Sierra Leonean leone Information
ISO 4217 | SLL (694) |
Sierra Leonean leone Exchange rate (28 March 2022)
Here are the current exchange rate of Sierra Leonean leone with other current major currency.
€ | € 1= SLL 12,967.57468 | SLL 1 = € 0.0 |
$US | $US 1= SLL 11,561.675 | SLL 1 = $US 0.0 |
£UK | £UK 1= SLL 15,485.520277 | SLL 1 = £UK 0.0 |
C$ | C$ 1= SLL 9,052.408154 | SLL 1 = C$ 0.00011 |
$AU | $AU 1= SLL 8,344.105707 | SLL 1 = $AU 0.00012 |
¥JP | ¥JP 1= SLL 100.027574 | SLL 1 = ¥JP 0.009997 |
Sierra Leonean leone Country
List of countries with Sierra Leonean leone as its official currency.
Sierra Leonean leone Page
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