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  13. Williamsville


Williamsville Localisation : Country United States, State Missouri, County Wayne.
Available Information : Postal address, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Mill Spring, Ellsinore and Greenville.


Find all the information of Williamsville or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

CountryUnited States

Williamsville Administration

Williamsville Code (FIPS)2980026
Williamsville Post code63967

Williamsville Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Williamsville? Here are all the details of Williamsville available below.

Williamsville Postal addressP.O. BOX 88
United States
Williamsville Phone numberNot available
Williamsville Email addressNot available
Williamsville WebsiteNot available
Other informationCities and Towns in the United States : Williamsville
Williamsville Birth certificate, Williamsville Death certificate

Williamsville Demography

Information on the people and the population of Williamsville.

Williamsville Population379 inhabitants
Williamsville Population Density451.2 /km² (1,168.6 /sq mi)

Williamsville Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Williamsville.

Williamsville Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 36.9737, Longitude: -90.5478
36° 58′ 25″ North, 90° 32′ 52″ West
Williamsville Area84 hectares
0.84 km² (0.32 sq mi)
Williamsville Altitude122 m (400 ft)
Williamsville ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Williamsville Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Williamsville and the biggest cities of United States.

New York City 1495 kmLos Angeles 2537 kmChicago 595 km
Houston 918 kmPhiladelphia 1383 kmPhoenix 1989 km
San Antonio 1118 kmSan Diego 2463 kmDallas 734 km
San Jose 2763 kmJacksonville 1105 kmIndianapolis 495 km closest

Williamsville Map

Locate simply the city of Williamsville through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Williamsville Nearby cities and villages

Mill Spring 15.6 kmEllsinore 18.3 kmGreenville 19.3 km

Williamsville Zone

Time zone of Williamsville.

Williamsville Local time
Williamsville Time zoneUTC -6:00 (America/Chicago)
Summer time UTC -5:00
Winter time UTC -6:00

Williamsville Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Williamsville.

Williamsville Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Williamsville.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
9 February13:56 - 19:16 - 00:3613:29 - 01:0212:59 - 01:33 12:28 - 02:03
10 February13:55 - 19:16 - 00:3713:28 - 01:0312:58 - 01:34 12:27 - 02:04
11 February13:54 - 19:16 - 00:3813:27 - 01:0512:57 - 01:35 12:26 - 02:05
12 February13:53 - 19:16 - 00:3913:26 - 01:0612:56 - 01:36 12:26 - 02:06
13 February13:52 - 19:16 - 00:4013:25 - 01:0712:55 - 01:37 12:25 - 02:07
14 February13:51 - 19:16 - 00:4113:24 - 01:0812:54 - 01:38 12:23 - 02:08
15 February13:49 - 19:16 - 00:4213:23 - 01:0912:53 - 01:39 12:22 - 02:09

Williamsville Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Williamsville classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Holiday Inn Poplar BluffHoliday Inn Poplar Bluff

Poplar Bluff
This hotel is 3 miles from downtown Poplar Bluff, Missouri and the Black River Coliseum and Convention Center. It features an on-site restaurant, bar and spacious rooms with free Wi-Fi... view more
$US 81
Hotel Comfort Inn Poplar BluffComfort Inn Poplar Bluff

Poplar Bluff
The Comfort Inn hotel is located on U.S. Highway 67, one-half mile south of the U.S. Highway 60 and U.S. Highway 67 junction... view more
$US 85
Hotel Drury Inn Poplar BluffDrury Inn Poplar Bluff

Poplar Bluff
Serving a daily hot breakfast with eggs, sausage, and Belgian waffles, this Poplar Bluff, Missouri hotel is 6 minutes’ drive from the Black River Coliseum. Each guest room includes free Wi-Fi... view more
$US 105
Hotel Oak Tree Inn - DexterOak Tree Inn - Dexter

Featuring free Wi-Fi throughout the property, this Dexter, Missouri motel is 12 minutes’ drive from the Stars and Stripes Museum & Library. Each guest room includes cable TV. A microwave and fridge are provided in every room at Oak Tree Inn... view more
$US 60
Hotel Econo Lodge DexterEcono Lodge Dexter

Located in southeast Missouri, the Econo Lodge hotel is near many shopping centers and attractions. This hotel is close to the Holly Ridge Wildlife Area, the Dexter Welcome Center Depot and Museum, Evans Pottery and the Heritage Caboose museum... view more
$US 55
More Hotels »

Williamsville Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Williamsville and its surroundings.

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  • Geography
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  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
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