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Country | Austria |
Federated state | Upper Austria |
Leonding Administration
Leonding Code | 41012 |
Leonding Post code | 4060 |
Leonding Mayor | Walter Brunner |
Leonding Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Leonding? Here are all the details of Leonding available below.
Leonding Postal address | Stadtplatz 1 4060 Leonding Österreich |
Leonding Phone number | 0732 6878 International : +43 7326 878 |
Leonding Fax number | 0732 687826 International : +43 7326 87826 |
Leonding Email address | [email protected] |
Leonding Website | |
Other information | Gemeinden und Städte in Österreich : Leonding |
Leonding Birth certificate, Leonding Death certificate |
Leonding Demography
Information on the people and the population of Leonding.
Leonding Population | 24,369 inhabitants |
Leonding Population Density | 1,014.1 /km² (2,626.5 /sq mi) |
Leonding Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Leonding.
Leonding Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 48.2797, Longitude: 14.2488 48° 16′ 47″ North, 14° 14′ 56″ East |
Leonding Area | 2,403 hectares 24.03 km² (9.28 sq mi) |
Leonding Altitude | 284 m (932 ft) |
Leonding Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Leonding Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Leonding and the biggest cities of Austria.
Vienna 158 km | Graz 162 km | Linz 4 km closest |
Salzburg 104 km | Innsbruck 242 km | Klagenfurt 184 km |
Villach 188 km | Wels 22 km | Sankt Pölten 102 km |
Dornbirn 350 km | Wiener Neustadt 157 km | Steyr 30 km |
Leonding Map
Locate simply the city of Leonding through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Leonding Nearby cities and villages
Puchenau 3.6 km | Pasching 3.8 km | Linz 4 km |
Traun 6.6 km | Wilhering 6.6 km | Kirchberg-Thening 6.9 km |
Hörsching 7.9 km | Ottensheim 7.9 km | Ansfelden 8.4 km |
Lichtenberg 9 km | Steyregg 9.1 km | Oftering 9.9 km |
Leonding Zone
Time zone of Leonding.
Leonding Local time | |
Leonding Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Vienna) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Leonding Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Leonding.
Leonding Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Leonding.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
16 January | 07:47 - 12:12 - 16:37 | 07:12 - 17:12 | 06:34 - 17:51 | 05:56 - 18:28 |
17 January | 07:47 - 12:13 - 16:39 | 07:12 - 17:14 | 06:33 - 17:52 | 05:56 - 18:30 |
18 January | 07:46 - 12:13 - 16:40 | 07:11 - 17:15 | 06:32 - 17:54 | 05:55 - 18:31 |
19 January | 07:45 - 12:13 - 16:42 | 07:10 - 17:16 | 06:32 - 17:55 | 05:55 - 18:32 |
20 January | 07:44 - 12:14 - 16:43 | 07:09 - 17:18 | 06:31 - 17:56 | 05:54 - 18:33 |
21 January | 07:43 - 12:14 - 16:45 | 07:09 - 17:19 | 06:30 - 17:57 | 05:53 - 18:35 |
22 January | 07:42 - 12:14 - 16:46 | 07:08 - 17:21 | 06:29 - 17:59 | 05:52 - 18:36 |
Leonding Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Leonding classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Apartment Tizianstrasse Leonding Leonding Apartment Tizianstrasse is located peacefully on a hillside and offers modern-style bright accommodation with a balcony. Private parking is provided on the premises... view more | from € 58 | |
Kremstalerhof Leonding Hotel Kremstalerhof is situated 7 km from the city centre of Linz, and a 10-minute drive from Linz Airport, and offers rooms and suites in stylish, modern design with free WiFi. Hiking and cycling trails start on the doorstep... view more | from € 90 | |
Hotel Garni Nöserlgut Linz Set in a residential area of Linz, a 10-minute drive from the city centre, Hotel Garni Nöserlgut offers a restaurant with summer garden, free WiFi and free parking... view more | from € 76 | |
Gasthof Rothmayr Linz Family-run since 1877, the traditional Gasthof Rothmayr is located directly at the Danube River, less than 2 km from the main square of Linz. It offers free covered parking and free WiFi... view more | from € 64 | |
Hotel Lokomotive Linz Family-run since 1906, this hotel is in the immediate vicinity of the main train station of Linz. Hotel Lokomotive offers comfortable rooms and a traditional restaurant, which also serves the rich breakfast buffet... view more | from € 71 | |
More Hotels » |
Leonding Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Leonding and its surroundings.
Haltestelle Bergham 0.9 km | Haltestelle Rufling 1.7 km | Am Dürrweg 1.8 km |
Felling 2.3 km | Weingartshof 3 km | Kürnbergburg 3.3 km |
Haltestelle Dörnbach 3.3 km | Guglhof 3.4 km | Randl 3.5 km |
Römerturm 3.5 km | Linz Hauptbahnhof 3.8 km | Bahnhof Wegscheid 4 km |
Kürnberger Wald 4.3 km | Wirtshaus Freiseder 4.8 km | Gattereder 5.1 km |
Baumgartner 5.1 km | Zeilmayr 5.5 km | Bahnhof Hörsching 5.9 km |
Plenögger 6 km | Haltestelle Kirchberg-Thürnau 6.2 km | VOEST-Werke 6.2 km |
Fischdorf 6.4 km | Wirtshaus Koglerau 6.7 km | Linz Ost 6.7 km |
Linz International 6.9 km | Haltestelle Dürnberg 7.1 km | Ebner 7.3 km |
Haltestelle Straßham-Schönering 7.4 km | Piesmayr 7.6 km | Marktau 7.6 km |
Nuclear power plant
Temelín Nuclear Power Station 100.9 km | Zwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant 121.4 km | Isar Nuclear Power Plant 148.9 km |
Leonding Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Leonding /5 (2021-04-08 13:42:21) |