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  11. Zillingdorf


Zillingdorf Localisation : Country Austria, Federated state Lower Austria.
Available Information : Postal address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Eggendorf, Lichtenwörth and Neufeld an der Leitha.


Find all the information of Zillingdorf or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Federated stateLower Austria

Zillingdorf Administration

Zillingdorf Code32338
Zillingdorf Post code2492
Zillingdorf MayorHarald Hahn

Zillingdorf Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Zillingdorf? Here are all the details of Zillingdorf available below.

Zillingdorf Postal addressRathausstraße 2
2492 Zillingdorf
Zillingdorf Phone numberNot available
Zillingdorf Email addressNot available
Zillingdorf Websitewww.zillingdorf.at
Other informationGemeinden und Städte in Österreich : Zillingdorf
Zillingdorf Birth certificate, Zillingdorf Death certificate

Zillingdorf Demography

Information on the people and the population of Zillingdorf.

Zillingdorf Population1,931 inhabitants
Zillingdorf Population Density126.0 /km² (326.2 /sq mi)

Zillingdorf Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Zillingdorf.

Zillingdorf Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.8559, Longitude: 16.327
47° 51′ 21″ North, 16° 19′ 37″ East
Zillingdorf Area1,533 hectares
15.33 km² (5.92 sq mi)
Zillingdorf Altitude230 m (755 ft)
Zillingdorf ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Zillingdorf Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Zillingdorf and the biggest cities of Austria.

Vienna 39 kmGraz 110 kmLinz 160 km
Salzburg 245 kmInnsbruck 376 kmKlagenfurt 205 km
Villach 233 kmWels 175 kmSankt Pölten 65 km
Dornbirn 496 kmWiener Neustadt 8 km closestSteyr 144 km

Zillingdorf Map

Locate simply the city of Zillingdorf through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Zillingdorf Nearby cities and villages

Zillingdorf Zone

Time zone of Zillingdorf.

Zillingdorf Local time
Zillingdorf Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Vienna)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Zillingdorf Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Zillingdorf.

Zillingdorf Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Zillingdorf.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
25 January07:29 - 12:07 - 16:4406:56 - 17:1706:18 - 17:55 05:41 - 18:32
26 January07:28 - 12:07 - 16:4506:55 - 17:1906:17 - 17:57 05:40 - 18:33
27 January07:27 - 12:07 - 16:4706:54 - 17:2006:16 - 17:58 05:40 - 18:34
28 January07:26 - 12:07 - 16:4806:52 - 17:2206:15 - 17:59 05:39 - 18:36
29 January07:25 - 12:07 - 16:5006:51 - 17:2306:14 - 18:01 05:38 - 18:37
30 January07:23 - 12:07 - 16:5106:50 - 17:2506:13 - 18:02 05:37 - 18:38
31 January07:22 - 12:08 - 16:5306:49 - 17:2606:12 - 18:03 05:36 - 18:40

Zillingdorf Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Zillingdorf classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Landgasthof zur PostLandgasthof zur Post
Neufeld an der Leitha
Just 500 metres from Lake Neufeld, Landgasthof zur Post enjoys a quiet location in the centre of Neufeld an der Leitha. It features a garden and a restaurant serving classic Austrian cuisine. Eisenstadt is 10 km away... view more
€ 42
Hotel Der Reisinger am Neufelder SeeDer Reisinger am Neufelder See

Neufeld an der Leitha
This newly opened 4-star hotel offers rooms with balcony and free LAN access right at the shore of Lake Neufeld, a popular swimming lake in the Burgenland close to Eisenstadt... view more
€ 75
Hotel Orange Wings Wiener NeustadtOrange Wings Wiener Neustadt
Wiener Neustadt
This modern hotel offers spacious rooms with free internet access and free parking. It is only a short drive away from the centre of Wiener Neustadt and the A2 motorway... view more
€ 39
Hotel Hotel FreizeittempelHotel Freizeittempel

Wiener Neustadt
Hotel Freizeittempel offers modern spa facilities and free parking on the northern outskirts of Wiener Neustadt. The centre and the A2 motorway are only a few minutes’ drive away... view more
€ 55
Hotel Appartement/Haus SonnenhainAppartement/Haus Sonnenhain
Offering a terrace with garden views, a garden with sunbeds and free WiFi, Appartement/Haus Sonnenhain is quietly located 500 metres from the centre of Sollenau and a 15-minute drive from Wiener Neustadt... view more
€ 55
More Hotels »

Zillingdorf Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Zillingdorf and its surroundings.

Viertel unterm Wienerwald 3.1 kmWiener Neustadt East 5.2 kmSteinfeld 6.3 km
Bahnhof Blumau-Neurisshof 7.1 kmWiener Neustadt West 8.2 kmLebzelter Berg 10.4 km
Sonnenberg 10.5 kmJulienhof 10.7 kmBahnhof Wittmannsdorf 11.6 km
Gespitzter Riegel 12.2 kmBad Prodersdorf 12.4 kmBahnhof Wiesen-Sigless 12.5 km
Waldhof 12.9 kmFöhrenberg 13 kmVoslau 13.1 km
Mahlleiten Berg 13.2 kmKrieriegel 13.8 kmBihr Kogel 13.8 km
Grossenberg 14.7 kmAuf dem Hart 14.8 kmJohannes Grotte 15.4 km
Rosaliengebirge 15.6 kmGrosser Kaiserwald 15.8 kmHeideteile 16 km
Leimerwiese 16.1 kmHarzberg 16.3 kmBuchriegel 16.5 km
Neuhof 16.6 kmStotzing Berg 16.9 kmStarhemberg 17 km

Nuclear power plant

Zwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant 64.5 kmBohunice Nuclear Power Plant 123.1 kmDukovany Nuclear Power Station 137.5 km

Zillingdorf Page

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DB-City.comZillingdorf 3.2/5 (2021-04-08 13:42:21)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page