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Waterford Localisation : Country Ireland, County Waterford.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ferrybank, Slieverue and Carrigeen.


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Waterford Demography

Information on the people and the population of Waterford.

Waterford Population48,369 inhabitants
Waterford Population Density1,163.3 /km² (3,012.9 /sq mi)

Waterford Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Waterford.

Waterford Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 52.2583, Longitude: -7.119
52° 15′ 30″ North, 7° 7′ 8″ West
Waterford Area4,158 hectares
41.58 km² (16.05 sq mi)
Waterford Altitude45 m (148 ft)
Waterford ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Waterford Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Waterford and the biggest cities of Ireland.

Dublin 134 kmCork 101 kmGalway 172 km
Limerick 112 kmDrogheda 170 kmDundalk 201 km
Swords 147 kmBray 125 kmNavan 158 km
Blackrock 132 kmEnnis 142 kmKilkenny 44 km closest

Waterford Map

Locate simply the city of Waterford through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Waterford Nearby cities and villages

Ferrybank 1.3 kmSlieverue 4.4 kmCarrigeen 6.2 km
Kilmacow 6.4 kmLoughcullen 6.5 kmCheekpoint 8.3 km
Kilmeadan 8.9 kmMooncoin 9.3 kmBallyhack 10.5 km
Passage East 10.7 kmTramore 11.2 kmArthurstown 11.5 km

Waterford Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Waterford has international agreements with its different pairings.

Waterford Zone

Time zone of Waterford.

Waterford Local time
Waterford Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Dublin)
Summer time UTC +1:00
Winter time UTC +0:00

Waterford Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Waterford.

Waterford Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Waterford.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
15 January09:30 - 13:37 - 17:4508:51 - 18:2408:08 - 19:07 07:27 - 19:48
16 January09:29 - 13:38 - 17:4708:50 - 18:2608:07 - 19:08 07:27 - 19:49
17 January09:28 - 13:38 - 17:4908:49 - 18:2708:06 - 19:10 07:26 - 19:50
18 January09:27 - 13:38 - 17:5008:48 - 18:2908:06 - 19:11 07:25 - 19:52
19 January09:26 - 13:39 - 17:5208:47 - 18:3008:05 - 19:13 07:24 - 19:53
20 January09:25 - 13:39 - 17:5408:46 - 18:3208:04 - 19:14 07:24 - 19:54
21 January09:23 - 13:39 - 17:5508:45 - 18:3408:03 - 19:16 07:23 - 19:56

Waterford Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Waterford classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel The Barley FieldThe Barley Field

Centrally located and fully renovated, the family-run Barley Field Guesthouse is just a 3-minute walk from the vibrant Waterford city centre, offering an ideal base from which to explore the beautiful surroundings of Waterford city and the county... view more
€ 40
Hotel The Fitzwilton HotelThe Fitzwilton Hotel

This boutique, 4-star hotel offers spacious, stylish rooms with plasma-screen TVs in the heart of Waterford City. Guests can make use of limited free parking, free Wi-Fi and a chic restaurant and bar... view more
€ 65
Hotel Dooley's HotelDooley's Hotel

In Waterford’s centre, Dooley’s is a family-run hotel offering spacious rooms and full Irish breakfasts. Guests can enjoy weekend live music, and Christchurch Cathedral is just a 10-minute walk away... view more
€ 59
Hotel The Anchorage Guest HouseThe Anchorage Guest House

In central Waterford, The Anchorage Guesthouse overlooks the River Suir and is a 5-minute walk from Plunkett Train Station. It offers affordable rooms with TVs and traditional Irish breakfasts... view more
€ 34
Hotel Treacy’s Hotel Spa & Leisure Club WaterfordTreacy’s Hotel Spa & Leisure Club Waterford

Treacy’s Hotel is located on Waterford’s Quays, overlooking the Suir River. It boasts delicious food, modern bedrooms, free parking and fantastic recreational facilities including a 20-metre pool, sauna and hot tub... view more
€ 58
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Waterford Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Waterford and its surroundings.

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