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  9. Ribeira Grande de Santiago

Ribeira Grande de Santiago

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Localisation : Country Cape Verde.
Available Information : Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : Praia, São Domingos and São Lourenço dos Órgãos.


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CountryCape Verde

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Demography

Information on the people and the population of Ribeira Grande de Santiago.

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Population8,325 inhabitants
Ribeira Grande de Santiago Population Density606.3 /km² (1,570.4 /sq mi)

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Ribeira Grande de Santiago.

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 14.915, Longitude: -23.605
14° 54′ 54″ North, 23° 36′ 18″ West
Ribeira Grande de Santiago Area1,373 hectares
13.73 km² (5.30 sq mi)
Ribeira Grande de Santiago Altitude13 m (43 ft)
Ribeira Grande de Santiago ClimateArid (Köppen climate classification: BWh)

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Ribeira Grande de Santiago and the biggest cities of Cape Verde.

Praia 10 km closestSão Vicente 260 kmSanta Catarina 21 km
Sal 217 kmSanta Cruz 25 kmSão Filipe 96 km
Ribeira Grande 297 kmTarrafal 43 kmPorto Novo 282 km
São Miguel 30 kmSão Domingos 15 kmMosteiros 79 km

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Map

Locate simply the city of Ribeira Grande de Santiago through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Nearby cities and villages

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Twin towns, Sister cities

The City of Ribeira Grande de Santiago has international agreements with its different pairings.

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Zone

Time zone of Ribeira Grande de Santiago.

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Local time
Ribeira Grande de Santiago Time zoneUTC -1:00 (Atlantic/Cape_Verde)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Ribeira Grande de Santiago.

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Ribeira Grande de Santiago.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
3 February09:02 - 14:48 - 20:3408:40 - 20:5608:14 - 21:21 07:49 - 21:47
4 February09:02 - 14:48 - 20:3408:40 - 20:5608:14 - 21:22 07:48 - 21:47
5 February09:01 - 14:48 - 20:3408:39 - 20:5608:14 - 21:22 07:48 - 21:48
6 February09:01 - 14:48 - 20:3508:39 - 20:5708:14 - 21:22 07:48 - 21:48
7 February09:01 - 14:48 - 20:3508:39 - 20:5708:13 - 21:23 07:48 - 21:48
8 February09:01 - 14:48 - 20:3608:39 - 20:5808:13 - 21:23 07:48 - 21:48
9 February09:00 - 14:48 - 20:3608:38 - 20:5808:13 - 21:23 07:47 - 21:49

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Ribeira Grande de Santiago classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Praia Village HotelPraia Village Hotel

Set a 2-minute drive from Gamboa Beach, this 4-star residence is just 3 km from the centre of Praia. You can hire a bicycle and explore the island or have a massage on site... view more
Hotel Aparthotel PraianoAparthotel Praiano
Aparthotel Praiano is located in Praia in the district of Praiano Palmarejo Baixo, just 8 km away from the Nelson Mandela International Airport. Guests can access the Beach Boulevard just 50 metres away... view more
CVE 6600
Hotel Hotel SantiagoHotel Santiago

Located just a 10-minute drive from the beach in Praia, Hotel Santiago offers a bar, restaurant and 24-hour reception. The harbour is only a 5-minute drive away... view more
CVE 6831
Hotel Oasis PraiamarOasis Praiamar

Offering an outdoor pool, Oasis Praiamar is located in Praia. At Oasis Praiamar guests will find a tennis court and a fitness centre. Free Wi-Fi access is available in all areas... view more
CVE 9483
Hotel Pestana TropicoPestana Tropico

Located on the Santiago Island, in front of the ocean and just 200 metres from the city's main beach, Pestana Tropico offers an outdoor swimming pool with sunbeds, meeting rooms and a fitness room. Free Wi-Fi access is provided in all areas... view more
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Ribeira Grande de Santiago Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Ribeira Grande de Santiago and its surroundings.

Ribeira Grande de Santiago Page

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DB-City.comRibeira Grande de Santiago 2.5/5 (2022-01-26 08:56:01)
  • Information
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Twin towns, Sister cities
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page