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Huacho Administration
Huacho Code | 150801 |
Huacho Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of Huacho? Here are all the details of Huacho available below.
Huacho Postal address | Calle Colón N° 150 Huacho Perú |
Huacho Phone number | (01) 232-4272 International: +51 1 232-4272 |
Huacho Email address | [email protected] |
Huacho Website | Not available |
Other information | Ciudades y Distritos del Perú : Huacho |
Huacho Birth certificate, Huacho Death certificate |
Huacho Demography
Information on the people and the population of Huacho.
Huacho Population | 58,532 inhabitants |
Huacho Population Density | 82.3 /km² (213.2 /sq mi) |
Huacho Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Huacho.
Huacho Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -11.1072, Longitude: -77.6103 11° 6′ 26″ South, 77° 36′ 37″ West |
Huacho Area | 71,100 hectares 711.00 km² (274.52 sq mi) |
Huacho Altitude | 37 m (121 ft) |
Huacho Climate | Semi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSh) |
Huacho Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Huacho and the biggest cities of Peru.
Lima 122 km | San Juan de Lurigancho 122 km | San Martin de Porres 119 km |
Ate 127 km | Comas 113 km | Villa El Salvador 143 km |
Villa Maria Del Triunfo 138 km | Ventanilla 100 km closest | Callao 118 km |
San Juan de Miraflores 137 km | Los Olivos 115 km | Puente Piedra 103 km |
Huacho Map
Locate simply the city of Huacho through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Huacho Nearby cities and villages
Hualmay 0.6 km | Caleta de Carquin 2.6 km | Santa Maria 3.2 km |
Huaura 4.3 km | Vegueta 10 km |
Huacho Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of Huacho has international agreements with its different pairings.
Huacho Zone
Time zone of Huacho.
Huacho Local time | |
Huacho Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/Lima) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Huacho Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Huacho.
Huacho Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Huacho.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
25 January | 12:03 - 18:22 - 00:41 | 11:41 - 01:04 | 11:15 - 01:30 | 10:48 - 01:56 |
26 January | 12:04 - 18:23 - 00:41 | 11:42 - 01:04 | 11:15 - 01:30 | 10:49 - 01:56 |
27 January | 12:04 - 18:23 - 00:41 | 11:42 - 01:04 | 11:16 - 01:30 | 10:49 - 01:56 |
28 January | 12:05 - 18:23 - 00:41 | 11:42 - 01:03 | 11:16 - 01:30 | 10:50 - 01:56 |
29 January | 12:05 - 18:23 - 00:41 | 11:43 - 01:03 | 11:17 - 01:29 | 10:50 - 01:56 |
30 January | 12:05 - 18:23 - 00:41 | 11:43 - 01:03 | 11:17 - 01:29 | 10:51 - 01:56 |
31 January | 12:06 - 18:23 - 00:41 | 11:44 - 01:03 | 11:18 - 01:29 | 10:52 - 01:55 |
Huacho Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Huacho classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Casahotel Granja Ecologica Hacienda la Villa Casahotel Granja Ecologica is located in Caral, a 1-hour drive from the downtown area and a 2-hour drive from Churin hot springs. Lomas de Lachay is a 45-minute drive. The accommodation will provide you with a patio, a terrace and a seating area... view more | from $US 285 | |
Hospedaje Erika Hidalgo Lima Hospedaje Erika Hidalgo provides free Wi-Fi access in Lima. The bus station is just a 15-minute walk away. Rooms here have splashes of bright colour and wooden furniture. Each comes with a private bathroom with hairdryer, a TV a DVD player... view more | from $US 35 | |
Hotel Maury Lima Located just 1 block from Plaza de Armas and set in colonial décor, Maury Hotel provides spacious rooms with free Wi-Fi and suites with hydromassage baths. It features a gourmet restaurant... view more | from $US 58 | |
Angelica's House Apartments Lima Angelica's House Apartments offers self-catering accommodation with free Wi-Fi in Lima. The downtown area is 15 km from the property. Free airport shuttles can be arranged... view more | from $US 72 | |
Lynik La Casa de Blanca Lima Featuring a gym and BBQ facilities, Lynik La Casa de Blanca is a family-run property offering rooms with free Wi-Fi and private bathrooms in Lima. Free parking and breakfast are provided. Los Olivos city is 10 minutes away by car... view more | from $US 30 | |
More Hotels » |
Huacho Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Huacho and its surroundings.
Puerto de Huacho 1.9 km | Punta La Viuda 1.9 km | Cerro Los Negritos 2.8 km |
Punta Carquín 2.9 km | Cerro Centinela 4.9 km | La Torta 5.2 km |
Cerros Colorado Grande 5.2 km | La Torta 5.9 km | Isla El Lobillo 6.3 km |
Playa La Redonda 6.3 km | Playa Chica 6.5 km | Cerro El Toro 6.6 km |
Mal Paso 6.7 km | La Tablada 6.7 km | Pampa Banduria 7.3 km |
Cerro Anconcillo 8.6 km | Playa El Colorado 9.3 km | Pampa Ánimas 9.9 km |
Pardela 11 km | Isla San Martín 11.7 km | Punta Végueta 11.8 km |
Los Cochinos 11.9 km | Pampa Algarrobal 12.1 km | Cerros Colorado Chico 12.1 km |
Punta Quilca 12.2 km | Pampas de Rontoy 12.4 km | Playa Paraíso 12.4 km |
Punta Cocoe 12.4 km | Playa El Yate 12.4 km | Cerros San Cristóbal 12.8 km |
Huacho Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | Huacho /5 (2022-05-06 11:20:52) |