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  13. Eisenberg


Eisenberg Localisation : Country Germany, State Rhineland-Palatinate, District Donnersbergkreis.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Kerzenheim, Ebertsheim and Hettenleidelheim.


Find all the information of Eisenberg or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Eisenberg Administration

Eisenberg Code07333019
Eisenberg Post code67304
Eisenberg MayorAdolf Kauth

Eisenberg Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Eisenberg? Here are all the details of Eisenberg available below.

Eisenberg Postal addressHauptstraße 86
67304 Eisenberg (Pfalz)
Eisenberg Phone number06351 4070
International: +49 6351 4070
Eisenberg Fax number06351 407407
International: +49 6351 407407
Eisenberg Email addressNot available
Eisenberg Websitewww.eisenberg.de
Other informationStädte und Gemeinden in Deutschland : Eisenberg (Pfalz)
Eisenberg Birth certificate, Eisenberg Death certificate

Eisenberg Demography

Information on the people and the population of Eisenberg.

Eisenberg Population9,365 inhabitants
Eisenberg Population Density500.0 /km² (1,295.0 /sq mi)

Eisenberg Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Eisenberg.

Eisenberg Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 49.5614, Longitude: 8.0725
49° 33′ 41″ North, 8° 4′ 21″ East
Eisenberg Area1,873 hectares
18.73 km² (7.23 sq mi)
Eisenberg Altitude183 m (600 ft)
Eisenberg ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Eisenberg Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Eisenberg and the biggest cities of Germany.

Berlin 498 kmHamburg 464 kmMunich 302 km
Cologne 173 kmFrankfurt 76 km closestStuttgart 119 km
Düsseldorf 207 kmDortmund 222 kmEssen 224 km
Bremen 395 kmDresden 435 kmLeipzig 364 km

Eisenberg Map

Locate simply the city of Eisenberg through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Eisenberg Nearby cities and villages

Kerzenheim 1.9 kmEbertsheim 2.7 kmHettenleidelheim 2.9 km
Lautersheim 3.4 kmTiefenthal 3.4 kmGöllheim 3.8 km
Wattenheim 4.5 kmQuirnheim 4.7 kmMertesheim 4.7 km
Ramsen 5.1 kmNeuleiningen 5.3 kmBiedesheim 5.4 km

Eisenberg Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Eisenberg has international agreements with its different pairings.

Eisenberg Zone

Time zone of Eisenberg.

Eisenberg Local time
Eisenberg Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Eisenberg Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Eisenberg.

Eisenberg Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Eisenberg.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
30 January08:02 - 12:41 - 17:1907:27 - 17:5406:48 - 18:33 06:11 - 19:10
31 January08:00 - 12:41 - 17:2107:26 - 17:5606:47 - 18:34 06:10 - 19:12
1 February07:59 - 12:41 - 17:2307:24 - 17:5706:46 - 18:36 06:09 - 19:13
2 February07:57 - 12:41 - 17:2507:23 - 17:5906:45 - 18:37 06:07 - 19:15
3 February07:56 - 12:41 - 17:2607:22 - 18:0006:43 - 18:39 06:06 - 19:16
4 February07:54 - 12:41 - 17:2807:20 - 18:0206:42 - 18:40 06:05 - 19:17
5 February07:53 - 12:41 - 17:3007:19 - 18:0306:41 - 18:42 06:03 - 19:19

Eisenberg Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Eisenberg classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Waldhotel EisenbergWaldhotel Eisenberg

Offering an attractive wellness area, this family-run hotel in Eisenberg is set amid the Pfälzer Wald forest, near the Donnersberg mountain. Mannheim and Kaiserslautern are within comfortable reach... view more
€ 70
Hotel Wolf's RevierWolf's Revier
This attractive, newly built hotel enjoys a peaceful yet central location in the Eisbach valley, between Grünstadt and Eisenberg. Our enthusiastic, personal service and our attentiveness will make your stay an unforgettable experience... view more
€ 60
Hotel Hotel Rosenthaler HofHotel Rosenthaler Hof
Quietly located in Rosenthal in the Palatinate Forest, this traditional hotel offers a bright conservatory. Its colourful rooms feature scenic countryside views and free Wi-Fi... view more
€ 51
Hotel Gästehaus Felsenmühle im TalGästehaus Felsenmühle im Tal
This peaceful guest house is located in Neuleiningen-Tal, near the German Wine Route and the spa town of Bad Dürkheim, just a 30-minute drive from Mannheim and Kaiserslautern... view more
€ 45
Hotel StadtCafé PensionStadtCafé Pension
Boasting a sun terrace, free Wi-Fi and bright rooms with classic décor, this guest house is located in the area of Grünstadt in the district of Bad Dürkheim. It offers express check-in and check-out... view more
€ 43
More Hotels »

Eisenberg Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Eisenberg and its surroundings.

Steinert 1.7 kmRöthe 2.9 kmVorder Wald 3.1 km
Grauwald 4.1 kmGöllheimer Wald 4.5 kmWarte 4.5 km
Harz Berg 4.6 kmNikolaushof 4.7 kmDachs-Berg 4.8 km
Rosen Berg 4.9 kmMergenthalerhof 5 kmSieghof 5.1 km
Häuschen 5.3 kmLauberhof 5.5 kmHarzweiler Kopf 5.7 km
Gersten Berg 6 kmSeckenhäuserhof 6 kmBocken Tal 6.1 km
Margarethenhof 6.2 kmZimmer Berg 6.2 kmClauserhof 6.4 km
Lehr Berg 6.5 kmRüssinger Berg 6.7 kmHollidahof 6.8 km
Kleehof 6.9 kmKrähenstein 7 kmStumpfwald 7.1 km
Hassel Kopf 7.1 kmHerfingerhof 7.7 kmKahlenberg 7.8 km

Nuclear power plant

Biblis Nuclear Power Plant 29.7 kmPhilippsburg Nuclear Power Plant 43.3 kmNeckarwestheim Nuclear Power Plant 98.8 km

Eisenberg Page

Direct link
DB-City.comEisenberg 3.7/5 (2018-01-01 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page