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  13. Villa Maria Del Triunfo

Villa Maria Del Triunfo

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Localisation : Country Peru, Department Lima, Province Lima.
Available Information : Postal address, Phone number, Website, Email address, Mayor, Geographical coordinates, Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel.
Nearby cities and villages : San Juan de Miraflores, Villa El Salvador and Santiago de Surco.


Find all the information of Villa Maria Del Triunfo or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Villa Maria Del Triunfo Administration

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Code150143

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Contact info

Want to contact the Administration of Villa Maria Del Triunfo? Here are all the details of Villa Maria Del Triunfo available below.

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Postal addressJr. José Gálvez N° 895
Villa Maria Del Triunfo
Villa Maria Del Triunfo Phone number(01) 713-7200
International: +51 1 713-7200
Villa Maria Del Triunfo Email address[email protected]
Villa Maria Del Triunfo Websitewww.munivillamaria.gob.pe
Other informationCiudades y Distritos del Perú : Villa Maria Del Triunfo
Villa Maria Del Triunfo Birth certificate, Villa Maria Del Triunfo Death certificate

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Demography

Information on the people and the population of Villa Maria Del Triunfo.

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Population448,545 inhabitants
Villa Maria Del Triunfo Population Density6,796.1 /km² (17,601.9 /sq mi)

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Villa Maria Del Triunfo.

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Geographical coordinatesLatitude: -12.1622, Longitude: -76.9436
12° 9′ 44″ South, 76° 56′ 37″ West
Villa Maria Del Triunfo Area6,600 hectares
66.00 km² (25.48 sq mi)
Villa Maria Del Triunfo Altitude182 m (597 ft)
Villa Maria Del Triunfo ClimateArid (Köppen climate classification: BWk)

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Villa Maria Del Triunfo and the biggest cities of Peru.

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Map

Locate simply the city of Villa Maria Del Triunfo through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Nearby cities and villages

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Zone

Time zone of Villa Maria Del Triunfo.

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Local time
Villa Maria Del Triunfo Time zoneUTC -5:00 (America/Lima)
The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Villa Maria Del Triunfo.

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Villa Maria Del Triunfo.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
3 February12:03 - 18:21 - 00:3911:41 - 01:0111:15 - 01:27 10:49 - 01:54
4 February12:03 - 18:21 - 00:3911:41 - 01:0111:15 - 01:27 10:49 - 01:53
5 February12:04 - 18:21 - 00:3911:42 - 01:0111:16 - 01:27 10:50 - 01:53
6 February12:04 - 18:21 - 00:3911:42 - 01:0111:16 - 01:26 10:50 - 01:52
7 February12:04 - 18:21 - 00:3811:43 - 01:0011:17 - 01:26 10:51 - 01:52
8 February12:05 - 18:21 - 00:3811:43 - 01:0011:17 - 01:26 10:51 - 01:52
9 February12:05 - 18:21 - 00:3811:43 - 01:0011:18 - 01:25 10:52 - 01:51

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Villa Maria Del Triunfo classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Hotel Hostal PucllanaHostal Pucllana

La Tablada
Featuring a fully equipped common kitchen, a garden and a cafeteria, Hostal Pucllana offers free Wi-Fi and buffet breakfast in Lima. The city centre is 15 km away and San Isidro financial area is 1,5 km from the property... view more
$US 16
Hotel Monterrico Hostal PerúMonterrico Hostal Perú
Comfortable rooms are offered in Lima, a 5-minute walk from Ricardo Palma University. Free pick-ups from the airport and bus station can be arranged in advance. Rooms at Monterrico Hostal Peru will provide you with a TV and a seating area... view more
$US 129
Hotel Acuario Hotel & SuiteAcuario Hotel & Suite

Offering an a la carte restaurant and a fitness centre, Acuario Hotel & Suite is located in Lima, 7 km from the financial centre and 1 km from the train station. Free Wi-Fi access is available. Rooms here will provide you with a flat-screen TV... view more
$US 57
Hotel ChaclasuitesChaclasuites
La Tablada
Featuring an outdoor swimming pool, a garden, and a restaurant, Chaclasuites offers free Wi-Fi and American breakfast in Chaclayo. The main square and commercial area are 1 km away... view more
$US 150
Hotel Hostal Milano SurcoHostal Milano Surco
Hostal Milano offers rooms with designer decor and free Wi-Fi in Lima. Costa Verde Beaches are 10 km away. Continental breakfast is included and guests are welcomed with complimentary drinks... view more
$US 32
More Hotels »

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Villa Maria Del Triunfo and its surroundings.

Señal Cerro Papa 1.7 kmCerro Arbolito 1.9 kmCésar Vallejo 2.3 km
Cerro Mina 2.5 kmParadero San Juan 2.6 kmCerro Camote 2.6 km
Capilla San Juan 3 kmCerro Papa 3.4 kmPuente Alipio Ponce 3.7 km
Tablada Paradero 4.4 kmCerro Carnero 4.4 kmCerro Pamplona 4.4 km
Puente Atocongo 4.4 kmCerro Zorritos 4.4 kmCerro Pamplona 4.5 km
Cerro Castilla 4.8 kmCerro Lagarto 4.9 kmPuente Benavides 5.2 km
Pampa Cascajal 5.4 kmSeñal Cerro Conchita 5.5 kmSeñal Cerro Colorado Sur 5.6 km
Cerros de San Francisco 5.6 kmLas Palmas 6 kmCerro Colorado Sur 6.1 km
Cerro Salero 6.3 kmCerro Vigía 6.6 kmPuente Villa 6.7 km
Cerro Conchitas 6.7 kmParadero Atocongo 6.7 kmSeñal Hierba Buena 6.8 km

Villa Maria Del Triunfo Page

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DB-City.comVilla Maria Del Triunfo 5/5 (2021-04-08 12:57:50)
  • Information
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  • Contact info
  • Demography
  • Geography
  • Distance
  • Map
  • Nearby cities and villages
  • Zone
  • Weather
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Hotel
  • Nearby
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