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  11. Masi-Manimba


Masi-Manimba Localisation : Country Democratic Republic of the Congo, Province Kwilu.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area and Altitude.


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Masi-Manimba Demography

Information on the people and the population of Masi-Manimba.

Masi-Manimba Population1,571,503 inhabitants
Masi-Manimba Population Density109.7 /km² (284.1 /sq mi)

Masi-Manimba Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Masi-Manimba.

Masi-Manimba Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -4.76667, Longitude: 17.9167
4° 46′ 0″ South, 17° 55′ 0″ East
Masi-Manimba Area1,432,700 hectares
14,327.00 km² (5,531.69 sq mi)
Masi-Manimba Altitude382 m (1,253 ft)
Masi-Manimba ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

Masi-Manimba Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Masi-Manimba and the biggest cities of Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Kinshasa 292 kmLubumbashi 1304 kmIdiofa 189 km
Kananga 512 kmMahagi 1653 kmMbuji-Mayi 646 km
Kasongo Lunda 226 kmAru 1671 kmKisangani 1001 km
Kenge 113 km closestGungu 195 kmBagata 115 km

Masi-Manimba Map

Locate simply the city of Masi-Manimba through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Masi-Manimba Zone

Time zone of Masi-Manimba.

Masi-Manimba Local time
Masi-Manimba Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Africa/Kinshasa)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Masi-Manimba Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Masi-Manimba.

Masi-Manimba Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Masi-Manimba.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
1 December05:26 - 11:37 - 17:4805:03 - 18:1104:37 - 18:37 04:11 - 19:03
2 December05:26 - 11:37 - 17:4905:04 - 18:1104:37 - 18:37 04:11 - 19:04
3 December05:26 - 11:38 - 17:4905:04 - 18:1204:38 - 18:38 04:11 - 19:04
4 December05:27 - 11:38 - 17:5005:04 - 18:1204:38 - 18:38 04:11 - 19:05
5 December05:27 - 11:39 - 17:5005:05 - 18:1304:38 - 18:39 04:12 - 19:05
6 December05:27 - 11:39 - 17:5105:05 - 18:1304:39 - 18:39 04:12 - 19:06
7 December05:28 - 11:39 - 17:5105:05 - 18:1404:39 - 18:40 04:12 - 19:07

Masi-Manimba Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Masi-Manimba and its surroundings.

Masi-Manimba Page

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DB-City.comMasi-Manimba 4.3/5 (2020-01-22 14:31:55)
  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Nearby
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