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  11. Lalo


Lalo Localisation : Country Benin, Department Kouffo.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude and Weather.
Nearby cities and villages : Klouékanmè, Toviklin and Dogbo-Tota.


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Lalo Administration

Lalo MayorCélestin Comlan Dohou

Lalo Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Lalo? Here are all the details of Lalo available below.

Lalo Postal addressBP : 62
Lalo Phone number(22) 4945-83
International: +229 22 4945-83
Lalo Email address[email protected]
Lalo WebsiteNot available
Lalo Birth certificate, Lalo Death certificate

Lalo Demography

Information on the people and the population of Lalo.

Lalo Population79,685 inhabitants
Lalo Population Density184.5 /km² (477.7 /sq mi)

Lalo Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Lalo.

Lalo Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 6.92397, Longitude: 1.88642
6° 55′ 26″ North, 1° 53′ 11″ East
Lalo Area43,200 hectares
432.00 km² (166.80 sq mi)
Lalo Altitude98 m (322 ft)
Lalo ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

Lalo Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Lalo and the biggest cities of Benin.

Cotonou 86 kmAbomey-Calavi 74 kmPorto Novo 93 km
Djougou 310 kmBanikoara 491 kmParakou 282 km
Aplahoue 24 km closestSèmè-Kpodji 102 kmBohicon 34 km
Tchaourou 232 kmSavalou 113 kmMalanville 574 km

Lalo Map

Locate simply the city of Lalo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Lalo Nearby cities and villages

Klouékanmè 7.9 kmToviklin 12.7 kmDogbo-Tota 17.8 km
Agbangnizoun 18.2 kmDjakotomey 18.9 km

Lalo Zone

Time zone of Lalo.

Lalo Local time
Lalo Time zoneUTC +1:00 (Africa/Porto-Novo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Lalo Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Lalo.

Lalo Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Lalo.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
9 February07:10 - 13:06 - 19:0206:48 - 19:2406:24 - 19:49 05:59 - 20:14
10 February07:10 - 13:06 - 19:0306:48 - 19:2406:23 - 19:49 05:59 - 20:14
11 February07:09 - 13:06 - 19:0306:48 - 19:2406:23 - 19:49 05:59 - 20:14
12 February07:09 - 13:06 - 19:0306:48 - 19:2406:23 - 19:49 05:58 - 20:14
13 February07:09 - 13:06 - 19:0306:48 - 19:2406:23 - 19:49 05:58 - 20:14
14 February07:09 - 13:06 - 19:0306:48 - 19:2506:23 - 19:49 05:58 - 20:14
15 February07:09 - 13:06 - 19:0306:47 - 19:2506:23 - 19:49 05:58 - 20:14

Lalo Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Lalo and its surroundings.

Tchito 14.4 km

Lalo Page

Direct link
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