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Country | Switzerland |
Canton | St Gallen |
Constituency | Toggenburg |
Lichtensteig Administration
Lichtensteig Code (OFS) | 3374 |
Lichtensteig Post code | 9620 |
Lichtensteig Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Lichtensteig? Here are all the details of Lichtensteig available below.
Lichtensteig Postal address | Hauptgasse 12 9620 LICHTENSTEIG Schweiz |
Lichtensteig Phone number | 090 112 60 16 (2chf + 2chf/mn) |
Lichtensteig Email address | [email protected] |
Lichtensteig Website | |
Other information | Gemeinde Commune Comune : Lichtensteig |
Lichtensteig Birth certificate, Lichtensteig Death certificate |
Lichtensteig Demography
Information on the people and the population of Lichtensteig.
Lichtensteig Population | 1,869 inhabitants |
Lichtensteig Population Density | 662.8 /km² (1,716.6 /sq mi) |
Lichtensteig Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Lichtensteig.
Lichtensteig Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 47.3261, Longitude: 9.09775 47° 19′ 34″ North, 9° 5′ 52″ East |
Lichtensteig Area | 282 hectares 2.82 km² (1.09 sq mi) |
Lichtensteig Altitude | 625 m (2,051 ft) |
Lichtensteig Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Lichtensteig Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Lichtensteig and the biggest cities of Switzerland.
Zurich 43 km | Geneva 257 km | Basle 116 km |
Lausanne 207 km | Berne 135 km | Winterthur 33 km |
Lucerne 66 km | St. Gallen 13 km closest | Lugano 147 km |
Biel 140 km | Thun 129 km | Bellinzona 125 km |
Lichtensteig Map
Locate simply the city of Lichtensteig through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Lichtensteig Nearby cities and villages
Oberhelfenschwil 2.5 km | Wattwil 3.9 km | Neckertal 5.2 km |
Mosnang 7.2 km | Hemberg 7.5 km | Lütisburg 8 km |
Ebnat-Kappel 9.3 km | Degersheim 9.6 km | Gommiswald 10.1 km |
Schönengrund 10.2 km | Kirchberg 10.7 km | Schwellbrunn 10.9 km |
Lichtensteig Zone
Time zone of Lichtensteig.
Lichtensteig Local time | |
Lichtensteig Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Zurich) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Lichtensteig Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Lichtensteig.
Lichtensteig Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Lichtensteig.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
26 January | 07:56 - 12:36 - 17:16 | 07:22 - 17:49 | 06:45 - 18:26 | 06:09 - 19:02 |
27 January | 07:54 - 12:36 - 17:17 | 07:21 - 17:51 | 06:44 - 18:28 | 06:08 - 19:04 |
28 January | 07:53 - 12:36 - 17:19 | 07:20 - 17:52 | 06:43 - 18:29 | 06:07 - 19:05 |
29 January | 07:52 - 12:36 - 17:20 | 07:19 - 17:53 | 06:42 - 18:30 | 06:06 - 19:06 |
30 January | 07:51 - 12:36 - 17:22 | 07:18 - 17:55 | 06:41 - 18:32 | 06:05 - 19:08 |
31 January | 07:50 - 12:37 - 17:23 | 07:17 - 17:56 | 06:40 - 18:33 | 06:04 - 19:09 |
1 February | 07:48 - 12:37 - 17:25 | 07:16 - 17:58 | 06:39 - 18:34 | 06:03 - 19:10 |
Lichtensteig Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Lichtensteig classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Café-Conditorei Hotel Huber Lichtensteig Apart from its newly renovated and bright rooms featuring cable TV, this property includes a café and a pastry shop with the spiced Biberli honey cake as its main speciality. The restaurant with a terrace serves Swiss and international cuisine... view more | from CHF 70 | |
Destimotel Lichtensteig Destimotel is located in Lichtensteig and just 400 metres from the next bus station, offering self-catering accommodation with a flat-screen TV, a balcony and free Wi-Fi. The apartment provides an iPod docking station and a living area... view more | from CHF 110 | |
Gästehaus Sonne Bütschwil Set in a Toggenburger-style building in the village of Bütschwil, Gästehaus Sonne offers soundproofed rooms with flat-screen cable TV. A rich buffet breakfast with home-made bread and pastries from the in-house bakery are served daily... view more | from CHF 95 | |
Frohwies Hemberg Frohwies is a 500 year old house set on a hilltop between St Peter and Bächli-Hemberg. It offers home-made fresh products, a cow farm, free WiFi and a dining room with fireplace... view more | from CHF 55 | |
Hotel Rössli Tufertschwil Lütisburg Located in the hamlet of Tufertschwil, Hotel Rössli offers modern and spacious rooms with a balcony and mountain views. It features a restaurant and free Wi-Fi in public areas... view more | from CHF 120 | |
More Hotels » |
Lichtensteig Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Lichtensteig and its surroundings.
Kreuzegg 7.9 km | Toggenburg 9.9 km | Schnebelhorn 9.9 km |
Hochalp 12.4 km | Hörnli 13.2 km | Speer 16.1 km |
Bachtel 16.4 km | Gaster 17 km | Schwägalp 17.5 km |
Nollen 17.7 km | March 19.4 km | Alpstein 19.7 km |
Säntis 19.7 km | Rotsteinpass 22 km | Kerenzen 22.1 km |
Kerenzen Berg 22.1 km | Schafberg 22.6 km | Wildhuser-Schafberg 22.6 km |
Wildhauser-Schafberg 22.6 km | Churfirsten 23.4 km | Altmann 23.9 km |
Wildpark Peter und Paul 26.6 km | Insel Ufenau 27.8 km | Brünnelistock 28.8 km |
Mürtschenstock 29 km | Wagital 29.9 km | Wäggital 29.9 km |
Wagithal 29.9 km |
Nuclear power plant
Beznau Nuclear Power Plant 70.2 km | Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant 74.3 km | Gösgen Nuclear Power Plant 85.3 km |
Lichtensteig Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Lichtensteig /5 (2021-02-04 15:30:11) |