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  11. Rancho Queimado

Rancho Queimado

Rancho Queimado Localisation : Country Brazil, State Santa Catarina.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Email address, Website, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Angelina and Águas Mornas.


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Rancho Queimado Administration

Rancho Queimado Code (IBGE)4214300
Rancho Queimado Post code88470

Rancho Queimado Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Rancho Queimado? Here are all the details of Rancho Queimado available below.

Rancho Queimado Postal addressPça. Leonardo Sell, 40 - Centro 
Rancho Queimado Phone number(48) 3275-3100
International: +55 48 3275-3100
Rancho Queimado Email address[email protected]
Rancho Queimado Websitewww.ranchoqueimado.sc.gov.br
Other informationCidade Brasil : Rancho Queimado
Rancho Queimado Birth certificate, Rancho Queimado Death certificate

Rancho Queimado Demography

Information on the people and the population of Rancho Queimado.

Rancho Queimado Population2,878 inhabitants
Rancho Queimado Population Density10.0 /km² (26.0 /sq mi)

Rancho Queimado Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Rancho Queimado.

Rancho Queimado Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -27.6791, Longitude: -49.0074
27° 40′ 45″ South, 49° 0′ 27″ West
Rancho Queimado Area28,643 hectares
286.43 km² (110.59 sq mi)
Rancho Queimado Altitude809 m (2,654 ft)
Rancho Queimado ClimateHumid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa)

Rancho Queimado Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Rancho Queimado and the biggest cities of Brazil.

São Paulo 518 kmRio de Janeiro 789 kmBrasilia 1329 km
Salvador, Bahia 1968 kmFortaleza 2889 kmBelo Horizonte 1015 km
Manaus 2976 kmCuritiba 252 km closestRecife 2642 km
Goiânia 1225 kmBelém 2920 kmPorto Alegre 339 km

Rancho Queimado Map

Locate simply the city of Rancho Queimado through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Rancho Queimado Nearby cities and villages

Angelina 12.4 kmÁguas Mornas 18.2 km

Rancho Queimado Zone

Time zone of Rancho Queimado.

Rancho Queimado Local time
Rancho Queimado Time zoneUTC -3:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Rancho Queimado Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Rancho Queimado.

Rancho Queimado Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Rancho Queimado.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
15 March10:17 - 16:24 - 22:3209:53 - 22:5509:26 - 23:23 08:58 - 23:50
16 March10:17 - 16:24 - 22:3109:54 - 22:5409:27 - 23:22 08:59 - 23:49
17 March10:18 - 16:24 - 22:3009:54 - 22:5309:27 - 23:20 09:00 - 23:48
18 March10:18 - 16:23 - 22:2909:55 - 22:5209:28 - 23:19 09:00 - 23:47
19 March10:19 - 16:23 - 22:2809:55 - 22:5109:28 - 23:18 09:01 - 23:46
20 March10:19 - 16:23 - 22:2609:56 - 22:5009:29 - 23:17 09:01 - 23:44
21 March10:20 - 16:23 - 22:2509:57 - 22:4909:29 - 23:16 09:02 - 23:43

Rancho Queimado Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Rancho Queimado classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Plaza Caldas da Imperatriz Resort & SpaPlaza Caldas da Imperatriz Resort & Spa

Santo Amaro da Imperatriz
The Plaza Caldas da Imperatriz Resort & Spa provides a large area with 4-star accommodation and a wide range of leisure and relaxation options for your whole family... view more
R$ 538
Hotel Pousada Montanhas Do ValePousada Montanhas Do Vale
São Bonifácio
Pousada Montanhas do Vale offers accommodation in a 4-bedroom house located 4 km from São Bonifácio centre. There is a swimming pool, games room and a lake. The 4-bedroom has a seating area with a sofa, TV and dining table... view more
R$ 542
Hotel Slaviero Executive ViacatarinaSlaviero Executive Viacatarina

Situated one block from Avenida Central and next to the Via Catarina Shopping Centre, this hotel is ideal for business and leisure travellers. It offers a helipoint, modern accommodation and free Wi-Fi... view more
R$ 150
Hotel Kennedy Executive HotelKennedy Executive Hotel

São José
Featuring a fitness centre and spa, Kennedy Executive Hotel is set 4 km from Beira Mar Norte Avenue, in São José City. The hotel also offers free breakfast and free Wi-Fi throughout... view more
R$ 142
Hotel Zion HotelZion Hotel

São José
Hotel Zion is located in the business and industrial region of Sao Jose, only 10 minutes by car from Florianópolis. It features modern accommodation, free Wi-Fi and parking without charge. Rooms at Zion feature a practical design... view more
R$ 154
More Hotels »

Rancho Queimado Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Rancho Queimado and its surroundings.

Serra Boa Vista 23.3 kmSerra do Tabuleiro 28 km

Rancho Queimado Page

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DB-City.comRancho Queimado 3.9/5 (2021-04-08 13:12:18)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page