte La Portella
Set in an old renovated barn, Gîte La Portella features self-catering accommodation with garden and furnished terrace offering deckchairs and BBQ facilities. Free Wi-Fi and free private parking are provided... view more
€ 66
Hotel ServhotelServhotel

The Hôtel Servhotel is located in Morestel, in the Isère region of south-eastern France. Guest rooms are equipped with free Wi-Fi access and a flat-screen TV with satellite channels... view more
€ 40
Hotel Hotel de FranceHotel de France

Located in the centre of Morestel, Hotel de France offers accommodation just 6 km from the themepark Walibi Park. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout. Guest rooms feature city views and a flat-screen TV... view more
€ 55
Hotel Hôtel les BergeronnettesHôtel les Bergeronnettes

Offering a heated indoor pool, this chalet-style hotel is set on the heights of the Rhone-Alps region. Savoyard dishes are served in the restaurant and Walibi Theme Park is 10 km away... view more
€ 78
Hotel Auberge Les Forges De La MassotteAuberge Les Forges De La Massotte
Auberge Les Forges de la Massotte offers soundproofed rooms in Romagnieu. Each room has an en suite bathroom and TV with satellite channels. It has a restaurant and free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 67
More Hotels »

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin and its surroundings.

Mont de Cordon 5.5 kmMontagne d’ Izieu 7.6 kmMontagne de Saint-Benoît 8.3 km
Forêt de Veyrin 8.3 kmMont Tournier 10.6 kmMérieu 11.9 km
Mérieu Château 11.9 kmBois de Glaize 12 kmBois de Rothone 12.1 km
Forêt de Tire Gerbe 12.1 kmForêt de Tire-Gerbes 12.1 kmBois du Mont 12.6 km
Montagne de Tantainet 12.7 kmMontagne de Tantaine 12.7 kmMont Chaffaron 13.4 km
Col de la Crusille 14.5 kmBois de la Mareraie 15.4 kmBois de Palange 15.6 km
Montagne de Parves 17.1 kmBois de Luide 17.1 kmBois Recevais 17.6 km
Bois Recevaix 17.6 kmBois du Molard Dedon 18.3 kmBugey 18.9 km
Bois de Souhait 19.3 kmMont du Chat 19.8 kmBois de Burnoud 19.9 km
Bois de la Morgne 20.3 kmPassage de l’ L’Epine 20.6 kmL’Epine 20.6 km

Nuclear power plant

Creys-Malville Nuclear Power Plant 15.3 kmBugey Nuclear Power Plant 29.1 kmSaint-Alban Nuclear Power Plant 68.1 km

Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin Page

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  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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