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Shangqiu Demography
Information on the people and the population of Shangqiu.
Shangqiu Population | 14,625,072 inhabitants |
Shangqiu Population Density | 1,373.6 /km² (3,557.7 /sq mi) |
Shangqiu Geography
Geographic Information regarding City of Shangqiu.
Shangqiu Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 34.3502, Longitude: 115.632 34° 21′ 1″ North, 115° 37′ 55″ East |
Shangqiu Area | 1,064,700 hectares 10,647.00 km² (4,110.83 sq mi) |
Shangqiu Altitude | 40 m (131 ft) |
Shangqiu Climate | Humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cwa) |
Shangqiu Distance
Distance (in kilometers) between Shangqiu and the biggest cities of China.
Shangqiu Map
Locate simply the city of Shangqiu through the card, map and satellite image of the city.
Shangqiu Zone
Time zone of Shangqiu.
Shangqiu Local time | |
Shangqiu Time zone | UTC +8:00 (Asia/Shanghai) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Shangqiu Weather
Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Shangqiu.
Shangqiu Sunrise and sunset
Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Shangqiu.
Day | Sunrise and sunset | Twilight | Nautical twilight | Astronomical twilight |
20 January | 00:21 - 05:28 - 10:35 | 23:54 - 11:02 | 23:24 - 11:32 | 22:54 - 12:02 |
21 January | 00:21 - 05:28 - 10:36 | 23:54 - 11:02 | 23:23 - 11:33 | 22:53 - 12:03 |
22 January | 00:20 - 05:29 - 10:37 | 23:54 - 11:03 | 23:23 - 11:34 | 22:53 - 12:04 |
23 January | 00:20 - 05:29 - 10:38 | 23:53 - 11:04 | 23:23 - 11:35 | 22:53 - 12:05 |
24 January | 00:19 - 05:29 - 10:39 | 23:53 - 11:05 | 23:22 - 11:36 | 22:52 - 12:06 |
25 January | 00:19 - 05:29 - 10:40 | 23:52 - 11:06 | 23:22 - 11:37 | 22:52 - 12:06 |
26 January | 00:18 - 05:29 - 10:41 | 23:52 - 11:07 | 23:21 - 11:38 | 22:52 - 12:07 |
Shangqiu Hotel
Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Shangqiu classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.
Bozhou Xinguidu Business Hotel Bozhou Bozhou Xinguidu Business Hotel is located opposite China Chinese Herb Transaction Centre. It houses a business centre and accommodation with free wired internet access... view more | from Ұ 138 | |
Jinjiang Inn - Heze Coach Station Heze A 10-minute walk from Heze’s commercial district, Jinjiang Inn - Heze Coach Station offers budget accommodation with free internet access and private bathrooms. It features free private parking and ticket service... view more | from Ұ 144 | |
Jingui New Century Hotel Guoyang Jingui New Century Hotel is located in the heart of the historic Guoyang County, the hometown of Lao Tzu. It features spacious rooms with free internet access. On-site parking is free... view more | from Ұ 240 | |
Jinling Kouzi International Hotel Huaibei Huaibei Located in the centre of Huaibei, Jinling Kouzi International Hotel Huaibei is a 15-minute drive from the scenic Xiangshan Park. It features a fitness centre and rooms with free wired internet... view more | from Ұ 518 | |
Kaifeng Huaihuang International Youth Hostel Kaifeng Only a 6-minute drive from Da Xiangguo Temple, Kaifeng Huaihuang International Youth Hostel features affordable dormitory rooms and private guestrooms. It offers a tour desk, a library and a shared lounge... view more | from Ұ 40 | |
More Hotels » |
Shangqiu Nearby
Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Shangqiu and its surroundings.
Shangqiu Page
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