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M'Bour Demography
Information on the people and the population of M'Bour.
M'Bour Population | 181,825 inhabitants |
M'Bour Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of M'Bour.
M'Bour Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 14.3695, Longitude: -16.9656 14° 22′ 10″ North, 16° 57′ 56″ West |
M'Bour Climate | Semi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSh) |
M'Bour Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between M'Bour and the biggest cities of Senegal.
Dakar 63 km | Pikine 60 km closest | Rufisque 47 km closest |
Guédiawaye 63 km closest | Ziguinchor 213 km | Kaolack 99 km closest |
Saint-Louis 192 km | Louga 157 km closest | Diourbel 84 km closest |
Tambacounda 362 km | Mbacké 123 km closest | Kolda 274 km |
M'Bour Map
Locate simply the city of M'Bour through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
M'Bour Nearby cities and villages
M'Bour Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of M'Bour has international agreements with its different pairings.
M'Bour Zone
Time zone of M'Bour.
M'Bour Local time | |
M'Bour Time zone | UTC +0:00 (Africa/Dakar) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
M'Bour Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of M'Bour.
M'Bour Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to M'Bour.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
30 December | 08:31 - 14:10 - 19:49 | 08:08 - 20:12 | 07:42 - 20:39 | 07:15 - 21:05 |
31 December | 08:32 - 14:11 - 19:49 | 08:09 - 20:13 | 07:42 - 20:39 | 07:16 - 21:06 |
1 January | 08:32 - 14:11 - 19:50 | 08:09 - 20:13 | 07:42 - 20:40 | 07:16 - 21:06 |
2 January | 08:32 - 14:12 - 19:51 | 08:09 - 20:14 | 07:43 - 20:40 | 07:16 - 21:07 |
3 January | 08:33 - 14:12 - 19:51 | 08:10 - 20:14 | 07:43 - 20:41 | 07:17 - 21:07 |
4 January | 08:33 - 14:12 - 19:52 | 08:10 - 20:15 | 07:44 - 20:41 | 07:17 - 21:08 |
5 January | 08:33 - 14:13 - 19:52 | 08:10 - 20:15 | 07:44 - 20:42 | 07:18 - 21:08 |
M'Bour Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in M'Bour classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Le Warang Mbour Le Warang features an outdoor swimming pool and a restaurant with a covered terrace and panoramic views of the sea. It is situated on the coast between Mbour and Niaming Beach... view more | ||
Le Ganale Ouoran Located in Warang Village, Le Ganale is a 10-minute drive from Mbour city. It offers a terrace and an outdoor swimming pool. Excursions and guided tours can be arranged at the property... view more | ||
Teranga Belge Ouoran Located in Mbour, Teranga Belge is 3 km from the sea and 53 km from Thiès. It offers an outdoor swimming pool, free Wi-Fi access and a terrace with outdoor furniture. The air-conditioned rooms are individually decorated... view more | ||
Douceur d'Afrique Ouoran Offering an outdoor swimming pool and a garden, this B&B is located in the village of Warang, just 200 metres from the beach. Staff are available 24 hours a day and guests can enjoy an on-site restaurant and bar during their stay... view more | ||
Gîte Africain de Simal Mbour Located in the village of Simal, in Senegal, Gîte Africain de Simal offers African-style accommodation and a terrace set on the banks Saloum River. Free Wi-Fi is provided throughout and fishing is possible on site... view more | ||
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M'Bour Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in M'Bour and its surroundings.
M'Bour Page
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