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  13. La Pintana

La Pintana

La Pintana Localisation : Country Chile, Region Santiago, Province Santiago.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Fax number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : El Bosque, La Granja and San Ramón.


Find all the information of La Pintana or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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La Pintana Administration

La Pintana Code13112
La Pintana MayorClaudia Pizarro Peña

La Pintana Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of La Pintana? Here are all the details of La Pintana available below.

La Pintana Postal addressAv. Santa Rosa Nº 12975
La Pintana
La Pintana Phone number(02) 3896600
International: +56 02 3896600
La Pintana Fax number(2) 3896706
International: +56 2 3896706
La Pintana Email address[email protected]
La Pintana Websitewww.pintana.cl
Other informationMunicipalidades en Chile : La Pintana
La Pintana Birth certificate, La Pintana Death certificate

La Pintana Demography

Information on the people and the population of La Pintana.

La Pintana Population190,085 inhabitants
La Pintana Population Density6,131.8 /km² (15,881.2 /sq mi)

La Pintana Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of La Pintana.

La Pintana Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -33.5833, Longitude: -70.6333
33° 34′ 60″ South, 70° 37′ 60″ West
La Pintana Area3,100 hectares
31.00 km² (11.97 sq mi)
La Pintana Altitude618 m (2,028 ft)
La Pintana ClimateMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb)

La Pintana Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between La Pintana and the biggest cities of Chile.

Puente Alto 7 kmMaipú 14 kmLa Florida 7 km
Antofagasta 1106 kmViña del Mar 105 kmValparaiso 109 km
Talcahuano 416 kmLas Condes 21 kmSan Bernardo 6 km closest
Temuco 602 kmIquique 1489 kmConcepción 423 km

La Pintana Map

Locate simply the city of La Pintana through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

La Pintana Nearby cities and villages

La Pintana Zone

Time zone of La Pintana.

La Pintana Local time
La Pintana Time zoneUTC -4:00 (America/Santiago)
Summer time UTC -4:00
Winter time UTC -3:00

La Pintana Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of La Pintana.

La Pintana Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to La Pintana.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
26 September12:25 - 18:33 - 00:4212:00 - 01:0611:31 - 01:35 11:01 - 02:05
27 September12:23 - 18:33 - 00:4211:59 - 01:0711:29 - 01:36 11:00 - 02:06
28 September12:22 - 18:32 - 00:4311:57 - 01:0811:28 - 01:37 10:58 - 02:07
29 September12:21 - 18:32 - 00:4411:56 - 01:0811:27 - 01:38 10:57 - 02:07
30 September12:19 - 18:32 - 00:4411:54 - 01:0911:25 - 01:38 10:55 - 02:08
1 October12:18 - 18:31 - 00:4511:53 - 01:1011:24 - 01:39 10:54 - 02:09
2 October12:17 - 18:31 - 00:4611:52 - 01:1111:22 - 01:40 10:52 - 02:10

La Pintana Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in La Pintana classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Apart PrincipadoApart Principado
The Apart Principado offers spacious self-serviced apartments in the trendy Providencia neighbourhood. It is only 20 km from Arturo Merino Benitez Airport, and offers complimentary private parking and free internet... view more
$US 99
Hotel Hostal SoleHostal Sole
Hostal Sole features private bungalows with free Wi-Fi in the scenic Pirque Province, 3km from the Concha y Toro vineyards. The swimming pool is surrounded by perfumed lilac flower trees... view more
$US 100
Hotel Spa PirqueSpa Pirque
Spa Pirque prides itself on its spa and wellness centre and offers free continental breakfast in Pirque. The renowned Concha y Toro Winery is found 2 km away... view more
$US 80
Hotel Luna de PirqueLuna de Pirque
Featuring an outdoor pool, a garden, a spa and a gym, Luna de Pirque offers free Wi-Fi and free parking in Pirque. Lagunilla ski centre is 50 km away... view more
$US 128
Hotel El MagnolioEl Magnolio
Located in Pirque and within the Maipo Valley, famous for its Chilean red wines, El Magnolio is a bed and breakfast boasting chic decor, an outdoor pool and an extensive park holding ancient trees and an organic orchard... view more
$US 119
More Hotels »

La Pintana Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in La Pintana and its surroundings.

San Rafael 0.4 kmLas Rosas 0.9 kmLa Platina 1.3 km
El Castillo 1.3 kmLa Aurora 1.9 kmLa Esperanza 1.9 km
La Purísima 2.4 kmLas Nieves 2.4 kmSanta Juana 2.6 km
San Antonio 3 kmRosas 3.1 kmSan José de las Claras 3.3 km
Los Quillayes 3.6 kmLa Granja 4.4 kmJosé Maza 4.8 km
San Carlos 5.2 kmEl Retiro 5.3 kmCerro Las Cabras 5.4 km
Cerro Negro 5.9 kmCerro Negro 6.1 kmLepanto 6.2 km
La Plazuela de Los Toros 6.4 kmLos Bajos 6.8 kmLa Sota 7.2 km
Viña Santa Rosa del Peral 7.3 kmLa Divisa 7.4 kmBellavista 7.6 km
San León 7.6 kmEl Peñón 7.7 kmCerro Vizcachas 8.5 km

La Pintana Page

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DB-City.comLa Pintana 5/5 (2021-04-08 13:00:29)
  • Information
  • Administration
  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
  • Page