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  11. Steinhaus


Steinhaus Localisation : Country Austria, Federated state Upper Austria.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Thalheim bei Wels, Wels and Sattledt.


Find all the information of Steinhaus or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Federated stateUpper Austria

Steinhaus Administration

Steinhaus Code41822
Steinhaus Post code4641
Steinhaus MayorHarald Piritsch

Steinhaus Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Steinhaus? Here are all the details of Steinhaus available below.

Steinhaus Postal addressSteinhaus 78
4641 Steinhaus
Steinhaus Phone number0724 227455
International : +43 7242 27455
Steinhaus Fax number0724 227455
International : +43 7242 27455
Steinhaus Email address[email protected]
Steinhaus Websitewww.steinhaus.ooe.gv.at
Other informationGemeinden und Städte in Österreich : Steinhaus
Steinhaus Birth certificate, Steinhaus Death certificate

Steinhaus Demography

Information on the people and the population of Steinhaus.

Steinhaus Population1,828 inhabitants
Steinhaus Population Density72.8 /km² (188.5 /sq mi)

Steinhaus Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Steinhaus.

Steinhaus Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 48.1161, Longitude: 14.0203
48° 6′ 58″ North, 14° 1′ 13″ East
Steinhaus Area2,512 hectares
25.12 km² (9.70 sq mi)
Steinhaus Altitude373 m (1,224 ft)
Steinhaus ClimateOceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb)

Steinhaus Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Steinhaus and the biggest cities of Austria.

Vienna 175 kmGraz 158 kmLinz 29 km
Salzburg 81 kmInnsbruck 218 kmKlagenfurt 168 km
Villach 167 kmWels 5 km closestSankt Pölten 119 km
Dornbirn 329 kmWiener Neustadt 169 kmSteyr 31 km

Steinhaus Map

Locate simply the city of Steinhaus through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Steinhaus Nearby cities and villages

Steinhaus Zone

Time zone of Steinhaus.

Steinhaus Local time
Steinhaus Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Europe/Vienna)
Summer time UTC +2:00
Winter time UTC +1:00

Steinhaus Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Steinhaus.

Steinhaus Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Steinhaus.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
3 February07:28 - 12:17 - 17:0606:55 - 17:3906:18 - 18:17 05:42 - 18:53
4 February07:27 - 12:17 - 17:0806:54 - 17:4106:17 - 18:18 05:40 - 18:54
5 February07:25 - 12:17 - 17:1006:52 - 17:4206:15 - 18:19 05:39 - 18:56
6 February07:24 - 12:17 - 17:1106:51 - 17:4406:14 - 18:21 05:38 - 18:57
7 February07:22 - 12:18 - 17:1306:50 - 17:4506:13 - 18:22 05:37 - 18:58
8 February07:21 - 12:18 - 17:1406:48 - 17:4706:11 - 18:24 05:35 - 19:00
9 February07:19 - 12:18 - 17:1606:47 - 17:4806:10 - 18:25 05:34 - 19:01

Steinhaus Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Steinhaus classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel KremsmünstererhofHotel Kremsmünstererhof

Located on the historic Town Square of Wels, the Hotel Kremsmünstererhof is only a 5-minute walk away from the Welser Messe fairgrounds. Free Wi-Fi and free private parking are available... view more
€ 58
Hotel Hotel Zu Hause auf ZeitHotel Zu Hause auf Zeit

Hotel Zu Hause auf Zeit is centrally situated in Wels. It offers rooms with LCD TVs and refrigerators. On each floor there is a free internet corner and a common kitchen... view more
Hotel Hotel Gösser BräuHotel Gösser Bräu

Located in the city of Wels, in the heart of Upper Austria, the romantic Hotel Gösser Bräu offers tourists and business travellers alike a small, but exclusive 3-star accommodation... view more
€ 58
Hotel Amedia Hotel WelsAmedia Hotel Wels

Located in the Traunpark in the centre of Wels, this modern 4-star hotel offers a spa area with a sauna, a steam bath, and a hot tub. The fairgrounds can be reached in a 10-minute walk... view more
€ 67
Hotel Hotel PlobergerHotel Ploberger

Hotel Ploberger offers a quiet location in the centre of Wels, only a short walk away from the exhibition centre. Free wired internet access is available in the rooms... view more
€ 71
More Hotels »

Steinhaus Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Steinhaus and its surroundings.

Rosenberger 2 kmRappersdorf 3.4 kmGiering 4.3 km
Pollhamm 5.9 kmHart 6.5 kmWels 7.3 km
Welser Heide 7.5 kmKrugldorf 8.1 kmSchloss Dietach 8.2 km
Holzing 9.1 kmRehberg 9.3 kmNaichen 9.4 km
Schloss Almegg 9.5 kmRoith 9.5 kmSaxenau 9.7 km
Schachen Wald 9.8 kmRemberg 9.8 kmBahnhof Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting 10.5 km
Rad 11.1 kmGrub 11.6 kmRath 11.6 km
Geyeregg 12.6 kmBoisam 12.7 kmTiefenthal 13 km
Schmalz 13 kmHainbuchner 13.9 kmGrossort 14.3 km
Lehen 14.3 kmMoos 14.8 kmItzenthal 14.8 km

Nuclear power plant

Temelín Nuclear Power Station 121.6 kmIsar Nuclear Power Plant 138.9 kmZwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant 140.8 km

Steinhaus Page

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DB-City.comSteinhaus 4.2/5 (2021-04-08 13:42:21)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page