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  13. Voyskorovo


Voyskorovo Localisation : Country Russia, Oblast Leningrad, Tosnensky.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Telmana, Kommunar and Nikolskoye.


Find all the information of Voyskorovo or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Voyskorovo Administration

Voyskorovo Post code187002

Voyskorovo Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Voyskorovo.

Voyskorovo Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 59.69, Longitude: 30.5611
59° 41′ 24″ North, 30° 33′ 40″ East
Voyskorovo Altitude50 m (164 ft)
Voyskorovo ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Voyskorovo Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Voyskorovo and the biggest cities of Russia.

Moscow 606 kmSaint Petersburg 31 km closestNovosibirsk 3105 km
Yekaterinburg 1773 kmNizhny Novgorod 2194 kmKazan 1183 km
Chelyabinsk 1897 kmSamara 1399 kmOmsk 2579 km
Rostov-on-Don 1510 kmKrasnoyarsk 3583 kmUfa 1615 km

Voyskorovo Map

Locate simply the city of Voyskorovo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Voyskorovo Nearby cities and villages

Telmana 4.9 kmKommunar 12.2 kmNikolskoye 12.5 km
Kobralovo 15.1 kmRabochy 16.1 kmKrasnaya Zarya 16.6 km
Gladkoye 17.4 kmOtradnoye 17.7 kmLukashi 18.2 km
Semrino 19.2 km

Voyskorovo Zone

Time zone of Voyskorovo.

Voyskorovo Local time
Voyskorovo Time zoneUTC +3:00 (Europe/Moscow)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Voyskorovo Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Voyskorovo.

Voyskorovo Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Voyskorovo.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
25 January07:24 - 11:10 - 14:5506:35 - 15:4405:44 - 16:35 04:55 - 17:24
26 January07:22 - 11:10 - 14:5806:33 - 15:4605:42 - 16:37 04:54 - 17:26
27 January07:20 - 11:10 - 15:0006:32 - 15:4805:41 - 16:39 04:52 - 17:28
28 January07:17 - 11:10 - 15:0306:30 - 15:5105:39 - 16:42 04:51 - 17:30
29 January07:15 - 11:10 - 15:0506:28 - 15:5305:37 - 16:44 04:49 - 17:32
30 January07:13 - 11:11 - 15:0806:26 - 15:5505:35 - 16:46 04:47 - 17:34
31 January07:11 - 11:11 - 15:1106:24 - 15:5705:34 - 16:48 04:45 - 17:36

Voyskorovo Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Voyskorovo classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Apartment SlavyankaApartment Slavyanka

Located in Pushkin, a 15-minute drive from Ekaterininskiy Palace, Apartment Slavyanka offers guests a self-catering accommodation with free Wi-Fi... view more
RUB 2700
Hotel Friedental HotelFriedental Hotel

Friedental Hotel is located in a residential building in Pushkin. The Royal Cathedral, Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum and Catherine Palace are only a 10-15 minute walk. Begin the day with a choice of breakfast... view more
RUB 2800
Hotel Lemon HostelLemon Hostel
Located just a 20-minute walk from the Royal Cathedral and Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum, Lemon Hostel features free Wi-Fi, a shared kitchen and shared lounge. Catherine Palace is a 5-minute drive away. All rooms feature simple design... view more
RUB 350
Hotel EkaterinaEkaterina

Featuring a 24-hour reception and air-conditioned rooms with a work desk, Ekaterina Hotel is located on the territory of Catherine Palace in Pushkin town, 30 minutes’ drive from Saint Petersburg’s centre... view more
RUB 2500
Hotel Apartments na ShishkovaApartments na Shishkova
Located in the centre of Pushkin, a 5-minute drive to Ekaterininskiy and Alexandrovskiy palace, Apartments na Shishkova offer self-catering accommodation with free Wi-Fi. The comfortable apartment has a balcony... view more
RUB 2600
More Hotels »

Voyskorovo Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Voyskorovo and its surroundings.

Nuclear power plant

Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant 86.5 km  

Voyskorovo Page

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  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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