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  11. Serra


Serra Localisation : Country Brazil, State Espírito Santo.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Cariacica.


Find all the information of Serra or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

Update data

Serra Administration

Serra Code (IBGE)3205002
Serra Post code29176

Serra Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Serra? Here are all the details of Serra available below.

Serra Postal addressRua Mestro Antonio Cicero, 111  - Bairro Caçaroca Sede
SERRA - ES, 29176-439
Serra Phone number(27) 3291-2230
International: +55 27 3291-2230
Serra Fax number(27) 3251-7633
International: +55 27 3251-7633
Serra Email address[email protected]
Serra Websitewww.serra.es.gov.br
Other informationCidade Brasil : Serra
Serra Birth certificate, Serra Death certificate

Serra Demography

Information on the people and the population of Serra.

Serra Population517,510 inhabitants
Serra Population Density934.9 /km² (2,421.4 /sq mi)

Serra Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Serra.

Serra Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -20.1294, Longitude: -40.308
20° 7′ 46″ South, 40° 18′ 29″ West
Serra Area55,353 hectares
553.53 km² (213.72 sq mi)
Serra Altitude301 m (988 ft)
Serra ClimateTropical savanna climate (Köppen climate classification: Aw)

Serra Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Serra and the biggest cities of Brazil.

São Paulo 757 kmRio de Janeiro 431 kmBrasilia 941 km
Salvador, Bahia 820 kmFortaleza 1837 kmBelo Horizonte 383 km closest
Manaus 2859 kmCuritiba 1092 kmRecife 1466 km
Goiânia 1020 kmBelém 2262 kmPorto Alegre 1556 km

Serra Map

Locate simply the city of Serra through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Serra Nearby cities and villages

Cariacica 19.2 km

Serra Zone

Time zone of Serra.

Serra Local time
Serra Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Serra Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Serra.

Serra Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Serra.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
31 March10:48 - 16:45 - 22:4210:26 - 23:0410:00 - 23:29 09:35 - 23:55
1 April10:48 - 16:44 - 22:4110:26 - 23:0310:00 - 23:29 09:35 - 23:54
2 April10:48 - 16:44 - 22:4010:26 - 23:0210:01 - 23:28 09:35 - 23:53
3 April10:48 - 16:44 - 22:3910:26 - 23:0110:01 - 23:27 09:35 - 23:53
4 April10:49 - 16:44 - 22:3910:27 - 23:0110:01 - 23:26 09:36 - 23:52
5 April10:49 - 16:43 - 22:3810:27 - 23:0010:01 - 23:25 09:36 - 23:51
6 April10:49 - 16:43 - 22:3710:27 - 22:5910:02 - 23:24 09:36 - 23:50

Serra Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Serra classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Recanto Vila BrasilRecanto Vila Brasil
With a pool on the sun terrace, Vila Brasil is surrounded by a beautiful garden in Manguinhos Serra. It serves a daily breakfast with breads and tropical fruits. Wi-Fi is free... view more
R$ 250
Hotel Aconchego AquáticoAconchego Aquático
Nova Almeida
Situated near a river, Aconchego Aquático is located 300 metres from Nova Almeida city centre and features free breakfast buffet, a pool for fishing and 24-hour front desk service. Free Wi-Fi access is available... view more
R$ 99
Hotel Pousada Canto da LuaPousada Canto da Lua
Nova Almeida
Located across Praia Grande Beach, Pousada Canto da Lua offers free Wi-Fi, an outdoor pool and sauna unit. Popular with tourists, Bar e Restaurante Boteco do Chico is 50 metres away... view more
R$ 140
Hotel Pousada Terra MarPousada Terra Mar
Nova Almeida
Located on Praia Grande Beachfront, in Fundão, this hotel features air-conditioned rooms, a sauna and a pool on a sun terrace. It offers beach service, free Wi-Fi and free parking. Pousada Terra Mar offers practical rooms with dark timber furniture... view more
R$ 135
More Hotels »

Serra Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Serra and its surroundings.

Morro Mestre Álvares 4.3 kmMorro Mestre Alvares 4.9 kmPonta de Santa Luzia 14.7 km
Vasco Coutinho 14.8 kmPraia do Camburi 15.5 kmIlha do Socó 17.3 km
Praia do Porto 17.7 kmPonta Prata 17.8 kmMorro do Barro Vermelho 18.6 km
Morro da Gamela 18.7 kmIlha das Garças 18.8 kmPonta do Tubarão 18.8 km
Praia de Piraém 18.8 kmMorro Grande 19.1 kmIlha do Frade 19.2 km
Ilha dos Índios 19.2 kmIlha do Fato 19.2 kmPonta do Fato 19.2 km
Ilha do Espírito Santo 19.2 kmIlha de Vitória 19.2 kmMorro do Frade Leopardo 19.3 km
Ilha da Galheta de Dentro 19.5 kmIlha da Galheta de Fóra 19.5 kmIlha da Pólvora 19.5 km
Praia Commprida 19.7 kmIlhas Andorinhas 19.7 kmMorro Itapenambi 19.9 km
Ilha do Boi 20.1 kmMorro do Suá 20.4 kmMorro São Francisco 20.6 km

Serra Page

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