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  11. Riozinho


Riozinho Localisation : Country Brazil, State Rio Grande do Sul.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Rolante and Caraá.


Find all the information of Riozinho or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Riozinho Administration

Riozinho Code (IBGE)4315750
Riozinho Post code95695

Riozinho Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Riozinho? Here are all the details of Riozinho available below.

Riozinho Postal addressAv. Guerino Pandolfo, 580 - Centro 
RIOZINHO - RS, 95695-000
Riozinho Phone number(51) 3548-1090
International: +55 51 3548-1090
Riozinho Email address[email protected]
Riozinho Websitewww.riozinho.rs.gov.br
Other informationCidade Brasil : Riozinho
Riozinho Birth certificate, Riozinho Death certificate

Riozinho Demography

Information on the people and the population of Riozinho.

Riozinho Population4,653 inhabitants
Riozinho Population Density19.4 /km² (50.3 /sq mi)

Riozinho Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Riozinho.

Riozinho Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -29.6405, Longitude: -50.4591
29° 38′ 26″ South, 50° 27′ 33″ West
Riozinho Area23,956 hectares
239.56 km² (92.49 sq mi)
Riozinho Altitude87 m (285 ft)
Riozinho ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Riozinho Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Riozinho and the biggest cities of Brazil.

São Paulo 777 kmRio de Janeiro 1042 kmBrasilia 1564 km
Salvador, Bahia 2228 kmFortaleza 3147 kmBelo Horizonte 1276 km
Manaus 3122 kmCuritiba 483 kmRecife 2902 km
Goiânia 1448 kmBelém 3144 kmPorto Alegre 86 km closest

Riozinho Map

Locate simply the city of Riozinho through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Riozinho Nearby cities and villages

Rolante 11.3 kmCaraá 13.9 km

Riozinho Zone

Time zone of Riozinho.

Riozinho Local time
Riozinho Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Riozinho Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Riozinho.

Riozinho Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Riozinho.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
20 March10:25 - 16:29 - 22:3210:01 - 22:5609:34 - 23:24 09:06 - 23:52
21 March10:26 - 16:28 - 22:3110:02 - 22:5509:34 - 23:23 09:06 - 23:50
22 March10:26 - 16:28 - 22:3010:03 - 22:5409:35 - 23:21 09:07 - 23:49
23 March10:27 - 16:28 - 22:2910:03 - 22:5209:35 - 23:20 09:08 - 23:48
24 March10:27 - 16:27 - 22:2810:04 - 22:5109:36 - 23:19 09:08 - 23:47
25 March10:28 - 16:27 - 22:2610:04 - 22:5009:37 - 23:18 09:09 - 23:45
26 March10:29 - 16:27 - 22:2510:05 - 22:4909:37 - 23:17 09:09 - 23:44

Riozinho Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Riozinho classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Pousada do EngenhoPousada do Engenho
São Francisco de Paula
Featuring an outdoor pool, gym, sauna and tennis court, this eco-friendly guesthouse is surrounded by well-maintained gardens. Guests have fun in the game-room and enjoy relaxing massages. Wi-Fi is free... view more
R$ 490
Hotel Hotel Cavalinho BrancoHotel Cavalinho Branco
São Francisco de Paula
Located in a gorgeous park opposite to São Bernardo Lake, this hotel is set in a building from the 1930s. It offers rooms with balcony and lake views and free Wi-Fi on the ground floor... view more
R$ 140
Hotel Pousada São ChicoPousada São Chico
São Francisco de Paula
Set in a beautiful park, this guest house is 500 metres from São Francisco de Paula town centre. It offers air-conditioned accommodation with free Wi-Fi. A pool, horses, breakfast and organic garden are available... view more
R$ 59
Hotel Pousada Recanto da MataPousada Recanto da Mata
São Francisco de Paula
Located amidst a native forest 800 metres from São Francisco de Paula centre, Pousada Recanto da Mata offers a games room with a fireplace and a charged shuttle service. Wi-Fi and on-site parking are free... view more
R$ 165
Hotel Pousada Vale das AraucáriasPousada Vale das Araucárias
São Francisco de Paula
Just 1.000 metres from São Francisco de Paula centre and bus station, Vale das Araucárias is surrounded by gardens. It features a shared kitchen and a living area with a fireplace. Breakfast is served daily... view more
R$ 160
More Hotels »

Riozinho Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Riozinho and its surroundings.

Morro Antionha 25.9 km

Riozinho Page

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  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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