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  13. Campione d'Italia

Campione d'Italia

Campione d'Italia Localisation : Country Italy, Region Lombardy, Province Como.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Bissone, Arogno and Melide.


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Campione d'Italia Administration

Campione d'Italia Code (ISTAT)013040
Campione d'Italia Post code22060
Campione d'Italia MayorRoberto Canesi

Campione d'Italia Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Campione d'Italia? Here are all the details of Campione d'Italia available below.

Campione d'Italia Postal addressPiazzale Maestri Campionesi, 4
22060 Campione d'Italia (CO)
Campione d'Italia Phone number0312-72463
International: +39 0312-72463
Campione d'Italia Fax number0041-916496
International: +39 0041-916496
Campione d'Italia Email addressNot available
Campione d'Italia Websitewww.comune.campione-d-italia.co.it
Other informationComune Italia : Campione d'Italia
Campione d'Italia Birth certificate, Campione d'Italia Death certificate

Campione d'Italia Demography

Information on the people and the population of Campione d'Italia.

Campione d'Italia Population2,158 inhabitants
Campione d'Italia Population Density830.0 /km² (2,149.7 /sq mi)

Campione d'Italia Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Campione d'Italia.

Campione d'Italia Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.9694, Longitude: 8.97065
45° 58′ 10″ North, 8° 58′ 14″ East
Campione d'Italia Area260 hectares
2.60 km² (1.00 sq mi)
Campione d'Italia AltitudeMinimum 271 m, Maximum 590 m, Average 431 m
Campione d'Italia ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Campione d'Italia Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Campione d'Italia and the biggest cities of Italy.

Rome 535 kmMilan 59 km closestNaples 713 km
Turin 142 kmPalermo 946 kmGenoa 174 km
Bologna 248 kmFlorence 304 kmBari 834 km
Catania 1070 kmVenice 269 kmVerona 168 km

Campione d'Italia Map

Locate simply the city of Campione d'Italia through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Campione d'Italia Nearby cities and villages

Switzerland Bissone 1.8 kmSwitzerland Arogno 2.1 kmSwitzerland Melide 2.3 km
Switzerland Paradiso 2.7 kmSwitzerland Grancia 3.2 kmSwitzerland Maroggia 3.4 km
Switzerland Lugano 4.2 kmSwitzerland Rovio 4.3 kmSwitzerland Sorengo 4.4 km
Switzerland Collina d'Oro 4.5 kmSwitzerland Vico Morcote 5.2 kmSwitzerland Muzzano 5.2 km

Campione d'Italia Zone

Time zone of Campione d'Italia.

Campione d'Italia Local time
Campione d'Italia Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Rome)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Campione d'Italia Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Campione d'Italia.

Campione d'Italia Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Campione d'Italia.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
31 January07:47 - 12:37 - 17:2807:15 - 17:5906:39 - 18:35 06:04 - 19:10
1 February07:45 - 12:37 - 17:2907:14 - 18:0106:38 - 18:37 06:03 - 19:12
2 February07:44 - 12:37 - 17:3107:12 - 18:0206:37 - 18:38 06:02 - 19:13
3 February07:43 - 12:37 - 17:3207:11 - 18:0406:36 - 18:39 06:01 - 19:14
4 February07:42 - 12:38 - 17:3407:10 - 18:0506:34 - 18:41 06:00 - 19:15
5 February07:40 - 12:38 - 17:3507:09 - 18:0606:33 - 18:42 05:58 - 19:17
6 February07:39 - 12:38 - 17:3607:08 - 18:0806:32 - 18:43 05:57 - 19:18

Campione d'Italia Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Campione d'Italia classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel RondaninoHotel Rondanino

Lanzo dʼIntelvi
Surrounded by beautiful, green fields and pine forests, Hotel Rondanino is set in a converted, 19th-century farmhouse. Here you can reconnect with nature and enjoy typical cuisine. The majority of the guest rooms have either a balcony or terrace... view more
Hotel La Locanda Del NotaioLa Locanda Del Notaio

Pellio Inferiore
Set in huge green gardens between Lake Lugano and Lake Como, La Locanda del Notaio offers rustic, elegant accommodation with free Wi-Fi. The restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star, and parking is free... view more
Hotel Hotel Villa SimplicitasHotel Villa Simplicitas

San Fedele Intelvi
Villa Simplicitas is a 19th-century building, located in the countryside between Lake Como and Lake Lugano. This simple 2-star hotel offers rustic rooms with wrought-iron brass beds and antique furnishings... view more
Hotel La Ca' VegiaLa Ca' Vegia
Pellio Inferiore
Surrounded by a green garden, a 5-minute drive from Lake Lugano, the family-run La Ca' Vegia offers rustic-style rooms with free Wi-Fi access. It is part of a farm house raising its own cows and pigs... view more
Hotel Hotel Grotto BagatHotel Grotto Bagat

Ponte Tresa
Hotel Grotto Bagat is located on the shores of Lake Lugano, on the road to Brusimpiano. All rooms are spacious and some offer lake views. The restaurant serves local cuisine... view more
€ 45
More Hotels »

Campione d'Italia Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Campione d'Italia and its surroundings.

Monte Generoso 6.3 kmCalvagione 6.3 kmVal d’ Intelvi 9 km
Monte Marzio 10.2 kmTäler der Tresa 13.2 kmValle Tresa 13.2 km
Valle della Tresa 13.2 kmIsola Comacina 15.2 kmBettole 20.8 km
Bettole di Varese 20.8 kmStazione Bettole 20.8 kmMaddonna Ghisallo 23.7 km
Madonna di Ghisallo 23.7 kmValassina 24.8 kmPasso San Jorio 26.7 km
Passo San Iório 26.7 kmSan Lorio Pass 26.7 kmPasso di San Jorio 26.7 km
San Jorio 26.7 kmCima di Cugn 26.7 kmStazione Canzo-Asso 27.5 km
Canzo-Asso 27.5 km

Nuclear power plant

Enrico Fermi Nuclear Power Plant 102.8 kmCaorso Nuclear Power Plant 122.1 km 

Campione d'Italia Page

Direct link
DB-City.comCampione d'Italia 3.7/5 (2022-11-28 14:54:00)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page