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San Martin de Porres Administration
San Martin de Porres Code | 150135 |
San Martin de Porres Mayor | Julio Chávez Chiong |
San Martin de Porres Contact info
Want to contact the Administration of San Martin de Porres? Here are all the details of San Martin de Porres available below.
San Martin de Porres Postal address | Av. Alfredo Mendiola N° 179 San Martin de Porres Perú |
San Martin de Porres Phone number | (01) 200-2500 International: +51 1 200-2500 |
San Martin de Porres Email address | Not available |
San Martin de Porres Website | |
Other information | Ciudades y Distritos del Perú : San Martin de Porres |
San Martin de Porres Birth certificate, San Martin de Porres Death certificate |
San Martin de Porres Demography
Information on the people and the population of San Martin de Porres.
San Martin de Porres Population | 700,177 inhabitants |
San Martin de Porres Population Density | 19,449.4 /km² (50,373.6 /sq mi) |
San Martin de Porres Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of San Martin de Porres.
San Martin de Porres Geographical coordinates | Latitude: -12.0303, Longitude: -77.0572 12° 1′ 49″ South, 77° 3′ 26″ West |
San Martin de Porres Area | 3,600 hectares 36.00 km² (13.90 sq mi) |
San Martin de Porres Altitude | 111 m (364 ft) |
San Martin de Porres Climate | Arid (Köppen climate classification: BWh) |
San Martin de Porres Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between San Martin de Porres and the biggest cities of Peru.
Lima 3 km closest | San Juan de Lurigancho 5 km | Ate 15 km |
Comas 8 km | Villa El Salvador 24 km | Villa Maria Del Triunfo 19 km |
Ventanilla 19 km | Callao 8 km | San Juan de Miraflores 18 km |
Los Olivos 5 km | Puente Piedra 18 km | Santiago de Surco 14 km |
San Martin de Porres Map
Locate simply the city of San Martin de Porres through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
San Martin de Porres Nearby cities and villages
Breña 3 km | Lima 3.3 km | Rimac 3.6 km |
Independencia 3.7 km | Los Olivos 4.5 km | Jesus Maria 4.6 km |
Carmen de la Legua Reynoso 4.7 km | La Victoria 4.8 km | San Juan de Lurigancho 5.1 km |
Pueblo Libre 5.4 km | Lince 6.5 km | La Perla 6.8 km |
San Martin de Porres Twin towns, Sister cities
The City of San Martin de Porres has international agreements with its different pairings.
San Martin de Porres Zone
Time zone of San Martin de Porres.
San Martin de Porres Local time | |
San Martin de Porres Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/Lima) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
San Martin de Porres Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of San Martin de Porres.
San Martin de Porres Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to San Martin de Porres.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
15 January | 11:55 - 18:17 - 00:40 | 11:32 - 01:03 | 11:05 - 01:29 | 10:38 - 01:57 |
16 January | 11:55 - 18:18 - 00:40 | 11:33 - 01:03 | 11:06 - 01:29 | 10:39 - 01:57 |
17 January | 11:56 - 18:18 - 00:40 | 11:33 - 01:03 | 11:06 - 01:30 | 10:39 - 01:57 |
18 January | 11:56 - 18:18 - 00:40 | 11:34 - 01:03 | 11:07 - 01:30 | 10:40 - 01:57 |
19 January | 11:57 - 18:19 - 00:40 | 11:34 - 01:03 | 11:08 - 01:30 | 10:41 - 01:57 |
20 January | 11:57 - 18:19 - 00:40 | 11:35 - 01:03 | 11:08 - 01:30 | 10:41 - 01:57 |
21 January | 11:58 - 18:19 - 00:40 | 11:35 - 01:03 | 11:09 - 01:30 | 10:42 - 01:56 |
San Martin de Porres Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in San Martin de Porres classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
La Casa de Arturo Lima Practical rooms with free Wi-Fi are offered in Lima, only a 5-minute walk to Metropolitano Bus Station. A daily continental breakfast is offered. Featuring a shower, rooms at La Casa de Arturo have private bathrooms and include linen... view more | from $US 30 | |
Hostal Victor - Lima Airport Hostel Lima Hostal Victor offers practical city accommodation in the north of Lima, less than 10 minutes by car from Jorge Chavez Airport. It has burgundy painted exteriors, free Wi-Fi and complimentary on site parking. Airport shuttles are provided... view more | from $US 35 | |
Hotel Sauna Acuarius Lima Hotel Sauna Acuarius is located in San Martín de Porres, 3 km from Plaza Norte and Mega Plaza shopping centres. Free Wi-Fi access is available. Rooms here will provide you with a private bathroom with shower and a TV... view more | from $US 13 | |
Hostal Bonbini Lima Practical rooms with free Wi-Fi are offered in Lima, 200 metres from the Government Palace. There are complimentary Spanish lessons and Jorge Chavez Airport is a 30-minute drive. Hostal Bonbini has rooms with TVs and private bathrooms with showers... view more | from $US 48 | |
Hostal Vladis II Lima Located 200 metres from España Metropolitana train station and 1 km from Plaza de Armas square, Hostal Vladis II offers free Wi-Fi and free parking. The rooms in Hostal Vladis II feature a private bathroom with shower and a TV... view more | from $US 23 | |
More Hotels » |
San Martin de Porres Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in San Martin de Porres and its surroundings.
Universidad de Medicina Cayetano Heredia 1.2 km | Hospital del Rimac 1.4 km | Estadio San Martín de Porras 1.6 km |
Señal La Milla 1.8 km | Cuartel Rímac 1.8 km | Puente del Ejércto 1.8 km |
Cerro La Milla 1.9 km | Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria 2.1 km | Plaza Ramón Castilla 2.1 km |
Plaza Dos de Mayo 2.3 km | Coliseo Amauta 2.4 km | Hospital A. Loayza 2.4 km |
Centro de Educación Especial Hipólito Unanue 2.5 km | Universidad Nacional Villarreal 2.6 km | Puente Santa Rosa 2.9 km |
Centro de Educación Especial Ricardo Bentin 2.9 km | Pampa de Amancaes 3 km | Centro de Educación Especial Guadalupe 3.1 km |
Centro de Educación Especial Mariano Melgar 3.1 km | Plaza San Martín 3.4 km | Palacio de Gobierno 3.4 km |
Plaza Francisco Bolognesi 3.5 km | Huaca Mateo Salado 3.5 km | Cerro Arrastre Baja 3.6 km |
Estadio San Marcos 3.7 km | Universidad San Marcos 3.7 km | Palacio de Justicia 3.8 km |
Plaza de La Bandera 3.8 km | Hospital del Niño 3.8 km | Ministerio de Educación 3.9 km |
San Martin de Porres Page
Direct link | |
---|---| | San Martin de Porres /5 (2021-04-08 12:57:50) |