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San Borja Administration
San Borja Code | 150130 |
San Borja Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of San Borja? Here are all the details of San Borja available below.
San Borja Postal address | Av. Joaquín Madrid N° 200 San Borja Perú |
San Borja Phone number | (01) 612-5555 International: +51 1 612-5555 |
San Borja Email address | [email protected] |
San Borja Website | |
Other information | Ciudades y Distritos del Perú : San Borja |
San Borja Birth certificate, San Borja Death certificate |
San Borja Demography
Information on the people and the population of San Borja.
San Borja Population | 111,928 inhabitants |
San Borja Population Density | 11,192.8 /km² (28,989.2 /sq mi) |
San Borja Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of San Borja.
San Borja Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -12.1072, Longitude: -76.9992 12° 6′ 26″ South, 76° 59′ 57″ West |
San Borja Area | 1,000 hectares 10.00 km² (3.86 sq mi) |
San Borja Altitude | 145 m (476 ft) |
San Borja Climate | Arid (Köppen climate classification: BWk) |
San Borja Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between San Borja and the biggest cities of Peru.
Lima 8 km | San Juan de Lurigancho 9 km | San Martin de Porres 11 km |
Ate 13 km | Comas 18 km | Villa El Salvador 14 km |
Villa Maria Del Triunfo 9 km | Ventanilla 30 km | Callao 15 km |
San Juan de Miraflores 7 km closest | Los Olivos 15 km | Puente Piedra 28 km |
San Borja Map
Locate simply the city of San Borja through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
San Borja Nearby cities and villages
Surquillo 2.8 km | San Luis 3.5 km | Miraflores 3.7 km |
San Isidro 4 km | Lince 4.4 km | Santiago de Surco 4.4 km |
Barranco 5.3 km | La Victoria 5.8 km | Jesus Maria 6.5 km |
El Agustino 6.8 km | San Juan de Miraflores 7.4 km | Chorrillos 7.4 km |
San Borja Zone
Time zone of San Borja.
San Borja Local time | |
San Borja Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/Lima) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
San Borja Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of San Borja.
San Borja Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to San Borja.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
31 December | 11:46 - 18:11 - 00:36 | 11:23 - 00:59 | 10:56 - 01:26 | 10:28 - 01:54 |
1 January | 11:47 - 18:11 - 00:36 | 11:24 - 00:59 | 10:56 - 01:26 | 10:28 - 01:54 |
2 January | 11:47 - 18:12 - 00:36 | 11:24 - 00:59 | 10:57 - 01:27 | 10:29 - 01:54 |
3 January | 11:48 - 18:12 - 00:37 | 11:25 - 01:00 | 10:57 - 01:27 | 10:30 - 01:55 |
4 January | 11:48 - 18:13 - 00:37 | 11:25 - 01:00 | 10:58 - 01:27 | 10:30 - 01:55 |
5 January | 11:49 - 18:13 - 00:37 | 11:26 - 01:00 | 10:59 - 01:28 | 10:31 - 01:55 |
6 January | 11:49 - 18:14 - 00:38 | 11:26 - 01:01 | 10:59 - 01:28 | 10:32 - 01:55 |
San Borja Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in San Borja classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Palmetto Hotel Lima Palmetto Hotel offers room with free Wi-Fi and flat-screen TVs in Lima. Breakfast and free parking are provided. The electric train is a 5-minute walk away. Fully carpeted, rooms at Palmetto feature air conditioning... view more | from $US 98 | |
Apartment rent Lima Peru Lima Modern, self-catering accommodation with free Wi-Fi is available at Apartment for Rent in Lima Peru, only a 2-minute walk from Angamos train stop. Ricardo Palma University and Larcomar Shopping Mall are a 15-minute drive away... view more | from $US 60 | |
New Corpac Hotel Lima Situated in the peaceful San Isidro neighborhood, New Corpac offers elegant suites with free Wi-Fi 15 km from Jorge Chavez Airport. The classical restaurant serves fusion Japanese and Peruvian cuisine... view more | from $US 72 | |
Business Tower Hotel - Boutique Concept Lima Business Tower Hotel - Boutique Concept offers stylish modern accommodation in South Lima. All its rooms are equipped with Queen or King size beds, 42-inch LCD TVs and a hydro-massage shower... view more | from $US 102 | |
Casa Dali Hospedaje Lima Comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi are offered in Lima. La Rambla, the city's commercial area is 1 km away. A daily buffet breakfast can be enjoyed daily in the garden. La Cultura Subway station is 1 km away... view more | from $US 35 | |
More Hotels » |
San Borja Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in San Borja and its surroundings.
Centro de Educación Especial Ricardo Palma 1.5 km | Instituto Geográfico Nacional 2 km | Ministerio de Industria y Turismo 2 km |
Ministerio del Interior 2.1 km | Centro de Educación Especial San Agustín 2.9 km | Centro de Educación Especial Alfonso Ugarte 3.2 km |
Trebol Javier Prado 3.2 km | Cerro San Cosme 3.3 km | Pampa Cascajal 3.4 km |
Puente Benavides 3.4 km | Cerro Monterrico 3.6 km | Ovalo Gutierrez 3.9 km |
Centro de Educación Especial Melitón Carbajal 4 km | Playa Estrella 4.2 km | Cerro Pamplona 4.2 km |
Parque Unión Panamericana 4.4 km | Plaza Moraes Barros 4.4 km | Playa Miraflores 4.4 km |
Malecón Cisneros 4.5 km | Cerro Agustino 4.5 km | Playa Cascadas 4.5 km |
Centro de Educación Especial Pedro A. Labarthe 4.6 km | Puente Atocongo 4.8 km | Puente Trebol 4.8 km |
Cuartel San Martín 4.8 km | Centro de Educación Especial Isabel La Católica 4.9 km | Playa Barranco 5 km |
Playa La Pampilla 5 km | Cerro Centinela 5 km | Malecón La Marina 5 km |
San Borja Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | San Borja /5 (2021-04-08 12:57:50) |