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  13. Qendër


Qendër Localisation : Country Albania, Prefecture Fier, District Fier.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Fier, Frakull and Dermenas.


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Qendër Demography

Information on the people and the population of Qendër.

Qendër Population8,684 inhabitants

Qendër Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Qendër.

Qendër Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 40.7333, Longitude: 19.5333
40° 43′ 60″ North, 19° 31′ 60″ East
Qendër Altitude9 m (30 ft)
Qendër ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa)

Qendër Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Qendër and the biggest cities of Albania.

Tirana 71 kmDurrës 65 kmVlorë 32 km
Elbasan 61 kmShkodër 148 kmKamëz 75 km
Fier 2 km closestKorçë 105 kmKashar 70 km
Paskuqan 74 kmBerat 35 kmLushnjë 26 km

Qendër Map

Locate simply the city of Qendër through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Qendër Nearby cities and villages

Fier 2.3 kmFrakull 2.3 kmDermenas 3.4 km
Mbrostar 4.6 kmPortëz 5.6 kmPatos 9 km
Topojë 9.2 kmDivjakë 9.3 kmZharrës 10 km
Libofshë 11.2 kmKolonjë 12.5 kmKuman 12.7 km

Qendër Zone

Time zone of Qendër.

Qendër Local time
Qendër Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Tirane)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Qendër Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Qendër.

Qendër Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Qendër.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
31 March06:26 - 12:45 - 19:0505:58 - 19:3205:26 - 20:05 04:52 - 20:39
1 April06:24 - 12:45 - 19:0605:57 - 19:3405:24 - 20:06 04:50 - 20:40
2 April06:23 - 12:45 - 19:0705:55 - 19:3505:22 - 20:07 04:48 - 20:41
3 April06:21 - 12:45 - 19:0805:53 - 19:3605:21 - 20:09 04:47 - 20:43
4 April06:19 - 12:44 - 19:0905:52 - 19:3705:19 - 20:10 04:45 - 20:44
5 April06:18 - 12:44 - 19:1005:50 - 19:3805:17 - 20:11 04:43 - 20:45
6 April06:16 - 12:44 - 19:1105:48 - 19:3905:15 - 20:12 04:41 - 20:47

Qendër Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Qendër classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel FieriHotel Fieri

Hotel Fieri is set in the centre of Fire, just a few steps from Mother Teresa Square. This hotel with long tradition was completely refurbished a few years ago. It features an à-la-carte restaurant and bar, as well as a fitness centre... view more
€ 60
More Hotels »

Qendër Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Qendër and its surroundings.

Ferma Çlirimi 2.8 kmNdërmarrja Bujqësore Çlirimi 2.8 kmBreg i Shtyllas 5.6 km
Breg i Shtyllasit 5.6 kmBregu i Shtyllasit 5.6 kmKodër e Plykut 6.2 km
Kodra e Plykut 6.2 kmBregu i Krapësit 7 kmBregu i Krapës 7 km
Breg i Krapsit 7 kmKodrat e Ardenicës 8.5 kmBregu i Gradishtës 13.5 km
Bregu Gradisht 13.5 kmBreg i Gradishtit 13.5 kmBreg i Gradishtës 13.5 km
Malji i Gurdezes 15.5 kmZakres 15.5 kmGuri lë Zëse 15.5 km
Samana Point 16.4 kmKepi i Semanit 16.4 kmSemana Point 16.4 km
Punta Samana 16.4 kmQafa e Shkallës 16.4 kmBregu i Lisit 17.2 km
Breg i Hambarit 17.2 kmBreg i Ambarit 17.2 kmBregu i Hambarit 17.2 km
Bregu Lisit 17.2 kmGur i Gomarës 18.6 kmMali Gurigomares 18.6 km

Qendër Page

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