1. DB-City
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  3. Currency
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  5. Costa Rican colón

Costa Rican colón Information

ISO 4217CRC (188)
Costa Rican colón Currency sign

Costa Rican colón Exchange rate (28 March 2022)

Here are the current exchange rate of Costa Rican colón with other current major currency.

€ 1= ₡ 718.76614₡ 1 = € 0.001391
$US$US 1= ₡ 640.839996₡ 1 = $US 0.00156
£UK£UK 1= ₡ 858.330714₡ 1 = £UK 0.001165
C$C$ 1= ₡ 501.756468₡ 1 = C$ 0.001993
$AU$AU 1= ₡ 462.496712₡ 1 = $AU 0.002162
¥JP¥JP 1= ₡ 5.544324₡ 1 = ¥JP 0.180365

Costa Rican colón Country

List of countries with Costa Rican colón as its official currency.

Costa Rican colón Page

Direct link
Costa Rican colón Data (2018)
  • Country : 1
  • Area : 51,100 km²
  • Population : 5,024,000
  • Population Density : 98.3 /km²
  • Length of coastline : 1,290 km²