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Wartau Localisation : Country Switzerland, Canton St Gallen, Constituency Werdenberg.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Sevelen, Sargans and Balzers.


Find all the information of Wartau or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

CantonSt Gallen

Wartau Administration

Wartau Code (OFS)3276
Wartau Post code9478

Wartau Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Wartau? Here are all the details of Wartau available below.

Wartau Postal address9478 WARTAU
Wartau Phone number090 112 60 16
(2chf + 2chf/mn)
Wartau Email address[email protected]
Wartau Websitewww.wartau.ch
Other informationGemeinde Commune Comune : Wartau
Wartau Birth certificate, Wartau Death certificate

Wartau Demography

Information on the people and the population of Wartau.

Wartau Population5,297 inhabitants
Wartau Population Density126.9 /km² (328.8 /sq mi)

Wartau Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Wartau.

Wartau Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.0942, Longitude: 9.45649
47° 5′ 39″ North, 9° 27′ 23″ East
Wartau Area4,173 hectares
41.73 km² (16.11 sq mi)
Wartau Altitude468 m (1,535 ft)
Wartau ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Wartau Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Wartau and the biggest cities of Switzerland.

Zurich 77 kmGeneva 272 kmBasle 150 km
Lausanne 224 kmBerne 156 kmWinterthur 71 km
Lucerne 86 kmSt. Gallen 25 km closestLugano 126 km
Biel 166 kmThun 145 kmBellinzona 105 km

Wartau Map

Locate simply the city of Wartau through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Wartau Nearby cities and villages

Sevelen 4.1 kmSargans 4.2 kmLiechtenstein Balzers 4.7 km
Liechtenstein Triesen 5.5 kmLiechtenstein Triesenberg 7.1 kmLiechtenstein Vaduz 7.2 km
Buchs 7.7 kmFläsch 8.4 kmLiechtenstein Schaan 8.7 km
Vilters-Wangs 9.5 kmGrabs 9.6 kmWalenstadt 10.2 km

Wartau Zone

Time zone of Wartau.

Wartau Local time
Wartau Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Zurich)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Wartau Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Wartau.

Wartau Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Wartau.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
6 February07:40 - 12:36 - 17:3207:08 - 18:0406:31 - 18:40 05:56 - 19:16
7 February07:38 - 12:36 - 17:3307:06 - 18:0506:30 - 18:42 05:55 - 19:17
8 February07:37 - 12:36 - 17:3507:05 - 18:0706:29 - 18:43 05:53 - 19:18
9 February07:35 - 12:36 - 17:3707:03 - 18:0806:27 - 18:44 05:52 - 19:20
10 February07:34 - 12:36 - 17:3807:02 - 18:1006:26 - 18:46 05:51 - 19:21
11 February07:32 - 12:36 - 17:4007:00 - 18:1106:25 - 18:47 05:49 - 19:23
12 February07:31 - 12:36 - 17:4106:59 - 18:1306:23 - 18:49 05:48 - 19:24

Wartau Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Wartau classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Alvier Seminar- und FerienhotelAlvier Seminar- und Ferienhotel

The Alvier hotel is located right next to the Alvier cable car station above Oberschan in the Rhine Valley. It offers you rooms with balconies, free Wi-Fi and free parking... view more
Hotel Hotel PostHotel Post

The family-run Hotel Post is located in Sargans, a 5-minute walk from the train station. It provides free Wi-Fi and features a restaurant serving Swiss cuisine and a wide range of wines... view more
CHF 86
Hotel Hotel Deja VuHotel Deja Vu
In the centre of Sargans, Hotel Deja Vu features an on-site lounge bar with a garden terrace, as well as rooms with a TV and free WiFi in all areas. Each accommodation unit at the Deja Vu hotel contains a private bathroom with a shower... view more
CHF 75
Hotel Hotel zum RitterhofHotel zum Ritterhof
Located within 200 metres from the Main Train Station of Sargans, Hotel zum Ritterhof is a 2-minute drive away from the Sargans motorway exit. It offers rooms with fans and TVs... view more
CHF 85
Hotel SchweizerhofSchweizerhof
The Hotel Schweizerhof is located in the village of Mels in the Heidiland-Sarganserland region amid the Pizol and Flumserberge skiing and hiking areas. It offers a bar and free Wi-Fi... view more
CHF 95
More Hotels »

Wartau Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Wartau and its surroundings.

Alvier 4.3 kmSeez Valley 5.7 kmSeetz Valley 5.7 km
Seeztal 5.7 kmSeezthal 5.7 kmFalknis 9.7 km
Enderlin Horn 9.7 kmFalknis Horn 9.7 kmGrauspitz 10.8 km
Hinter-Grauspitz 10.8 kmVorder-Grauspitz 10.8 kmGrauspitz 10.8 km
Naafkopf 11.9 kmNauf Kopf 11.9 kmBartümel Joch 13.1 km
Barthümel Joch 13.1 kmHornspitze 15 kmSalaruel Joch 15 km
Klein Furka 15 kmChurfirsten 15.7 kmSchafberg 15.8 km
Wildhuser-Schafberg 15.8 kmWildhauser-Schafberg 15.8 kmAltmann 16.4 km
Rhaetikon 16.7 kmRhätikon 16.7 kmRhätikon Mountains 16.7 km
Rätikon 16.7 kmGraue Hörner 17 kmSpitzmeilen 18.2 km

Nuclear power plant

Beznau Nuclear Power Plant 105.8 kmLeibstadt Nuclear Power Plant 110.4 kmGösgen Nuclear Power Plant 116.4 km

Wartau Page

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DB-City.comWartau 4.2/5 (2020-06-09 08:40:54)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page