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Illescas Administration
Illescas Post code | 30202 |
Illescas Demography
Information on the people and the population of Illescas.
Illescas Population | 121 inhabitants |
Illescas Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Illescas.
Illescas Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -33.6097, Longitude: -55.3317 33° 36′ 35″ South, 55° 19′ 54″ West |
Illescas Altitude | 247 m (810 ft) |
Illescas Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Illescas and the biggest cities of Uruguay.
Montevideo 161 km | Salto 349 km | Ciudad de la Costa 146 km |
Maldonado 149 km | Rivera 302 km | Paysandú 294 km |
Las Piedras 148 km | Durazno 113 km | Tacuarembó 220 km |
Melo 175 km | Minas 85 km closest | Mercedes 254 km |
Illescas Map
Locate simply the city of Illescas through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Illescas Nearby cities and villages
Illescas 0 km |
Illescas Zone
Time zone of Illescas.
Illescas Local time | |
Illescas Time zone | UTC -3:00 (America/Montevideo) Summer time UTC -3:00 Winter time UTC -2:00 |
Illescas Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Illescas.
Illescas Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Illescas.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
15 February | 10:17 - 16:55 - 23:33 | 09:51 - 23:59 | 09:20 - 00:30 | 08:48 - 01:02 |
16 February | 10:18 - 16:55 - 23:32 | 09:52 - 23:58 | 09:21 - 00:29 | 08:49 - 01:01 |
17 February | 10:19 - 16:55 - 23:31 | 09:53 - 23:57 | 09:22 - 00:27 | 08:50 - 00:59 |
18 February | 10:20 - 16:55 - 23:30 | 09:54 - 23:55 | 09:23 - 00:26 | 08:51 - 00:58 |
19 February | 10:21 - 16:55 - 23:29 | 09:55 - 23:54 | 09:24 - 00:25 | 08:53 - 00:57 |
20 February | 10:21 - 16:54 - 23:27 | 09:56 - 23:53 | 09:25 - 00:24 | 08:54 - 00:55 |
21 February | 10:22 - 16:54 - 23:26 | 09:57 - 23:52 | 09:26 - 00:22 | 08:55 - 00:54 |
Illescas Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Illescas classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
![]() | Estancia Aguila Blanca Polanco Set in a ranch featuring a large garden with a pool and BBQ facilities, Estancia Aguila Blanca offers rural accommodation, just a 2 hours’ drive from Montevideo. Horse riding and bird watching activities are provided... view more | from $US 180 |
![]() | Estancia Los Plátanos Valentines Featuring a garden and a library, this 1850 guest house offers cooking workshops and activities for children. Activities in the area such as horse riding and hiking can be arranged. The rooms in Estancia Los Plátanos feature private bathrooms... view more | from $US 60 |
![]() | El Balcón del Abra Mariscala Featuring a garden and a restaurant, El Balcón del Abra offers free Wi-Fi and full board rated in Mariscala. All meals are included. The city centre is 5 km away... view more | from $US 364 |
![]() | Hotel Patrón José Pedro Varela Featuring a garden, an outdoor pool, and BBQ facilities, Hotel Patrón offers free Wi-Fi and 24-hour front desk assistance in José Pedro Varela. The main square is 150 metres away... view more | from $US 60 |
![]() | Estancia Hosteria El Ceibo Florida Horse riding, bird-watching and contact with farm animals can be enjoyed in this traditional gaucho inspired ranch house with a fireplace, in full Pampa plains style. There is free Wi-Fi... view more | |
More Hotels » |
Illescas Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Illescas and its surroundings.
Illescas Page
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