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Itauguá Administration
Itauguá Mayor | Miguel Ángel Meza Acosta |
Itauguá Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Itauguá? Here are all the details of Itauguá available below.
Itauguá Phone number | Not available |
Itauguá Email address | Not available |
Itauguá Website | |
Itauguá Birth certificate, Itauguá Death certificate |
Itauguá Demography
Information on the people and the population of Itauguá.
Itauguá Population | 115,140 inhabitants |
Itauguá Population Density | 913.8 /km² (2,366.8 /sq mi) |
Itauguá Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Itauguá.
Itauguá Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -25.3833, Longitude: -57.3333 25° 22′ 60″ South, 57° 19′ 60″ West |
Itauguá Area | 12,600 hectares 126.00 km² (48.65 sq mi) |
Itauguá Altitude | 159 m (522 ft) |
Itauguá Climate | Humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa) |
Itauguá Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Itauguá and the biggest cities of Paraguay.
Asunción 32 km | Ciudad del Este 273 km | Luque 20 km |
San Lorenzo 18 km | Capiatá 9 km closest | Lambaré 31 km |
Fernando de la Mora 22 km | Limpio 29 km | Ñemby 21 km |
Encarnación 262 km | Caaguazú 132 km | Coronel Oviedo 90 km |
Itauguá Map
Locate simply the city of Itauguá through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Itauguá Nearby cities and villages
Ypacaraí 6.7 km | San Bernardino 8.9 km | Capiatá 9.5 km |
Julián Augusto Saldívar 10 km | Itá 11.3 km | Areguá 12.5 km |
Pirayú 15 km | Guarambaré 17.4 km | Nueva Asunción 17.6 km |
San Lorenzo 18.3 km | Altos 18.7 km | Caacupé 19.4 km |
Itauguá Zone
Time zone of Itauguá.
Itauguá Local time | |
Itauguá Time zone | UTC -4:00 (America/Asuncion) Summer time UTC -4:00 Winter time UTC -3:00 |
Itauguá Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Itauguá.
Itauguá Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Itauguá.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
11 January | 10:09 - 16:57 - 23:45 | 09:44 - 00:10 | 09:13 - 00:40 | 08:42 - 01:12 |
12 January | 10:10 - 16:57 - 23:45 | 09:45 - 00:10 | 09:14 - 00:40 | 08:43 - 01:12 |
13 January | 10:11 - 16:58 - 23:45 | 09:45 - 00:10 | 09:15 - 00:40 | 08:43 - 01:12 |
14 January | 10:12 - 16:58 - 23:45 | 09:46 - 00:10 | 09:16 - 00:40 | 08:44 - 01:12 |
15 January | 10:12 - 16:58 - 23:44 | 09:47 - 00:10 | 09:17 - 00:40 | 08:45 - 01:11 |
16 January | 10:13 - 16:59 - 23:44 | 09:48 - 00:10 | 09:18 - 00:40 | 08:46 - 01:11 |
17 January | 10:14 - 16:59 - 23:44 | 09:49 - 00:09 | 09:19 - 00:39 | 08:47 - 01:11 |
Itauguá Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Itauguá classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Olimpo Hotel & Suites Itauguá Set in modern building with a swimming pool, Olimpo Hotel & Suites offers rooms with free Wi-Fi, and breakfast, in central Itauguá. Free parking and shuttles from the airport are provided. The city centre is 200 metres away... view more | from $US 59 | |
Hotel del Lago San Bernardino Built in 1888, on the shores of Ypacarai lake. Hotel del Lago offers an outdoor pool, free Wi-Fi and American breakfast. It is located in the heart of the historic centre, just 100 metres from San Bernardino city centre... view more | from $US 68 | |
Ruta Del Sol San Bernardino Featuring a garden with a swimming pool, a fitness centre and a tennis court, Ruta Del Sol offers air conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi only 8 km from San Bernardino. Breakfast is provided, and there is a restaurant... view more | from $US 55 | |
La Grappa Altos An outdoor swimming pool and a sauna room can be enjoyed in a quiet area 8 km off San Bernardino Beach. Airport shuttles and Wi-Fi are free. Massage sessions can be booked... view more | from $US 72 | |
Alta Gracia Parque Hotel Caacupé Offering an outdoor pool, a spa and free buffet breakfast, Alta Gracia Parque Hotel provides free Wi-Fi in Caacupé. La Virgen de Caacupé Basilica sits 1 km away. Rooms here are spacious, elegant and stylish... view more | from $US 150 | |
More Hotels » |
Itauguá Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Itauguá and its surroundings.
Itauguá Page
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