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Vizela Localisation : Country Portugal, District Braga.
Available Information : Postal address, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Guimaraes, Felgueiras and Lousada.


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Vizela Administration

Vizela CodeVIZ
Vizela Post code4815
Vizela MayorVictor Hugo Salgado

Vizela Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Vizela? Here are all the details of Vizela available below.

Vizela Postal addressR. DR. ALFREDO PINTO. Nº 42
Vizela Phone numberNot available
Vizela Email address[email protected]
Vizela Websitewww.cm-vizela.pt
Other informationCâmara Municipal : Vizela
Vizela Birth certificate, Vizela Death certificate

Vizela Demography

Information on the people and the population of Vizela.

Vizela Population23,840 inhabitants
Vizela Population Density965.2 /km² (2,499.8 /sq mi)

Vizela Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Vizela.

Vizela Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 41.3752, Longitude: -8.30317
41° 22′ 31″ North, 8° 18′ 11″ West
Vizela Area2,470 hectares
24.70 km² (9.54 sq mi)
Vizela Altitude150 m (492 ft)
Vizela ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb)

Vizela Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Vizela and the biggest cities of Portugal.

Lisbon 305 kmSintra 301 kmVila Nova de Gaia 38 km
Oporto 36 kmCascais 313 kmLoures 293 km
Braga 22 km closestAmadora 302 kmOeiras 310 km
Matosinhos 38 kmAlmada 309 kmSeixal 312 km

Vizela Map

Locate simply the city of Vizela through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Vizela Nearby cities and villages

Vizela Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Vizela has international agreements with its different pairings.

Vizela Zone

Time zone of Vizela.

Vizela Local time
Vizela Time zoneUTC +0:00 (Europe/Lisbon)
Summer time UTC +1:00
Winter time UTC +0:00

Vizela Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Vizela.

Vizela Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Vizela.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
10 January08:58 - 13:40 - 18:2308:27 - 18:5307:53 - 19:28 07:20 - 20:01
11 January08:58 - 13:41 - 18:2408:27 - 18:5407:53 - 19:29 07:20 - 20:02
12 January08:57 - 13:41 - 18:2508:27 - 18:5507:53 - 19:30 07:19 - 20:03
13 January08:57 - 13:41 - 18:2608:27 - 18:5607:52 - 19:31 07:19 - 20:04
14 January08:57 - 13:42 - 18:2708:26 - 18:5807:52 - 19:32 07:19 - 20:05
15 January08:56 - 13:42 - 18:2808:26 - 18:5907:52 - 19:33 07:19 - 20:06
16 January08:56 - 13:43 - 18:2908:25 - 19:0007:51 - 19:34 07:18 - 20:07

Vizela Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Vizela classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel Bienestar Termas De VizelaHotel Bienestar Termas De Vizela

The 4-star Hotel Bienestar Termas de Vizela offers a central location in Vizela, less than 10 minutes’ walking from Vizela Train Station. The 24-hour hotel features a lounge bar and a restaurant on site... view more
€ 35
Hotel Quinta Da LongraQuinta Da Longra
Quinta da Longra is a wine producing farm with an outdoor swimming pool, in Santo Estevão de Barrosas village, 45 km from Porto city and 20 km from Guimarães. It offers free WiFi access... view more
€ 50
Hotel Casa de SezimCasa de Sezim
Located just outside the UNESCO world heritage site of Guimarães, this historic winery features elegantly decorated boutique rooms. Casa de Sezim offers guided tours and tastings in the wine cellars... view more
€ 75
Hotel Quinta do PinhôQuinta do Pinhô
Quinta do Pinhô is 3 km from Guimarães Shopping Centre and 5 km from the historical centre. It features free Wi-Fi access and a landscaped garden. All rooms are air conditioned and include private bathrooms with free toiletries... view more
€ 80
Hotel Quinta Do PassalQuinta Do Passal
São Pedro da Raimonda
Offering a tennis court on site, Quinta do Passal features a health club with indoor and outdoor pool. It is located 18 km from Guimarães city centre and 9 km from Paços de Ferreira... view more
€ 42
More Hotels »

Vizela Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Vizela and its surroundings.

Monte do Lijó 3 kmSerra do Maninho 3.3 kmMonte das Pias 4 km
Pinhal da Presa 5.5 kmChão de Bouças 6 kmSerra dos Campelos 6.5 km
Alto da Senhora 6.7 kmPinhal da Penha 7.1 kmMonte da Santa 8.4 km
Monte de São Domingos 8.7 kmMonte de Perna de Galo 8.7 kmMonte do Telégrafo 8.9 km
Alto da Bouça do Rego 9.3 kmAlto de Ceroulas 10.6 kmAlto do Pico 10.7 km
Monte de Romão 11.2 kmCabeço do Moço 11.7 kmPenedo Alto 12.1 km
Alto do Picoto 12.5 kmSanta Marta 12.6 kmMonte de São Mamede 13.1 km
Monte da Senhora da Assunção 13.1 kmMonte de Curtinhas 13.7 kmAlto de São Jorge 13.7 km
Alto de Moinhos 13.8 kmPico Alto 14 kmSerra de São Tiago 14.2 km
Viso Alto 14.9 kmCaíde 15.1 kmSerra da Penouta 15.6 km

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