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  11. Ouro Preto

Ouro Preto

Ouro Preto Localisation : Country Brazil, State Minas Gerais.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Mariana.


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Update data

StateMinas Gerais

Ouro Preto Administration

Ouro Preto Code (IBGE)3146107
Ouro Preto Post code35400

Ouro Preto Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Ouro Preto? Here are all the details of Ouro Preto available below.

Ouro Preto Postal addressPça. Barão do Rio Branco, 12
OURO PRETO - MG, 35400-000
Ouro Preto Phone number(31) 3559-3200
International: +55 31 3559-3200
Ouro Preto Fax number(31) 3559-3301
International: +55 31 3559-3301
Ouro Preto Email address[email protected]
Ouro Preto Websitewww.ouropreto.mg.gov.br
Other informationCidade Brasil : Ouro Preto
Ouro Preto Birth certificate, Ouro Preto Death certificate

Ouro Preto Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ouro Preto.

Ouro Preto Population74,281 inhabitants
Ouro Preto Population Density59.6 /km² (154.4 /sq mi)

Ouro Preto Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ouro Preto.

Ouro Preto Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -20.3856, Longitude: -43.5035
20° 23′ 8″ South, 43° 30′ 13″ West
Ouro Preto Area124,586 hectares
1,245.86 km² (481.03 sq mi)
Ouro Preto Altitude1,153 m (3,783 ft)
Ouro Preto ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwa)

Ouro Preto Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ouro Preto and the biggest cities of Brazil.

São Paulo 478 kmRio de Janeiro 282 kmBrasilia 694 km
Salvador, Bahia 982 kmFortaleza 1932 kmBelo Horizonte 79 km closest
Manaus 2629 kmCuritiba 815 kmRecife 1657 km
Goiânia 734 kmBelém 2176 kmPorto Alegre 1325 km

Ouro Preto Map

Locate simply the city of Ouro Preto through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ouro Preto Nearby cities and villages

Mariana 9.1 km

Ouro Preto Zone

Time zone of Ouro Preto.

Ouro Preto Local time
Ouro Preto Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Ouro Preto Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ouro Preto.

Ouro Preto Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ouro Preto.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
29 March10:00 - 15:58 - 21:5609:38 - 22:1809:12 - 22:44 08:47 - 23:10
30 March11:00 - 16:58 - 22:5610:38 - 23:1810:13 - 23:43 09:47 - 00:09
31 March11:00 - 16:58 - 22:5510:38 - 23:1710:13 - 23:42 09:47 - 00:08
1 April11:01 - 16:57 - 22:5410:39 - 23:1610:13 - 23:41 09:48 - 00:07
2 April11:01 - 16:57 - 22:5310:39 - 23:1510:13 - 23:41 09:48 - 00:06
3 April11:01 - 16:57 - 22:5210:39 - 23:1410:14 - 23:40 09:48 - 00:05
4 April11:02 - 16:56 - 22:5110:40 - 23:1310:14 - 23:39 09:48 - 00:04

Ouro Preto Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ouro Preto classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Solar Claudio Manuel PousadaSolar Claudio Manuel Pousada
Ouro Preto
Characteristic spacious rooms with wooden flooring and shared bathrooms are offered at Solar Claudio. Set on a historic building, it is located in the historic centre of Ouro Preto, next to the main Praça Tiradentes... view more
R$ 140
Hotel Pousada dos InconfidentesPousada dos Inconfidentes
Ouro Preto
Sitting on the historic Tiradentes Square in Ouro Preto, this guesthouse is just 10 metres from Inconfidência Museum. It offers a daily buffet breakfast that includes fruits and cakes... view more
R$ 130
Hotel Brumas HostelBrumas Hostel
Ouro Preto
In a charming colonial-style house, Brumas is near Ouro Preto´s main attractions, such as São Francisco Church. It features a communal kitchen and laundry, plus free Wi-Fi and free parking... view more
R$ 42
Hotel Pousada do MondegoPousada do Mondego
Ouro Preto
Set on a Baroque-style building, this guesthouse serves regional drinks and delicacies at its Conimbriga Bar. Guests enjoy hot beverages at the tea room, and a regional breakfast the coffee lounge. Wi-Fi is free... view more
R$ 324
Hotel Pousada do DouroPousada do Douro
Ouro Preto
In the heart of Ouro Preto’s historical centre, this colonial-style guest house is only 30 metres from Tiradentes Square. It features beautiful interiors decorated with items from the 19th century... view more
R$ 281
More Hotels »

Ouro Preto Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ouro Preto and its surroundings.

Pico Itacolomi 5.7 kmTopázios 8.3 kmTopázio 8.3 km
Jopázios 8.3 kmRodrigo Silva 12.3 kmDom Bosco 17.4 km
Hargreaves 21.2 kmSerra do Ouro Branco 21.3 kmLavras Velhas 25.4 km
Serra do Caraça 28.1 kmPico do Inficionado 28.6 km

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