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Leoben Administration
Leoben Code | 61108 |
Leoben Post code | 8700 |
Leoben Mayor | Matthias Konrad |
Leoben Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Leoben? Here are all the details of Leoben available below.
Leoben Postal address | Erzherzog Johann-Straße 2 8700 Leoben Österreich |
Leoben Phone number | 0384 240622 International : +43 3842 40622 |
Leoben Fax number | 0384 240623 International : +43 3842 40623 |
Leoben Email address | [email protected] |
Leoben Website | |
Other information | Gemeinden und Städte in Österreich : Leoben |
Leoben Birth certificate, Leoben Death certificate |
Leoben Demography
Information on the people and the population of Leoben.
Leoben Population | 24,947 inhabitants |
Leoben Population Density | 231.6 /km² (599.8 /sq mi) |
Leoben Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Leoben.
Leoben Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 47.3798, Longitude: 15.0954 47° 22′ 47″ North, 15° 5′ 43″ East |
Leoben Area | 10,773 hectares 107.73 km² (41.59 sq mi) |
Leoben Altitude | 539 m (1,768 ft) |
Leoben Climate | Humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb) |
Leoben Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Leoben and the biggest cities of Austria.
Vienna 133 km | Graz 43 km closest | Linz 120 km |
Salzburg 161 km | Innsbruck 280 km | Klagenfurt 103 km |
Villach 127 km | Wels 118 km | Sankt Pölten 100 km |
Dornbirn 403 km | Wiener Neustadt 99 km | Steyr 89 km |
Leoben Map
Locate simply the city of Leoben through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Leoben Nearby cities and villages
Proleb 3.6 km | Sankt Peter-Freienstein 5.1 km | Niklasdorf 5.2 km |
Sankt Michael in Obersteiermark 7.4 km | Traboch 8.2 km | Trofaiach 8.3 km |
Oberaich 9.6 km | Hafning bei Trofaiach 9.9 km | Gai 10.2 km |
Sankt Stefan ob Leoben 11.3 km | Sankt Katharein an der Laming 11.3 km | Bruck an der Mur 13.5 km |
Leoben Zone
Time zone of Leoben.
Leoben Local time | |
Leoben Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Vienna) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Leoben Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Leoben.
Leoben Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Leoben.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
30 December | 07:46 - 12:02 - 16:17 | 07:11 - 16:53 | 06:32 - 17:32 | 05:54 - 18:09 |
31 December | 07:46 - 12:02 - 16:18 | 07:11 - 16:54 | 06:32 - 17:33 | 05:55 - 18:10 |
1 January | 07:46 - 12:03 - 16:19 | 07:11 - 16:55 | 06:32 - 17:34 | 05:55 - 18:11 |
2 January | 07:46 - 12:03 - 16:20 | 07:11 - 16:56 | 06:32 - 17:35 | 05:55 - 18:12 |
3 January | 07:46 - 12:04 - 16:21 | 07:11 - 16:57 | 06:32 - 17:35 | 05:55 - 18:13 |
4 January | 07:46 - 12:04 - 16:22 | 07:11 - 16:58 | 06:32 - 17:36 | 05:55 - 18:14 |
5 January | 07:46 - 12:05 - 16:23 | 07:11 - 16:59 | 06:32 - 17:37 | 05:55 - 18:14 |
Leoben Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Leoben classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Hotel Kongress Leoben Located on the main square of Leoben, Hotel Kongress features 2 restaurants, a beer pub, and an underground car park. Free Wi-Fi is available in the rooms... view more | from € 76 | |
Falkensteiner Hotel & Asia Spa Leoben Leoben Falkensteiner Hotel & Asia Spa Leoben is a modern 4-star hotel which boasts an Asian-style luxurious spa area with various pools, saunas and beauty treatments... view more | from € 80 | |
Hotel Bachgasslhof Leoben Peacefully situated next to the forest and on the edge of Leoben, Hotel Bachgasslhof features a spa area with free of charge Finnish sauna, infrared cabin and sun bed facilities. Free Wi-Fi is available in the entire building... view more | from € 69 | |
Brücklwirt Niklasdorf Surrounded by a large park, Hotel Brücklwirt in Niklasdorf offers free parking and free Wi-Fi access. Leoben and the S6 motorway are only a short drive away. The restaurant serves regional and seasonal cuisine, as well as wide range of Styrian..... view more | from € 74 | |
Landhaus Kügler-Eppich Proleb The family-run Landhaus Kügler-Eppich offers an idyllic location on the Mur River, between Leoben and Bruck an der Mur. Located directly on the Mur Bike Path R2, the hotel is also the start and the end of the R5, R13, R15, R38 and R41 bike paths... view more | from € 48 | |
More Hotels » |
Leoben Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Leoben and its surroundings.
Galgenberg 2.6 km | Hochtratten 3.7 km | Miessriegel 4.4 km |
Schladnitzgraben 5.2 km | Kleingössgraben 5.3 km | Schinninger 5.6 km |
Traidersberg 5.9 km | Grossgössgraben 6.6 km | Mugelkuppe 6.8 km |
Bahnhof Sankt Michael 6.8 km | Ochsenkogel 7 km | Sankt Ulrich 7.9 km |
Rotündl Berg 8.1 km | Kletschach Kogel 8.3 km | Ortner 8.4 km |
Windegg 8.5 km | Trasattel 8.6 km | Utschgraben 9.2 km |
Weiten Tal 9.5 km | Leoben Timmersdorf 9.9 km | Luxstein 9.9 km |
Madereck 10 km | Fressenberg 10.3 km | Thalerkogel 10.3 km |
Schrakogel 10.7 km | Eisenpass 10.9 km | Erdegg 11.1 km |
Silbersberg 11.3 km | Feichter 11.5 km | Hochalpe 11.6 km |
Nuclear power plant
Zwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant 123.5 km |
Leoben Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Leoben /5 (2021-04-08 13:42:21) |