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  11. Veinticinco de Agosto

Veinticinco de Agosto

Veinticinco de Agosto Localisation : Country Uruguay, Department Florida.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ituzaingó, Santa Lucía and 18 de Julio-Pueblo Nuevo.


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Veinticinco de Agosto Administration

Veinticinco de Agosto Post code94002

Veinticinco de Agosto Demography

Information on the people and the population of Veinticinco de Agosto.

Veinticinco de Agosto Population1,849 inhabitants

Veinticinco de Agosto Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Veinticinco de Agosto.

Veinticinco de Agosto Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -34.4111, Longitude: -56.4058
34° 24′ 40″ South, 56° 24′ 21″ West
Veinticinco de Agosto Altitude15 m (49 ft)

Veinticinco de Agosto Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Veinticinco de Agosto and the biggest cities of Uruguay.

Montevideo 57 kmSalto 367 kmCiudad de la Costa 62 km
Maldonado 144 kmRivera 399 kmPaysandú 280 km
Las Piedras 38 km closestDurazno 115 kmTacuarembó 303 km
Melo 307 kmMinas 108 kmMercedes 198 km

Veinticinco de Agosto Map

Locate simply the city of Veinticinco de Agosto through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Veinticinco de Agosto Nearby cities and villages

Veinticinco de Agosto Zone

Time zone of Veinticinco de Agosto.

Veinticinco de Agosto Local time
Veinticinco de Agosto Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Montevideo)
Summer time UTC -3:00
Winter time UTC -2:00

Veinticinco de Agosto Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Veinticinco de Agosto.

Veinticinco de Agosto Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Veinticinco de Agosto.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
26 November09:27 - 16:33 - 23:3908:58 - 00:0708:23 - 00:42 07:46 - 01:20
27 November09:26 - 16:33 - 23:3908:58 - 00:0808:23 - 00:43 07:45 - 01:21
28 November09:26 - 16:33 - 23:4008:58 - 00:0908:23 - 00:44 07:44 - 01:22
29 November09:26 - 16:34 - 23:4108:57 - 00:1008:22 - 00:45 07:44 - 01:23
30 November09:26 - 16:34 - 23:4208:57 - 00:1108:22 - 00:46 07:44 - 01:25
1 December09:26 - 16:34 - 23:4308:57 - 00:1208:22 - 00:47 07:43 - 01:26
2 December09:26 - 16:35 - 23:4408:57 - 00:1308:21 - 00:48 07:43 - 01:27

Veinticinco de Agosto Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Veinticinco de Agosto classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel OrientalHotel Oriental

Santa Lucía
Air-conditioned rooms with garden views can be enjoyed 2 blocks from Santa Lucia River. The hotel has vintage style decorated floor tiles, and furniture. There is free Wi-Fi the main bus station is 2 blocks away... view more
$US 70
Hotel Regency Zonamerica HotelRegency Zonamerica Hotel

Regency Zonamerica is set in Montevideo´s exclusive Jacksonville district. It offers elegant rooms with modern amenities, featuring an outdoor pool, spa and restaurant. Accommodation includes free Wi-Fi and parking... view more
$US 112
Hotel Estancia Hosteria El CeiboEstancia Hosteria El Ceibo
Horse riding, bird-watching and contact with farm animals can be enjoyed in this traditional gaucho inspired ranch house with a fireplace, in full Pampa plains style. There is free Wi-Fi... view more
Hotel Estancia Turística Don JoaquínEstancia Turística Don Joaquín
Located 5 metres from the bus station, Estancia Turística Don Joaquín features a gym, a spa, a children’s playground and an outdoor swimming pool in Cruz de los Caminos. All meals are included and free Wi-Fi is provided in public areas... view more
$US 204
Hotel Hotel Escuela KolpingHotel Escuela Kolping

Only 3 km from Tres Cruces Bus Station, Hotel Escuela Kolping is a modern hotel training centre offering rooms with free Wi-Fi and air conditioning in central Montevideo. Breakfast is provided, and there is a garden... view more
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Veinticinco de Agosto Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Veinticinco de Agosto and its surroundings.

Veinticinco de Agosto Page

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DB-City.comVeinticinco de Agosto 2.5/5 (2021-04-08 13:03:27)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page