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Country | Belgium |
Region | Flanders |
Province | West Flanders |
Koksijde Administration
Koksijde Code (INS) | 38014 |
Koksijde Post code | 8670 |
Koksijde Mayor | Marc Vanden Bussche |
Koksijde Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Koksijde? Here are all the details of Koksijde available below.
Koksijde Postal address | Zeelaan 44 8670 KOKSIJDE België |
Koksijde Phone number | 05 853 30 30 International: +32 5 853 30 30 |
Koksijde Fax number | 05 853 30 37 International: +32 5 853 30 37 |
Koksijde Email address | [email protected] |
Koksijde Website | |
Other information | Commune-Gemeente : Koksijde |
Koksijde Birth certificate, Koksijde Death certificate |
Koksijde Demography
Information on the people and the population of Koksijde.
Koksijde Population | 21,869 inhabitants |
Koksijde Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Koksijde.
Koksijde Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 51.1167, Longitude: 2.63333 51° 7′ 0″ North, 2° 37′ 60″ East |
Koksijde Altitude | 9 m (30 ft) |
Koksijde Climate | Oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb) |
Koksijde Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Koksijde and the biggest cities of Belgium.
Antwerp 124 km | Ghent 76 km | Charleroi 150 km |
Liege 213 km | Brussels 124 km | Schaerbeek 126 km |
Anderlecht 121 km | Bruges 42 km closest | Namur 173 km |
Leuven 147 km | Molenbeek-Saint-Jean 122 km | Mons 118 km |
Koksijde Map
Locate simply the city of Koksijde through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Koksijde Nearby cities and villages
De Panne 5.1 km | Veurne 5.7 km | Nieuwpoort 8.2 km |
Bray-Dunes 9 km | Ghyvelde 10.4 km | Zuydcoote 11.6 km |
Alveringem 13.8 km | Middelkerke 14.8 km | Uxem 14.9 km |
Leffrinckoucke 15.5 km | Hondschoote 15.6 km | Diksmuide 17.8 km |
Koksijde Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Koksijde has international agreements with its different pairings.
Koksijde Zone
Time zone of Koksijde.
Koksijde Local time | |
Koksijde Time zone | UTC +1:00 (Europe/Brussels) Summer time UTC +2:00 Winter time UTC +1:00 |
Koksijde Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Koksijde.
Koksijde Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Koksijde.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
22 January | 08:39 - 13:01 - 17:22 | 08:02 - 17:59 | 07:21 - 18:40 | 06:42 - 19:19 |
23 January | 08:38 - 13:01 - 17:24 | 08:01 - 18:01 | 07:20 - 18:42 | 06:41 - 19:21 |
24 January | 08:36 - 13:01 - 17:26 | 08:00 - 18:03 | 07:19 - 18:43 | 06:40 - 19:22 |
25 January | 08:35 - 13:01 - 17:28 | 07:58 - 18:04 | 07:18 - 18:45 | 06:39 - 19:24 |
26 January | 08:34 - 13:02 - 17:29 | 07:57 - 18:06 | 07:17 - 18:46 | 06:38 - 19:25 |
27 January | 08:32 - 13:02 - 17:31 | 07:56 - 18:07 | 07:16 - 18:48 | 06:37 - 19:27 |
28 January | 08:31 - 13:02 - 17:33 | 07:55 - 18:09 | 07:15 - 18:49 | 06:36 - 19:28 |
Koksijde Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Koksijde classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Claridge Penthouse Koksijde Claridge Penthouse is located on the North Sea Coast, a 5-minute walk from the beach and in the centre of Koksijde. It provides a spacious penthouse apartment with a large private balcony and a flat-screen TV... view more | from € 47 | |
Hotel - Restaurant Sea Horse Koksijde Hotel - Restaurant Sea Horse is located 300 metres from the North Sea Beach and 170 metres from Koksijde’s Casino, featuring rooms with free WiFi and air conditioning, an on-site restaurant and bicycle rental services... view more | from € 65 | |
Casino Hotel Koksijde This hotel is situated next to the C. C. Casino and only 100 metres from the beach. Casino Hotel has luxurious rooms, a spacious garden terrace and optional wellness facilities... view more | from € 85 | |
Residence Delphine Koksijde This apartment is located just 100 metre from the North Sea Beach. Residentie Delphine offers a terrace, well-equipped kitchen and flat-screen TV. Floor to ceiling windows offer a view of Koksijde and a partial sea view... view more | from € 45 | |
Residentie Delta Koksijde Within 150 metres from the North Sea Shore with its sandy beach, Residentie Delta in Koksijde provides modern private accommodation. Koksijde Bad coast tram stop is just 100 metres away and offers a connection to several other seaside resorts... view more | from € 113 | |
More Hotels » |
Koksijde Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Koksijde and its surroundings.
Kwinte 3.9 km | De Grote Kwinte 3.9 km | De Groote Kwinte 3.9 km |
Kleine Labeur 5.8 km | Klein Labeur 5.8 km | Groenendijk Strand 6 km |
Romeinskamp 6 km | Groot Labeur 6.1 km | Grote Labeur 6.1 km |
Kraaihoeve 6.6 km | Kraai Hof 6.6 km | Allaertshuizen 7.2 km |
Allaartshuizen 7.2 km | Gasthuis 7.8 km | Gasthuishoeve 7.8 km |
Klein Noordhof 8.4 km | Jockveld 8.4 km | Groot Noordhof 9 km |
Blauwhof 9.3 km | Bamburgh 9.5 km | Bamburg 9.5 km |
Groote Bamburgh 9.5 km | De Violon 9.5 km | De Viool 9.5 km |
Roedesterkte 10.5 km | Sint-Jorispolder 10.6 km | Roodepoort 10.6 km |
Groot Noord Nieuwland Polder 10.6 km | Rodenpoort 10.6 km | Oosthof 10.6 km |
Nuclear power plant
Gravelines Nuclear Power Station 36.7 km | Borssele Nuclear Power Station 83.3 km | Doel Nuclear Power Station 115.7 km |
Koksijde Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Koksijde /5 (2021-03-15 15:51:45) |