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  11. Valgunde


Valgunde Localisation : Country Latvia, Municipality Jelgava novads.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ozolnieki, Jelgava and Ceni.


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Update data

MunicipalityJelgava novads

Valgunde Demography

Information on the people and the population of Valgunde.

Valgunde Population2,116 inhabitants

Valgunde Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Valgunde.

Valgunde Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 56.7486, Longitude: 23.6819
56° 44′ 55″ North, 23° 40′ 55″ East
Valgunde Altitude9 m (30 ft)
Valgunde ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Valgunde Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Valgunde and the biggest cities of Latvia.

Riga 34 kmDaugavpils 201 kmLiepāja 166 km
Jelgava 11 km closestJūrmala 26 kmVentspils 148 km
Rēzekne 225 kmValmiera 137 kmJēkabpils 137 km
Ogre 57 kmTukums 40 kmSalaspils 42 km

Valgunde Map

Locate simply the city of Valgunde through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Valgunde Nearby cities and villages

Ozolnieki 9.1 kmJelgava 11.1 kmCeni 11.9 km
Līvbērze 13.1 kmJaunbērze 17.8 kmSvēte 17.8 km
Olaine 19.5 km

Valgunde Zone

Time zone of Valgunde.

Valgunde Local time
Valgunde Time zoneUTC +2:00 (Europe/Riga)
Summer time UTC +3:00
Winter time UTC +2:00

Valgunde Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Valgunde.

Valgunde Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Valgunde.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
16 February06:49 - 11:39 - 16:2906:10 - 17:0805:25 - 17:52 04:41 - 18:36
17 February06:46 - 11:39 - 16:3106:07 - 17:1005:23 - 17:54 04:39 - 18:38
18 February06:44 - 11:39 - 16:3306:05 - 17:1205:21 - 17:56 04:37 - 18:40
19 February06:42 - 11:39 - 16:3506:03 - 17:1405:19 - 17:59 04:35 - 18:42
20 February06:39 - 11:38 - 16:3806:00 - 17:1705:16 - 18:01 04:32 - 18:44
21 February06:37 - 11:38 - 16:4005:58 - 17:1905:14 - 18:03 04:30 - 18:47
22 February06:34 - 11:38 - 16:4205:56 - 17:2105:12 - 18:05 04:28 - 18:49

Valgunde Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Valgunde classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Leisure Complex GošivsLeisure Complex Gošivs
Featuring a fishing pond and a small ZOO, Leisure Complex Gošivs offers a wooden house located at the border of the forest in Valgrunde village. The house will provide you with a TV... view more
€ 140
Hotel MikasMikas
Mikas is located on a border of a pine forest with walking trails passing through the green surroundings. It offers rooms with free Wi-Fi. Bicycles are available for the guests free of charge... view more
€ 25
Hotel LLKC HostelLLKC Hostel
Located in Ozolnieki, LLKC Hostel offers simple, heated hostel rooms with free Wi-Fi, a TV set and wooden furniture that includes a work desk. Free public parking is available on site... view more
€ 26
Hotel Atpūta OzolniekosAtpūta Ozolniekos
Located in a quiet area of Ozolnieki, Atpūta Ozolniekos is a guest house that offers rooms with free Wi-Fi, a TV set and a refrigerator. Free private parking is available on site... view more
€ 35
Hotel ZemgaleZemgale

Only a 3-minute drive from the centre of Jelgava, the Zemgale offers rooms with a bathroom, a TV, and free wired internet. It is next door to a sports centre. At the Ice Arena and Sports Centre, guests can enjoy several sports free of charge... view more
€ 30
More Hotels »

Valgunde Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Valgunde and its surroundings.

Valgunde Page

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DB-City.comValgunde 2.5/5 (2016-09-05 01:00:00)
  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page