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Zabrze Localisation : Country Poland, Voivodeship Silesia, Powiat-city Zabrze.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ruda Śląska, Gliwice and Gierałtowice.


Find all the information of Zabrze or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data


Zabrze Administration

Zabrze Post code41-800
Zabrze MayorMałgorzata Mańka-Szulik

Zabrze Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Zabrze? Here are all the details of Zabrze available below.

Zabrze Postal addressul. Powstańców Śląskich 5–7
41-800 Zabrze
Zabrze Phone number32 373 33 00
International: +48 32 373 33 00
Zabrze Fax number32 271 08 18
International: +48 32 271 08 18
Zabrze Email address[email protected]
Zabrze Websitewww.zabrze.pl
Zabrze Birth certificate, Zabrze Death certificate

Zabrze Demography

Information on the people and the population of Zabrze.

Zabrze Population187,674 inhabitants
Zabrze Population Density2,334.3 /km² (6,045.7 /sq mi)

Zabrze Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Zabrze.

Zabrze Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 50.3, Longitude: 18.7833
50° 18′ 0″ North, 18° 46′ 60″ East
Zabrze Area8,040 hectares
80.40 km² (31.04 sq mi)
Zabrze Altitude251 m (823 ft)
Zabrze ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Zabrze Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Zabrze and the biggest cities of Poland.

Warsaw 265 kmKraków 87 kmŁódź 172 km
Wrocław 154 kmPoznań 269 kmGdansk 453 km
Szczecin 456 kmBydgoszcz 318 kmLublin 287 km
Katowice 16 km closestBiałystok 435 kmGdynia 468 km

Zabrze Map

Locate simply the city of Zabrze through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Zabrze Nearby cities and villages

Zabrze Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Zabrze has international agreements with its different pairings.

Zabrze Zone

Time zone of Zabrze.

Zabrze Local time
Zabrze Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Warsaw)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Zabrze Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Zabrze.

Zabrze Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Zabrze.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
14 January07:39 - 11:53 - 16:0807:01 - 16:4606:21 - 17:26 05:42 - 18:05
15 January07:38 - 11:54 - 16:1007:01 - 16:4706:20 - 17:28 05:41 - 18:07
16 January07:37 - 11:54 - 16:1107:00 - 16:4806:19 - 17:29 05:41 - 18:08
17 January07:36 - 11:55 - 16:1306:59 - 16:5006:19 - 17:30 05:40 - 18:09
18 January07:35 - 11:55 - 16:1406:59 - 16:5106:18 - 17:32 05:39 - 18:10
19 January07:34 - 11:55 - 16:1606:58 - 16:5306:17 - 17:33 05:39 - 18:12
20 January07:33 - 11:55 - 16:1806:57 - 16:5406:17 - 17:34 05:38 - 18:13

Zabrze Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Zabrze classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Ibis Katowice - ZabrzeIbis Katowice - Zabrze

Conveniently located just 500 metres from the Zabrze Railway Station, Ibis Katowice – Zabrze offers modern rooms with satellite TV and air conditioning. Wi-Fi is free in the entire hotel. In the morning a varied breakfast buffet is served until 10... view more
zł 131
Hotel Hotel Diament ZabrzeHotel Diament Zabrze

Hotel Diament Zabrze is conveniently situated in Zabrze city centre and close to the railway stations and A4 and A1 motorways. This comfortable hotel offers rooms with en suite bathrooms, satellite TV, and free Wi-Fi internet access... view more
zł 94
Hotel Ośrodek InnowacjaOśrodek Innowacja
Ośrodek Innowacja is located in a quiet part of Zabrze, yet only about 1.3 km from the city centre and Zabrze Train Station. It offers accommodation with free private parking and wired internet... view more
zł 90
Hotel AlpexAlpex

Alpex is a modern hotel in Zabrze, close to the city centre. It features free internet, free private parking, meeting rooms and a restaurant bar serving Polish and international cuisine... view more
zł 115
Hotel Zielony OgródZielony Ogród
Featuring Free Wi-Fi and free guarded parking, the Zielony Ogród guest accommodation is located in a quiet area of Zabrze. It offers elegant rooms with an LCD and a balcony with a garden view... view more
zł 117
More Hotels »

Zabrze Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Zabrze and its surroundings.

Gliwice 9.1 kmChorzów Batory 11.6 kmStacja Chorzów 14 km
Chorzów Stary 14 kmRojca 14.6 kmStacja Rojca 14.6 km
Oberschlesien 15.3 kmGórny Śląsk 15.3 kmUpper Silesia 15.3 km
Horní Slezsko 15.3 kmŚląska Wyżyna 15.4 kmKatowice Ligota 16.1 km
Stacja Katowice-Ligota 16.1 kmZagłębie Śląsko-Dąbrowskie 16.4 kmZagłębie Dąbrowskie 16.4 km
Katowice 19.1 kmNadleśnictwo Paruszowice 21.4 kmLasy Dóbr Pszczyńskich 26.9 km
Lasy Pszczyńskie 26.9 kmRybnik Paruszowice 27.1 kmRybnik Paruszowiec 27.1 km
Rudziniec Gliwicki 28.3 kmRudziniec 28.3 kmBahnhof Rudzinitz 28.3 km
Bahnhof Rudgershagen 28.3 kmZendek 28.4 kmRybnik/Gotartowice 28.6 km

Zabrze Page

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