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  11. Nova Friburgo

Nova Friburgo

Nova Friburgo Localisation : Country Brazil, State Rio de Janeiro.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Bom Jardim.


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Nova Friburgo Administration

Nova Friburgo Code (IBGE)3303401
Nova Friburgo Post code28613

Nova Friburgo Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Nova Friburgo? Here are all the details of Nova Friburgo available below.

Nova Friburgo Postal addressAv. Alberto Braune, 225
NOVA FRIBURGO - RJ, 28613-001
Nova Friburgo Phone number(22) 2525-9100
International: +55 22 2525-9100
Nova Friburgo Fax number(22) 2522-6967
International: +55 22 2522-6967
Nova Friburgo Email address[email protected]
Nova Friburgo Websitewww.novafriburgo.rj.gov.br
Other informationCidade Brasil : Nova Friburgo
Nova Friburgo Birth certificate, Nova Friburgo Death certificate

Nova Friburgo Demography

Information on the people and the population of Nova Friburgo.

Nova Friburgo Population190,631 inhabitants
Nova Friburgo Population Density204.2 /km² (529.0 /sq mi)

Nova Friburgo Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Nova Friburgo.

Nova Friburgo Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -22.2871, Longitude: -42.5337
22° 17′ 14″ South, 42° 32′ 1″ West
Nova Friburgo Area93,341 hectares
933.41 km² (360.39 sq mi)
Nova Friburgo Altitude858 m (2,815 ft)
Nova Friburgo ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Nova Friburgo Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Nova Friburgo and the biggest cities of Brazil.

São Paulo 444 kmRio de Janeiro 98 km closestBrasilia 920 km
Salvador, Bahia 1121 kmFortaleza 2111 kmBelo Horizonte 312 km
Manaus 2851 kmCuritiba 770 kmRecife 1784 km
Goiânia 942 kmBelém 2407 kmPorto Alegre 1223 km

Nova Friburgo Map

Locate simply the city of Nova Friburgo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Nova Friburgo Nearby cities and villages

Bom Jardim 18.9 km

Nova Friburgo Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Nova Friburgo has international agreements with its different pairings.

Nova Friburgo Zone

Time zone of Nova Friburgo.

Nova Friburgo Local time
Nova Friburgo Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Nova Friburgo Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Nova Friburgo.

Nova Friburgo Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Nova Friburgo.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
12 January09:17 - 15:58 - 22:3908:52 - 23:0408:23 - 23:33 07:53 - 00:04
13 January09:18 - 15:58 - 22:3908:53 - 23:0408:24 - 23:33 07:53 - 00:03
14 January09:18 - 15:59 - 22:3908:54 - 23:0408:25 - 23:33 07:54 - 00:03
15 January09:19 - 15:59 - 22:3908:55 - 23:0408:25 - 23:33 07:55 - 00:03
16 January09:20 - 16:00 - 22:3908:55 - 23:0408:26 - 23:33 07:56 - 00:03
17 January09:20 - 16:00 - 22:3908:56 - 23:0408:27 - 23:33 07:57 - 00:03
18 January09:21 - 16:00 - 22:3908:57 - 23:0408:28 - 23:33 07:58 - 00:02

Nova Friburgo Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Nova Friburgo classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hotel FabrisHotel Fabris
Nova Friburgo
Located in Nova Friburgo city centre, this hotel offers accommodation with free Wi-Fi, plus a 24-hour reception and buffet breakfast. Nova Friburgo Country Club is 1 km away... view more
R$ 99
Hotel Hotel Caledonia InnHotel Caledonia Inn
Nova Friburgo
Offering outdoor pool and a restaurant, Hotel Caledonia Inn boasts stunning mountain views and is 4 km from Nova Friburgo centre . Free Wi-Fi access and private parking are available. Rooms here will provide you with a TV, a balcony and a minibar... view more
R$ 450
Hotel Sanjaya HotelSanjaya Hotel

Nova Friburgo
Sanjaya Hotel features a central location in the heart of picturesque Nova Friburgo. It offers a heated indoor pool, free Wi-Fi and complimentary parking... view more
R$ 139
Hotel Hotel HabitareHotel Habitare

Nova Friburgo
Hotel Habitare offers sophisticated apartments with free internet and modern facilities in downtown Nova Friburgo. It´s complete services include a well-equipped gym, complimentary valet parking, a restaurant and bar... view more
R$ 272
Hotel Hotel AlêHotel Alê

Nova Friburgo
Hotel Alê is located on Nova Friburgo’s centre, 100 metres from bars and restaurants, and offers simple accommodation with buffet breakfast and free Wi-Fi in public areas. A games room and 24-hour reception are available... view more
R$ 210
More Hotels »

Nova Friburgo Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Nova Friburgo and its surroundings.

Muri 5.4 kmPôsto do Registro 11.9 kmRegistro 11.9 km
Serra do Rio Bonito 17.4 kmSerra de Bananeiras 18.5 kmSerra de Macaé 20.9 km
Pedra do Paquequer 22.5 kmFazenda do Roncador 22.8 kmFazenda São José 23.8 km
Pedras do Fonseca 23.9 kmSerra de Santana 24.2 kmPedras dos Frades 25 km
Fazenda do Campinho 25.1 kmFazenda Rosângela 26 kmFazenda Rancho Alegre 26.1 km
Morro Agudo 26.4 kmFazenda João Carlos 26.5 kmCapela de Nossa Senhora da Conceição 26.8 km
Morro do Carmo 27.5 kmFazenda Firmamento 27.5 kmFazenda São José 27.8 km
Haras Santa Maria 27.9 kmSantana 28.1 kmFazenda Xotó 28.3 km
Fazenda Dois Bicos 28.7 kmFazenda Boa Esperança 28.8 kmEscola Ernestina F. Campos 28.9 km
Educandário José D. Jannotti 29 kmSerra do Paquequer 29.1 kmCapela de Nossa Senhora do Carmo 29.1 km

Nova Friburgo Page

Direct link
DB-City.comNova Friburgo 5/5 (2021-04-08 13:12:18)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page