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Radstadt Administration
Radstadt Code | 50417 |
Radstadt Post code | 5550 |
Radstadt Mayor | Tagwercher Josef |
Radstadt Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Radstadt? Here are all the details of Radstadt available below.
Radstadt Postal address | Stadtplatz 17 5550 Radstadt Österreich |
Radstadt Phone number | 0645 24292 International : +43 6452 4292 |
Radstadt Email address | [email protected] |
Radstadt Website | |
Other information | Gemeinden und Städte in Österreich : Radstadt |
Radstadt Birth certificate, Radstadt Death certificate |
Radstadt Demography
Information on the people and the population of Radstadt.
Radstadt Population | 4,772 inhabitants |
Radstadt Population Density | 78.4 /km² (203.1 /sq mi) |
Radstadt Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Radstadt.
Radstadt Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 47.3843, Longitude: 13.4627 47° 23′ 3″ North, 13° 27′ 46″ East |
Radstadt Area | 6,084 hectares 60.84 km² (23.49 sq mi) |
Radstadt Altitude | 839 m (2,753 ft) |
Radstadt Climate | Subarctic climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfc) |
Radstadt Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Radstadt and the biggest cities of Austria.
Vienna 236 km | Graz 154 km | Linz 120 km |
Salzburg 56 km closest | Innsbruck 157 km | Klagenfurt 106 km |
Villach 90 km | Wels 96 km | Sankt Pölten 186 km |
Dornbirn 280 km | Wiener Neustadt 214 km | Steyr 102 km |
Radstadt Map
Locate simply the city of Radstadt through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Radstadt Nearby cities and villages
Altenmarkt im Pongau 3.1 km | Eben im Pongau 5.7 km | Forstau 6.7 km |
Flachau 6.9 km | Filzmoos 7.1 km | Untertauern 9.5 km |
Sankt Martin am Tennengebirge 10.8 km | Pichl-Preunegg 11.5 km | Hüttau 12.2 km |
Wagrain 13.8 km | Ramsau am Dachstein 15 km | Rohrmoos-Untertal 15.8 km |
Radstadt Zone
Time zone of Radstadt.
Radstadt Local time | |
Radstadt Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Vienna) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Radstadt Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Radstadt.
Radstadt Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Radstadt.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
15 January | 07:48 - 12:15 - 16:42 | 07:14 - 17:17 | 06:36 - 17:55 | 05:59 - 18:31 |
16 January | 07:47 - 12:15 - 16:44 | 07:13 - 17:18 | 06:35 - 17:56 | 05:58 - 18:33 |
17 January | 07:47 - 12:16 - 16:45 | 07:12 - 17:19 | 06:34 - 17:57 | 05:58 - 18:34 |
18 January | 07:46 - 12:16 - 16:46 | 07:12 - 17:21 | 06:34 - 17:58 | 05:57 - 18:35 |
19 January | 07:45 - 12:16 - 16:48 | 07:11 - 17:22 | 06:33 - 18:00 | 05:57 - 18:36 |
20 January | 07:44 - 12:17 - 16:49 | 07:10 - 17:23 | 06:33 - 18:01 | 05:56 - 18:37 |
21 January | 07:43 - 12:17 - 16:51 | 07:09 - 17:25 | 06:32 - 18:02 | 05:55 - 18:39 |
Radstadt Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Radstadt classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Apartment Ladinger Radstadt Apartment Ladinger is situated in the centre of Radstadt, 200 metres from the train station and 50 metres from the ski bus stop to the Radstadt-Altenmarkt Ski Area. It features a restaurant and butcher's shop on site... view more | from € 46 | |
Gesundheits- und Vitalhotel Post Radstadt Set in the heart of historic Radstadt and surrounded by the magnificent scenery of the Dachstein-Tauern region, this family-run hotel offers a pleasurable combination of wellness and relaxation... view more | from € 50 | |
Stadtappartements Oppeneiger Radstadt Located within the historic city walls right in the centre of Radstadt, the Stadtappartements Oppeneiger offers apartments with fully equipped kitchens amid the huge Ski Amadé winter sport region... view more | from € 80 | |
Pension Sendlhofer Radstadt Situated in the centre of the historic town of Radstadt, Pension Sendlhofer offers rooms painted in warm pastel tones. The ski lift to Radstadt-Altenmarkt Ski Resort is within 1 km, and a free ski bus stop is a 2-minute walk away... view more | from € 94 | |
Haus Pewny Radstadt Centrally located in the town of Radstadt and 150 metres from the ski bus stop to the Ski Amadé Resort, Haus Pewny offers accommodation with free WiFi. Free private parking is available as well... view more | from € 150 | |
More Hotels » |
Radstadt Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Radstadt and its surroundings.
Tiefenbacher 0.3 km | Gruber 1 km | Oberhaglehen 2 km |
Königlehen 2.2 km | Pichl 2.8 km | Gut Moos 2.8 km |
Bifang 3 km | Brun 3.3 km | Rossbrand 3.6 km |
Näglhof 3.9 km | Raugrub 3.9 km | Hödenalm 4.1 km |
Walchhof 4.1 km | Tannkoppen 4.2 km | Predigtstuhl 4.4 km |
Vorderfager Kogel 4.5 km | Buchstein 5 km | Koppen 5.1 km |
Höll 5.3 km | Zwisler 5.5 km | Schütter Alm 5.6 km |
Labeneckalm 5.7 km | Vorderlabeneck 5.7 km | Eisenhof Bretthütte 5.7 km |
Hinterlehen 5.9 km | Bahnhof Eben im Pongau 5.9 km | Lex 6 km |
Vorderfager 6.6 km | Ellmau 6.6 km | Lakenkogel 6.7 km |
Radstadt Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Radstadt /5 (2021-04-08 13:42:21) |