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Néry Localisation : Country France, Region Hauts-de-France, Department Oise.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Béthisy-Saint-Pierre, Saintines and Béthisy-Saint-Martin.


Find all the information of Néry or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Néry Administration

Néry Code (INSEE)60447
Néry Post code60320
Néry MayorMr. Claude PICART

Néry Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Néry? Here are all the details of Néry available below.

Néry Postal addressParc Paul Roulon, 3 rue du Puits
60320 NERY
Néry Phone number03 44 39 73 11
International: +33 3 44 39 73 11
Néry Fax number03 44 39 04 38
International: +33 3 44 39 04 38
Néry Email address[email protected]
Néry WebsiteNot available
Other informationNéry
Néry Birth certificate, Néry Death certificate

Néry Demography

Information on the people and the population of Néry.

Néry Population656 inhabitants
Néry Population Density40.1 /km² (104.0 /sq mi)

Néry Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Néry.

Néry Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 49.2814, Longitude: 2.77833
49° 16′ 53″ North, 2° 46′ 42″ East
Néry Area1,634 hectares
16.34 km² (6.31 sq mi)
Néry AltitudeMinimum 37 m, Maximum 154 m, Average 96 m
Néry ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Néry Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Néry and the biggest cities of France.

Paris 62 km closestMarseilles 695 kmLyon 422 km
Toulouse 640 kmNice 710 kmNantes 395 km
Montpellier 638 kmStrasbourg 372 kmBordeaux 557 km
Lille 152 kmRennes 351 kmRheims 91 km

Néry Map

Locate simply the city of Néry through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Néry Nearby cities and villages

Néry Zone

Time zone of Néry.

Néry Local time
Néry Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Paris)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Néry Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Néry.

Néry Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Néry.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
30 December08:44 - 12:51 - 16:5908:06 - 17:3607:25 - 18:17 06:47 - 18:56
31 December08:44 - 12:52 - 17:0008:06 - 17:3707:26 - 18:18 06:47 - 18:56
1 January08:43 - 12:52 - 17:0108:06 - 17:3807:26 - 18:19 06:47 - 18:57
2 January08:43 - 12:53 - 17:0208:06 - 17:3907:26 - 18:19 06:47 - 18:58
3 January08:43 - 12:53 - 17:0308:06 - 17:4007:26 - 18:20 06:47 - 18:59
4 January08:43 - 12:53 - 17:0408:06 - 17:4107:26 - 18:21 06:47 - 19:00
5 January08:43 - 12:54 - 17:0508:06 - 17:4207:25 - 18:22 06:47 - 19:01

Néry Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Néry classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel L'Orangerie de RarayL'Orangerie de Raray
Located in a 17th-century building in Raray, right in front of the Château, this hotel features a courtyard, free Wi-Fi internet access and free private parking. The A1 Motorway access is 10 km away... view more
€ 90
Hotel Auberge de la Vieille FermeAuberge de la Vieille Ferme

Le Meux
Situated in Le Meux, 13 km from Château de Compiègne and set in an old farmhouse, Auberge de la Vieille Ferme features a traditional restaurant and a terrace. Free Wi-Fi access is available... view more
€ 70
Hotel Les Chambres d'hôtes d'ElisabethLes Chambres d'hôtes d'Elisabeth
Les Chambres d'hôtes d'Elisabeth is a B&B located in Montépilloy, 7 km from Senlis. It offers a garden, free Wi-Fi access, a terrace and rooms with garden view. Several hiking paths are available in the area... view more
€ 60
Hotel Mercure Compiègne SudMercure Compiègne Sud

This Mercure hotel is located on the outskirts of Compiegne 5 km from the town centre. It offers air-conditioned accommodation, a restaurant and free on-site parking. Free Wi-Fi is available... view more
€ 87
Hotel Hotel Akena CityHotel Akena City

This hotel is a 6-minute drive from the centre of Crépy-en-Valois and 2 km from the train station. It offers en suite accommodation and a free Internet hotspot... view more
€ 61
More Hotels »

Néry Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Néry and its surroundings.

Mont Cornon 3.6 kmBois du Roi 10.5 kmMont Pagnotte 10.5 km
Forêt de Compiègne 12.2 kmForêt d’ Halatte 12.3 kmBois de Tillet 13.6 km
Bois de Montlognon 15.3 kmForêt d’ Ermenonville 16.6 kmForêt de Rémy 16.6 km
Mont du Tremble 16.9 kmBois de Perthes 17.1 kmMont Saint-Marc 18.1 km
Forêt de Pontarmé 18.9 kmMont Ganelon 21 kmMont des Singes 21.7 km
Forêt de la Haute Pommeraie 22.1 kmBois de Saint-Laurent 22.8 kmForêt de Chantilly 22.9 km
Bois des Côtes 23.4 kmForêt de Laigle 24.1 kmForêt de Laigue 24.1 km
Forêt Domaniale de Retz 26 kmForêt de Villers-Cotterets 26 kmForêt de Coye 27.1 km
Forêt d’ Orry 27.3 kmForêt d’ Ourcamp 29.5 kmBois de Montigny 29.6 km

Nuclear power plant

Nogent Nuclear Power Plant 101 kmPenly Nuclear Power Plant 136.9 km 

Néry Page

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DB-City.comNéry 3.7/5 (2024-03-29 08:35:34)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page