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  11. Lindolfo Collor

Lindolfo Collor

Lindolfo Collor Localisation : Country Brazil, State Rio Grande do Sul.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Ivoti, Estância Velha and Dois Irmãos.


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Lindolfo Collor Administration

Lindolfo Collor Code (IBGE)4311627
Lindolfo Collor Post code93900

Lindolfo Collor Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Lindolfo Collor? Here are all the details of Lindolfo Collor available below.

Lindolfo Collor Postal addressAv. Capivara, 1314
Lindolfo Collor Phone number(51) 3552-1444
International: +55 51 3552-1444
Lindolfo Collor Email address[email protected]
Lindolfo Collor Websitewww.lindolfocollor.rs.gov.br
Other informationCidade Brasil : Lindolfo Collor
Lindolfo Collor Birth certificate, Lindolfo Collor Death certificate

Lindolfo Collor Demography

Information on the people and the population of Lindolfo Collor.

Lindolfo Collor Population6,054 inhabitants
Lindolfo Collor Population Density183.5 /km² (475.3 /sq mi)

Lindolfo Collor Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Lindolfo Collor.

Lindolfo Collor Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -29.5976, Longitude: -51.2073
29° 35′ 51″ South, 51° 12′ 26″ West
Lindolfo Collor Area3,299 hectares
32.99 km² (12.74 sq mi)
Lindolfo Collor Altitude37 m (121 ft)
Lindolfo Collor ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Lindolfo Collor Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Lindolfo Collor and the biggest cities of Brazil.

São Paulo 812 kmRio de Janeiro 1092 kmBrasilia 1574 km
Salvador, Bahia 2267 kmFortaleza 3175 kmBelo Horizonte 1312 km
Manaus 3092 kmCuritiba 502 kmRecife 2943 km
Goiânia 1452 kmBelém 3146 kmPorto Alegre 48 km closest

Lindolfo Collor Map

Locate simply the city of Lindolfo Collor through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Lindolfo Collor Nearby cities and villages

Lindolfo Collor Zone

Time zone of Lindolfo Collor.

Lindolfo Collor Local time
Lindolfo Collor Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Lindolfo Collor Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Lindolfo Collor.

Lindolfo Collor Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Lindolfo Collor.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
24 March10:30 - 16:30 - 22:3110:07 - 22:5409:39 - 23:22 09:11 - 23:50
25 March10:31 - 16:30 - 22:2910:07 - 22:5309:40 - 23:21 09:12 - 23:48
26 March10:32 - 16:30 - 22:2810:08 - 22:5209:40 - 23:19 09:13 - 23:47
27 March10:32 - 16:30 - 22:2710:08 - 22:5109:41 - 23:18 09:13 - 23:46
28 March10:33 - 16:29 - 22:2610:09 - 22:4909:41 - 23:17 09:14 - 23:45
29 March10:33 - 16:29 - 22:2510:10 - 22:4809:42 - 23:16 09:14 - 23:44
30 March11:34 - 17:29 - 23:2311:10 - 23:4710:43 - 00:15 10:15 - 00:42

Lindolfo Collor Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Lindolfo Collor classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel SpazioHotel Spazio

On the Ivoti beautiful mountain area, just a 55-minute drive from downtown Porto Alegre, Hotel Spazio features heated accommodation with pleasant views and free Wi-Fi. It offers a pool, massage services and tour desk... view more
R$ 99
Hotel Ibis Novo HamburgoIbis Novo Hamburgo

Novo Hamburgo
Boasting modern and practical accommodation, Ibis Novo Hamburgo is ideally located 500 metres from Novo Hamburgo City Centre. The hotel, which features spacious conference rooms and a business centre, also offers free Wi-Fi throughout... view more
R$ 109
Hotel Hotel Suarez InternacionalHotel Suarez Internacional

Novo Hamburgo
Hotel Suarez Internacional is conveniently located in downtown Novo Hamburgo, close to Bourbon Novo Shopping Mall, featuring a pool, gym and restaurant. Parking and free Wi-Fi are available... view more
R$ 100
Hotel Hotel Express ExecutiveHotel Express Executive

Novo Hamburgo
Hotel Express Executive is conveniently located 1 block from Novo Shopping Mall, in downtown Novo Hamburgo. It provides modern accommodation with a 24-hour front desk, parking and free Wi-Fi... view more
R$ 80
Hotel Union HotelUnion Hotel

Novo Hamburgo
Centrally located in Novo Hamburgo, Union serves international and regional cuisines at its restaurant. It offers a gym, sauna and air-conditioned accommodations with room service. Wi-Fi is free... view more
R$ 135
More Hotels »

Lindolfo Collor Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Lindolfo Collor and its surroundings.

Fazenda Bela Vista 21.5 kmFazenda Pesqueiro 25.2 kmFazenda Preta 26.9 km
Lomba Grande 27.5 kmFazenda Três Capões 29.1 kmQuintino Martini 29.4 km

Lindolfo Collor Page

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DB-City.comLindolfo Collor 3.9/5 (2021-04-08 13:12:18)
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page