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Country | Chile |
Region | Valparaíso |
Province | Valparaíso |
Valparaiso Administration
Valparaiso Code | 05101 |
Valparaiso Mayor | Jorge Sharp Fajardo |
Valparaiso Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Valparaiso? Here are all the details of Valparaiso available below.
Valparaiso Postal address | Avenida Argentina 864 Valparaíso Chile |
Valparaiso Phone number | (32) 2939000 International: +56 32 2939000 |
Valparaiso Fax number | (32) 2939646 International: +56 32 2939646 |
Valparaiso Email address | [email protected] |
Valparaiso Website | |
Other information | Municipalidades en Chile : Valparaíso |
Valparaiso Birth certificate, Valparaiso Death certificate |
Valparaiso Demography
Information on the people and the population of Valparaiso.
Valparaiso Population | 275,982 inhabitants |
Valparaiso Population Density | 686.5 /km² (1,778.1 /sq mi) |
Valparaiso Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Valparaiso.
Valparaiso Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -33.05, Longitude: -71.6167 33° 3′ 0″ South, 71° 37′ 0″ West |
Valparaiso Area | 40,200 hectares 402.00 km² (155.21 sq mi) |
Valparaiso Altitude | 30 m (98 ft) |
Valparaiso Climate | Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csb) |
Valparaiso Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Valparaiso and the biggest cities of Chile.
Puente Alto 116 km | Maipú 95 km | La Florida 110 km |
Antofagasta 1053 km | Viña del Mar 11 km closest | Talcahuano 431 km |
Las Condes 107 km | San Bernardo 104 km | Temuco 640 km |
Iquique 1436 km | Concepción 440 km | Peñalolén 110 km |
Valparaiso Map
Locate simply the city of Valparaiso through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Valparaiso Nearby cities and villages
Vicuña 10.9 km | Viña del Mar 10.9 km | Quilpué 15.6 km |
Concón 17.5 km |
Valparaiso Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Valparaiso has international agreements with its different pairings.
Valparaiso Zone
Time zone of Valparaiso.
Valparaiso Local time | |
Valparaiso Time zone | UTC -4:00 (America/Santiago) Summer time UTC -4:00 Winter time UTC -3:00 |
Valparaiso Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Valparaiso.
Valparaiso Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Valparaiso.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
6 January | 10:45 - 17:52 - 00:59 | 10:17 - 01:27 | 09:42 - 02:02 | 09:05 - 02:39 |
7 January | 10:46 - 17:52 - 00:59 | 10:18 - 01:27 | 09:43 - 02:02 | 09:06 - 02:39 |
8 January | 10:47 - 17:53 - 00:59 | 10:19 - 01:27 | 09:44 - 02:02 | 09:07 - 02:39 |
9 January | 10:48 - 17:53 - 00:59 | 10:20 - 01:27 | 09:45 - 02:01 | 09:08 - 02:39 |
10 January | 10:49 - 17:54 - 00:59 | 10:21 - 01:27 | 09:46 - 02:01 | 09:09 - 02:38 |
11 January | 10:50 - 17:54 - 00:59 | 10:22 - 01:27 | 09:47 - 02:01 | 09:10 - 02:38 |
12 January | 10:50 - 17:54 - 00:58 | 10:22 - 01:26 | 09:48 - 02:01 | 09:11 - 02:37 |
Valparaiso Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Valparaiso classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
La Mano de Monja Valparaíso Guests can enjoy free Mediterranean breakfast and Italian cuisine at the onsite restaurant at La Mano de Monja, in Valparaíso. It is a 10-minute bus ride away from the bus station. The rooms are modern and simple... view more | from $US 60 | |
Alojamiento Ely Valparaíso Alojamiento Ely offers practical rooms only a 5-minute walk from Valparaiso’s historical district and beach. Wi-Fi is free and the bus terminal, Rodoviario Valparaiso is a 5-minute drive... view more | from $US 22 | |
Hostal Tricontinental Valparaíso Featuring a fully equipped common kitchen, Hostal Tricontinental offers free Wi-Fi in Valparaíso. The bus station is 500 metres away and Caleta Portales beach is 2 km from the property... view more | from $US 20 | |
Hostal Kairos Valparaíso Strategically located in Valparaíso, a few steps from Pedro Montt avenue and from the commercial area with restaurants and entertainment venues, Hostal Kairos offers free Wi-Fi. The bus stop is right in front of the property... view more | from $US 30 | |
Hostal Costa Manantial Valparaíso Featuring panoramic mountain views, this 1900 patrimonial house is 5 km from Caleta Abarca beach and 1 km from the seaport. The bus station is 500 metres away. The way up to the hostal, which sits on the 3rd floor, is made by stairs... view more | from $US 50 | |
More Hotels » |
Valparaiso Transport
Trolleybus | Funicular |
Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport 86.3 km | Vina del Mar 17.1 km | Sandcreek 85.5 km |
Valparaiso Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Valparaiso and its surroundings.
Cerro Jiménez 1.5 km | Cerro La Cruz 1.9 km | Cerro Merced 1.9 km |
Cerro Florida 2.4 km | Cerro Mariposa 2.4 km | Las Zorras 2.4 km |
Cerro Ramaditas 2.4 km | Cuesta Colorada 2.4 km | Punta Duprat 2.7 km |
Cerro Alegre 3.1 km | Alto del Puerto 3.6 km | Roca La Baja 3.7 km |
Colorado 4 km | Mirador 4 km | Punta Ángeles 4.1 km |
Punta Gruesa 4.1 km | Punta Cardones 4.2 km | Rocas Buey 4.4 km |
Quillaicito 5.5 km | Islote Leon 5.9 km | Las Cenizas 6.1 km |
Las Casas 7.3 km | Las Salinas 7.3 km | El Sauce 8.3 km |
Polvorines 8.4 km | Morro de Piedra 9.1 km | Alto de la Cruz 9.6 km |
Punta Bluff 10 km | Cerro Canchitas 10.4 km | Los Perales 10.8 km |
Valparaiso Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Valparaiso /5 (2022-05-04 09:31:10) |