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  11. Naujene


Naujene Localisation : Country Latvia, Municipality Daugavpils novads.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Maļinova, Biķernieki and Tabore.


Find all the information of Naujene or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

MunicipalityDaugavpils novads

Naujene Demography

Information on the people and the population of Naujene.

Naujene Population5,886 inhabitants
Naujene Population Density44.9 /km² (116.3 /sq mi)

Naujene Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Naujene.

Naujene Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 55.9364, Longitude: 26.7178
55° 56′ 11″ North, 26° 43′ 4″ East
Naujene Area13,110 hectares
131.10 km² (50.62 sq mi)
Naujene Altitude132 m (433 ft)
Naujene ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Naujene Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Naujene and the biggest cities of Latvia.

Riga 196 kmDaugavpils 15 km closestLiepāja 359 km
Jelgava 201 kmJūrmala 214 kmVentspils 355 km
Rēzekne 74 kmValmiera 195 kmJēkabpils 81 km
Ogre 163 kmTukums 247 kmSalaspils 178 km

Naujene Map

Locate simply the city of Naujene through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Naujene Nearby cities and villages

Maļinova 6.5 kmBiķernieki 7.5 kmTabore 8.5 km
Vecsaliena 12.7 kmAmbeļi 13.7 kmLaucesa 14.7 km
Daugavpils 14.8 kmVišķi 15.3 kmDubna 16 km
Saliena 16 kmKalkūne 17.3 kmVabole 18.8 km

Naujene Zone

Time zone of Naujene.

Naujene Local time
Naujene Time zoneUTC +2:00 (Europe/Riga)
Summer time UTC +3:00
Winter time UTC +2:00

Naujene Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Naujene.

Naujene Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Naujene.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
3 January07:42 - 11:17 - 14:5206:56 - 15:3806:08 - 16:27 05:22 - 17:12
4 January07:42 - 11:18 - 14:5306:56 - 15:3906:07 - 16:28 05:22 - 17:13
5 January07:41 - 11:18 - 14:5506:55 - 15:4106:07 - 16:29 05:22 - 17:14
6 January07:41 - 11:19 - 14:5606:55 - 15:4206:07 - 16:30 05:22 - 17:15
7 January07:40 - 11:19 - 14:5806:55 - 15:4306:06 - 16:32 05:21 - 17:17
8 January07:40 - 11:19 - 14:5906:54 - 15:4506:06 - 16:33 05:21 - 17:18
9 January07:39 - 11:20 - 15:0106:53 - 15:4606:06 - 16:34 05:21 - 17:19

Naujene Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Naujene classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel ViktoriaViktoria
Located in Daugavpils, in Latgale, the green region with numerous lakes, Viktoria offers accommodation with a garden and children’s playground. The Stropu Lake is just 15 metres away. The house is spacious and nicely decorated with wooden elements... view more
Hotel OlimpijaOlimpija

Situated in the centre of Daugavpils, Olimpija offers simply-furnished rooms with a TV, free Wi-Fi and spa facilities. It benefits from an indoor swimming pool with a sauna and hot tub, with the spa centre available free of charge... view more
€ 35
Hotel ParadizeParadize
The Paradize is a small and cosy hotel in Daugavpils, close to 2 major business centres. The historic centre is a 5-minute drive away. Bus and tram stops are nearby, and there is a taxi rank right by the hotel... view more
€ 24
Hotel Good Stay Dinaburg HotelGood Stay Dinaburg Hotel

Peacefully located in Daugavpils, this chain hotel is only a 5-minute drive from the city centre. Good Stay Hotel Dinaburg offers spacious, en suite rooms with internet access, satellite TV and work desks... view more
€ 37
Hotel Arodu ApartmentArodu Apartment
Arodu Apartment is located in a renovated apartment block and offers self-catering accommodation in Daugavpils, 2 km from the city centre. Free Wi-Fi access is available. The bright studio and apartment are warmly decorated, bright and spacious... view more
€ 31
More Hotels »

Naujene Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Naujene and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant 38.2 km  

Naujene Page

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DB-City.comNaujene 2.5/5 (2016-09-05 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page