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Lichtensteig Localisation : Country Switzerland, Canton St Gallen, Constituency Toggenburg.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Oberhelfenschwil, Wattwil and Neckertal.


Find all the information of Lichtensteig or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

CantonSt Gallen

Lichtensteig Administration

Lichtensteig Code (OFS)3374
Lichtensteig Post code9620

Lichtensteig Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Lichtensteig? Here are all the details of Lichtensteig available below.

Lichtensteig Postal addressHauptgasse 12
Lichtensteig Phone number090 112 60 16
(2chf + 2chf/mn)
Lichtensteig Email address[email protected]
Lichtensteig Websitewww.lichtensteig.ch
Other informationGemeinde Commune Comune : Lichtensteig
Lichtensteig Birth certificate, Lichtensteig Death certificate

Lichtensteig Demography

Information on the people and the population of Lichtensteig.

Lichtensteig Population1,869 inhabitants
Lichtensteig Population Density662.8 /km² (1,716.6 /sq mi)

Lichtensteig Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Lichtensteig.

Lichtensteig Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.3261, Longitude: 9.09775
47° 19′ 34″ North, 9° 5′ 52″ East
Lichtensteig Area282 hectares
2.82 km² (1.09 sq mi)
Lichtensteig Altitude625 m (2,051 ft)
Lichtensteig ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Lichtensteig Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Lichtensteig and the biggest cities of Switzerland.

Zurich 43 kmGeneva 257 kmBasle 116 km
Lausanne 207 kmBerne 135 kmWinterthur 33 km
Lucerne 66 kmSt. Gallen 13 km closestLugano 147 km
Biel 140 kmThun 129 kmBellinzona 125 km

Lichtensteig Map

Locate simply the city of Lichtensteig through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Lichtensteig Nearby cities and villages

Oberhelfenschwil 2.5 kmWattwil 3.9 kmNeckertal 5.2 km
Mosnang 7.2 kmHemberg 7.5 kmLütisburg 8 km
Ebnat-Kappel 9.3 kmDegersheim 9.6 kmGommiswald 10.1 km
Schönengrund 10.2 kmKirchberg 10.7 kmSchwellbrunn 10.9 km

Lichtensteig Zone

Time zone of Lichtensteig.

Lichtensteig Local time
Lichtensteig Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Zurich)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Lichtensteig Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Lichtensteig.

Lichtensteig Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Lichtensteig.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
26 January07:56 - 12:36 - 17:1607:22 - 17:4906:45 - 18:26 06:09 - 19:02
27 January07:54 - 12:36 - 17:1707:21 - 17:5106:44 - 18:28 06:08 - 19:04
28 January07:53 - 12:36 - 17:1907:20 - 17:5206:43 - 18:29 06:07 - 19:05
29 January07:52 - 12:36 - 17:2007:19 - 17:5306:42 - 18:30 06:06 - 19:06
30 January07:51 - 12:36 - 17:2207:18 - 17:5506:41 - 18:32 06:05 - 19:08
31 January07:50 - 12:37 - 17:2307:17 - 17:5606:40 - 18:33 06:04 - 19:09
1 February07:48 - 12:37 - 17:2507:16 - 17:5806:39 - 18:34 06:03 - 19:10

Lichtensteig Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Lichtensteig classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Café-Conditorei Hotel HuberCafé-Conditorei Hotel Huber
Apart from its newly renovated and bright rooms featuring cable TV, this property includes a café and a pastry shop with the spiced Biberli honey cake as its main speciality. The restaurant with a terrace serves Swiss and international cuisine... view more
CHF 70
Hotel DestimotelDestimotel

Destimotel is located in Lichtensteig and just 400 metres from the next bus station, offering self-catering accommodation with a flat-screen TV, a balcony and free Wi-Fi. The apartment provides an iPod docking station and a living area... view more
CHF 110
Hotel Gästehaus SonneGästehaus Sonne
Set in a Toggenburger-style building in the village of Bütschwil, Gästehaus Sonne offers soundproofed rooms with flat-screen cable TV. A rich buffet breakfast with home-made bread and pastries from the in-house bakery are served daily... view more
CHF 95
Hotel FrohwiesFrohwies
Frohwies is a 500 year old house set on a hilltop between St Peter and Bächli-Hemberg. It offers home-made fresh products, a cow farm, free WiFi and a dining room with fireplace... view more
CHF 55
Hotel Hotel Rössli TufertschwilHotel Rössli Tufertschwil
Located in the hamlet of Tufertschwil, Hotel Rössli offers modern and spacious rooms with a balcony and mountain views. It features a restaurant and free Wi-Fi in public areas... view more
CHF 120
More Hotels »

Lichtensteig Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Lichtensteig and its surroundings.

Kreuzegg 7.9 kmToggenburg 9.9 kmSchnebelhorn 9.9 km
Hochalp 12.4 kmHörnli 13.2 kmSpeer 16.1 km
Bachtel 16.4 kmGaster 17 kmSchwägalp 17.5 km
Nollen 17.7 kmMarch 19.4 kmAlpstein 19.7 km
Säntis 19.7 kmRotsteinpass 22 kmKerenzen 22.1 km
Kerenzen Berg 22.1 kmSchafberg 22.6 kmWildhuser-Schafberg 22.6 km
Wildhauser-Schafberg 22.6 kmChurfirsten 23.4 kmAltmann 23.9 km
Wildpark Peter und Paul 26.6 kmInsel Ufenau 27.8 kmBrünnelistock 28.8 km
Mürtschenstock 29 kmWagital 29.9 kmWäggital 29.9 km
Wagithal 29.9 km

Nuclear power plant

Beznau Nuclear Power Plant 70.2 kmLeibstadt Nuclear Power Plant 74.3 kmGösgen Nuclear Power Plant 85.3 km

Lichtensteig Page

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DB-City.comLichtensteig 4.2/5 (2021-02-04 15:30:11)
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  • Demography
  • Geography
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  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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